Podcast 759: Tiny Habits with BJ Fogg

We are all headed into the New Year with aspirations of doing something new, changing a pattern and improving our lives in one way or another.  While these are all great aspirations, we know statistically that many of us will fail in our attempts to change patterns that do not serve us or to make any kind of significant change in our lives at all.  How would you like this year to be different?

Well it can be a reality,  and my guest on this podcast is the author and behavioral scientist that can help you make sustainable changes to your life, his name if BJ Fogg and his new book is entitled “Tiny Habits-The Small Changes that Change Everything“. BJ has studied human behavior at Stanford for over 20 years so his techniques and advice are really quite invaluable, and he also speaks from his own personal experiences with weight control as just one area of his life he has had sustainable, permanent changes for the better.

Tiny Habits explains how human behavior works in general, framed in terms of the Fogg Behavior Model, which states that behavior happens when three elements come together at the same moment: motivation, ability and a prompt. B=MAP. This model is easy to learn and easy to apply to everyday life.   When something is easy to do, we don’t need much motivation to do it. There are not tricks here, no weird fads. It’s basic science, and this is the first time this has been shared in print anywhere in Tiny Habits.

If you want to learn more about BJ’s new book Tiny Habits and his free habit building toolkit, just click here and pre-order the book from Amazon. You can also join his 5 day program to to build habits by clicking here. I hope you will take advantage if his really great offer and get the book, you will be glad that you started off your New Year with a tool that will make a difference in your life.

I know you are going to enjoy this engaging, informative and inspirational interview with author and behavioral scientist BJ Fogg about his new book “Tiny Habits“.

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