
David Daniels M.D.How many of you are aware of the Enneagram?  I  had been exposed to the concept some time ago, but never really understood the aspects of the Enneagram until my interview with Dr. David Daniels.  He is the expert on the Enneagram and how to utilize it as a tool both personally and professionally.

So just what is it, and how can you use it?  Dr. David Daniels new book entitled, “The Essential Enneagram“, is a wonderful tool that assists the reader in understanding the various personality types that make up the Enneagram.  Dr. Daniels takes the reader through a simple process of identifying  your type and the characteristics associated with your personality type.

The Enneagram is a powerful and dynamic personality system that describes nine distinct and fundamentally different patterns of thinking, feeling and acting.  “Ennea” is Greek for nine and “gram” means a figure or something written.  Each of the nine patterns is based on an explicit perceptual filter and associated driving emotional energy.  These patterns determine what individuals of each personality type pay attention to and how they direct their energy and behavior.

Discovering your Ennegram personal type can help you learn how to bring positive change into your life.  It can help change the way you relate to yourself and others as well as give you a greater understanding of the circumstances and issues facing you.  Moreover, it can give you powerful assistance in integrating the personal and spiritual aspects of your life.

If you would like to learn more about your personality and identifng aspects of your personality that are serving you and others that have the option of changing for the better, then I highly recommending reading Dr. David Daniels new book “The Essential Enneagram”.  It will provide you with useful information to improve your relationships at home and work.    More information about Dr. Daniels and the services that he offers can be obtained by clicking here to access his website.

Enjoy this wonderful interview with a very interesting and knowledgeable man about something that everyone should have knowledge about.

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