Podcast 1129: Intentionality: A Groundbreaking Guide to Breath, Consciousness, and Radical Self-Transformation with Finnian Kelly

In our latest episode, we have Finnian Kelly rejoining us. The last time he was here was on our 927th episode for his program Intentionality Living Guide and now, he’s back featuring his newly released book Intentionality: A Groundbreaking Guide to Breath, Consciousness, and Radical Self-Transformation.

Finnian is a sought-after speaker, executive coach and known as the “Business Mystic” as he has an extraordinary ability to intertwine consciousness with business, guiding leaders to find deeper meaning and purpose. Finnian’s journey to intentionality began with a high-achieving lifestyle that seemed perfect on the surface. However, despite reaching significant milestones—such as building and selling two multimillion-dollar companies—he found himself unfulfilled. This disillusionment led to a pivotal moment of introspection and transformation.

Hitting Rock Bottom and Rebuilding
At 24, Finnian meticulously planned his life with his partner, achieving many of their dreams. They lived in a mansion at a ski resort, were financially independent, and appeared to have it all. Yet, Finnian realized that reaching these goals did not bring the anticipated feelings of worthiness, safety, or love. This led to a profound sense of loss and a dramatic wake-up call.

Amidst this turmoil, Finnian embraced simplicity. He identified 16 basic activities that brought him joy and stability, such as sitting in the sun, walking, meditating, and breathing exercises. These small, intentional actions helped him rebuild his life and prioritize what truly mattered.

Breathwork: A Path to Presence and Healing
Breathwork became a cornerstone of Finnian’s journey. He emphasizes its importance, stating, “Breath represents life. It’s everything.” By focusing on breath, one can connect the conscious and subconscious mind, creating a pathway to presence and intentional living. Finnian’s breathwork techniques enable individuals to break free from automatic, unhelpful behaviors and recode their subconscious minds for better outcomes.

Finnian’s approach aligns with practices like those taught at HeartMath, which focus on heart-brain coherence and emotional regulation. Through breathwork, individuals can access deep emotional layers, release suppressed energy, and integrate past experiences, leading to profound personal growth.

The Intentionality Framework
Finnian’s intentionality framework guides individuals to align their beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors with their true purpose. By focusing on what is true and present, rather than on losses or future anxieties, people can find stability and joy even in uncertain times. This intentional approach allows for a more meaningful and connected life.

For those looking to delve deeper into breathwork, Finnian has developed an app available on iOS and Android, providing easy access to his techniques and practices.

Final Thoughts
Finnian Kelly’s story is a testament to the power of intentionality. By embracing simplicity, presence, and breathwork, he transformed his life and now helps others do the same. His book “Intentionality“, offers valuable insights and practical tools for anyone seeking to live a more purposeful and fulfilling life. Learn more about Finnian and his works by visiting his websites at finniankelly.com or intentionality.com.


You may also refer to the transcripts below for the full transciption (not edited) of the interview.

Greg Voisen
Well, welcome back to Inside Personal Growth. This is Greg Voisen, the host of Inside Personal Growth. You may recognize this gentleman, he did a podcast with us many months ago, we'll put a link to it. But his name is Finnian Kelly. Finnian, this is all about you and his new book, Intentionality. Good day to you.

Finnian Kelly
Thanks so much, Greg, I really enjoyed our last conversation. So, I know that this won't be pre scripted, we're going to allow presents to come through you and you actually you send an intention beforehand and I didn't share my intention. My intention was to be connected to the Universal Mind and allow some insights to come through perhaps I haven't shared before.

