Podcast 732: Lifescale with Brian Solis

As much as we multitask and we are lovers of our devices and feel like we’re in control, deep down we know that something is off. Shortened attentions spans, declines in critical thinking, lack of sleep, self-doubt, and decreased creativity are just some of the effects coming to light in an age of digital distraction. However we might define success and happiness, our ability to make progress toward those goals has gone astray.

“It’s time to reclaim our lives. It’s time to take control” according to Brian Solis the author of his eighth books and a digital anthropologist who came to his own awakening by writing this book  entitled “Life Scale – How to Live a more Creative, Productive, and Happy Life.

In my interview with Brian we navigate much of what he refers to as  “Life Scale” and the areas of focus related to Life Scaling such as realizing, awakening, refocusing, believing, reconsidering, reorienting, values, purpose, liberation, silence, energization, diving in and visualizing. All of these elements make up content that is presented in a compelling and unique way for the reader to easily understand, work with and make important life changing decisions.

The life scaling journey is not about the finish line, it is about being a continuous learner by applying new ways of knowing, loving yourself, and what truly matters to you on your life scaling adventure. As you move through each step of this process, you’re charting a path that will keep sparking your imagination and inspiring brighter futures and meaningful outcomes.  Creativity becomes the stuff of your life. It’s how to think. It’s what you see in front of you, what you imagine and in your mind’s eye.  It’s how you express yourself.

If you are on your own Life Scaling adventure and are questioning your life and purpose, then you will certainly want to listen to my podcast with author and digital anthropologist Brian Solis.  His podcast with me is engaging, informative and will most certainly alter the course of your life if you take the steps that Brain advocates in his book “Life Scale”.

Enjoy the great interview and for more information about the book and some free resources please click here.

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