Jason FriedI thoroughly enjoyed my interview with author Jason Fried and founder of 37 Signals.  I have been a raving fan of his company’s software products for several years now.

37 Signals makes such great products as Highrise, Basecamp, Campfire and Backpack.  These subscription based services help the business owners organize and run their business more smoothly and effectively, (for more information on this business application software go to www.37Siginals.com).

Jason has co-authored this new book, “Rework“,  with his partner, David Hansson.  “Rework” is one of the best and most practical business books I have ever read. More importantly  Rework has been categorized as a business book, but it really  is no-nonsense advice, ideas, tools and practical applications to help anyone run both their personal and business lives with more sanity.

Jason’s motto is, “It’s simple until you make it complicated“. That statement really sums up what Rework is all about.  How to simplify and conserve energy so that you can be the most productive while still having fun.

In my interview we discuss the simple concept of embracing the idea of having less mass, which refers to the concept of not acquiring additional baggage, as you build your business.  Keep your contracts, inventory, people and staff to a minimum.  Keep your business streamlined, don’t get it over complicated and overweight with the complexities that businesses seem to acquire as they grow and prosper.  Keep lean, don’t get fat!

Jason says that less is a good thing, and that constraints are advantages in disguise. Limited resources force you to make do with what you’ve got.  I always heard the statement, “do what you can with what you got now.”

Many business owners, and especially in our current economic environment, are complaining about lack and limitation.  If you follow the advice of Jason,  you will probably look back at these economic times as an opportunity to be the most resourceful and creative, and probably come up with some awesome breakthrough ideas.

I can’t say enough about this book.  It truly is a must read for anyone in business or getting ready to start a business who wants sound practical advice on ways to control your destiny.  This book encourages you to take an introspective look at how you best should run your life and your business.

If you want to learn more about Rework and Jason Fried, I have provided several links to videos with additional information about Jason’s philosophy and a smart creative video that will touch your funny bone .

Big Think video

Rework Video’s

So do yourself a favor and get a copy of Rework, you will be glad that you did.

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