Podcast 502: BOLD: How To Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact The World with Steven Kotler

I recently interviewed my good friend and awesome author Steven Kotler.  Steven has co-authored another book with Peter Diamandis which pushes the needle, and really gets the reader to think and take action.  BOLD: How To Go Big, Create Wealth and Impact The World instructs the reader on the new exponential growth  in technologies and how to play the game with the best of the best.  As Bill Clinton states ” This book is a visionary roadmap for people who believe they can change the world–and offers invaluable advice about bringing together the partners and technologies to help them do it.”  

In my interview with Steven we discuss the current technologies which are revolutionizing how we work and function as a society.  We talk about everything from 3D printers to the advancement in robotics and artificial intelligence.  These technologies and many others will shape the world as we know it, and the best part about the development of these technologies is that it is moving faster and faster, and we can all play in the game if we choose.  I must admit I have never felt so encouraged after an interview as I did with my interview with Steven– these are exciting times we live in; and BOLD is a must read for anyone wanting to make a difference in our world.

BOLD provides an easy to follow roadmap because it is divided into three parts: BOLD Technologies, BOLD Mindset and BOLD Crowd.  These are the three fundamentals that the authors state are required to create change and participate in the exponential revolution in new technologies.  It is also loaded with great stories from the leaders in the industry, Larry Page, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, Elon Musk and others.  I highly recommend this book it is chock a block “full” with advice, stories and practical applications on how to proceed to become a BOLD leader in the technology revolution.

If you want more information about Steven Kotler and his Flow Genome Project please click here, if you want to receive his newsletter just click the link.  A great video about the book, click here.  I hope you enjoy my interview with Steven Kotler.

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