
Arjuna ArdaghArjuna Ardagh is the author of this new book entitled, “Leap Before You Look“.  He is probably best known for his personal opus work entitled, “The Translucent Revolution“.

In his new book Arjuna provides the reader with insight and practices that help you get out of your mind and into the moment.

Arjuna writes that when we are willing to exchange our life of preoccupation with  “me” and “my needs” for a life given in the service of love itself, of that presence itself, we are faced with an interesting paradox.

On the one side of the paradox, we recognize that everything is perfect just as it is. When the chatter of the mind recedes just a little bit, when the smells, colors, and textures of the world become more immediately felt, we recognize the grace of running through it all. Even in conflict, or in the midst of what we call suffering, if we are really in touch with the pulse of life itself, we can feel the beauty of it all.

On the other side of the paradox, we realize that everything is continuously evolving.  Our human condition, as it is now, is flawed with unconscious habits, addictions, and compulsions. In seeing the gap between who we are today and who we could be, seeing the trickle of gifting that’s coming through us relative to the latent torrent that we intuit, we bow to humility.

In Arjuna’s new book the author guides the reader through practices that open up your consciousness and create an awareness of how we can really be in the world.

Our interview together is enlightening, and Arjuna actually takes me through a practice that created a breakthrough in my own life.  I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to slow down, create greater awareness and become awakened to the gifts that life provides us in each and every moment.

If you would like to learn more about Arjuna Ardagh and the Awakening Coaching Training please click here for more information. His website is loaded with resources for the inquisitive mind.

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