Dr. Craig MartinI had a lot of fun interviewing Dr. Craig Martin the author of “Elemental Love Styles“.  In his book people find and understand the deeper needs through the four natural elements which represent the human personality types: Fire (creative and enthusiastic) Air, (communicative and social), Water (emotional and intuitive) and Earth (practical and grounded).

Dr. Craig  guides the reader through an understanding of the elements, and how this effect your relationships.  He states that each person is a reflection of the elements found in nature.  Because the elements exist inside us as well as outside us, we don’t just go out in the elements; we live in them.  They are part of us.

Dr. Craig has a very simple 44 question questionnaire which assist the reader in determining their personal elemental style. Once you have determined your style the book does a great job of providing stories and examples of how your particular elemental style relates to the other elemental styles.  With this information you are ready to better understand, communicate and find a type that is better suited toward your personality type.

In our interview together Dr. Craig and I discuss what he refers to as “true intimacy”.  All relationships need intimacy, but what is true intimacy.  True intimacy is getting to know someone and having that person get to know you–and I mean more that knowing your name and what you do for a living. Getting to know each other means finding out how you affect each other. Intimacy is about openness with truth.   Dr Craig explains when we have this kind of intimacy, we have the likelihood of have a much deeper, loving and compassionate relationship which will last.
Dr. Craig also states that one of intimacy’s major components is dynamic inner growth or DIG.  DIG is about making better choices.  It enables your relationship to work out better.  A lasting relationship is one where you are going to have to work it out.  You can’t run, blame, or become immobilized by fear.

So if you are interested in learning more about the “Elemental Love Styles” so that you can better understand your partner, then I highly recommend reading Dr. Craig’s book.  It is one of those books where you have an aha not only about yourself, but about the people you love.  If you would like more information please visit Dr. Craig’s website by clicking here.

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