Greg Voisen
You know, you're being channeled with these great insights all the time, my friends, so it's just a matter of awakening to them and allowing them to flow. So that's what this is going to be a podcast full of flow and, and good energy. So thank you for that. Well, so for all of my listeners, we're going to be talking about this new book called intentionality. I'm gonna let the listeners know something about you. There's lots of people out there that don't know who you are, they obviously hear your accent and they're gonna Where the hell's this guy from. But he's a sought-after speaker, event facilitator, executive coach, fan and has been dubbed the "Business Mystic" because of his unique ability to put consciousness into business and inspired leaders to find new levels of meaning and purpose through their creative endeavors. As a creator and chief visionary officer of intentionality.com, which is where you can go to learn more about him his courses is breathe, breath work. Finnian built and exited to multimillion dollar companies in the financial services industry. Through the four paths of intentionality framework, Finnian, guides people to be purposeful and aligned in their beliefs, thoughts, behaviors, so that they can feel more love in their life. And it's www intentionality. And I'm gonna spell that out. Because sometimes people can slip up on that, i-n-t-e-n-t-i-o-n-a-l-i-t-y.com intentionality.com. It'll be in the blog as well, again, to pick up this great Hay House book. Well, so Finnian, what are the deals that really, you know, I read your background and being in the Australian military and all the cool things that you did. But you've introduced this book with your personal journey and what seemed like a perfect life and then hitting rock bottom, you know, you've been there, everybody listening has been to rock bottom once, twice, three times. Can you elaborate on the pivotal moment when you realize that you needed to change your approach to living your life? And what really happened for you?

Finnian Kelly
Yeah, so what happened was, I was living a very intentional life. And I was very focused on visions, outcomes, goals, had everything mapped out. And I went through basically a life journey of constantly going to the next thing, the next thing, the next thing. And then one time when I was 24 years old, just met my partner who I was fell in love with. And we sat down and went, alright, let's go on a life journey. Let's, let's write all this down, what will make this the most incredible life and we wrote out a vision, and then we went out after it. Now, funnily enough, we actually achieved vision, we even achieved it in a greater way, we, rather than just selling one company, we sold two, we were living in a mansion in a ski resort in America skiing, lots of lots of days, 100 days a year, we were financially independent, we're in love. We're married all these different elements. However, what we thought would happen once we achieve that state didn't actually happen. Now, I don't know if we really knew what we were hoping to achieve at that place. But I've now reflected, what we were wanting was some form of feeling some form of feeling worthy, or enough or safe, or loving. And unfortunately, it didn't come. And in that moment, when it didn't come, the illusion came crashing down. Because I'd always just lived in this state of when, when I have this when I have this, everything will be better. But unfortunately, well, fortunately, or unfortunately, my when came. So now the illusion had to face it for what it really was. And why identified was it didn't give me what I was hoping for. And I don't think I actually knew what I was hoping for. And in that place, it was so confronting, then I didn't pay attention when then we started just doing more things. We started starting new businesses doing the normal path and a series of events happened, which almost the universe, basically I look back now and it was the universe was trying to give us little signs and going this path of the X Journal, the future is never going to fulfill you. But we weren't paying attention. And eventually, it was just so much at once I it was almost like spirit picked up my soul and smashed it on the ground and went wake up, like, this isn't going to work anymore. And then that moment I, I was devastated, I'd lost financial wealth, I'd lost identity and lost my partner and I was sitting all alone. And I was questioning even how do I get through each day. And one day, I remember saying to myself, I was so disgusted with how I felt in that moment. And I said, I never want to feel like this again. And that was when the light bulb came on.

Greg Voisen
I think it is the operative word. And there's a fellow Australian, Elizabeth, who writes a book feeling forward. She's been on the podcast, and you said this many times in the last three minutes feeling, because really, what we're looking for is the feeling, not the reader with, let's say, you were shooting for all these goals, and all this aspiration to do all these wonderful things. But none of it was making you feel the way you want it to feel any better. You were achieving. And then you say when is enough? Because you said, Hey, let's riff on this podcast, and I'm going to ask most listeners is when is enough? And when are you going to actually get to the feeling? So you get to this pivotal point in your life, you wake up one day, right? And all of a sudden, you're saying I never want to feel this way, again. What's shifted for you. So you didn't have to feel that way again? Well,

Finnian Kelly
great, great awareness. So one was, I looked at my options. And suddenly, the options that I'd always used in the past when I was feeling low, they just weren't available to me anymore. Because I couldn't trick myself. I couldn't say, well, if I make this amount of money, it'll all be better. Because I've done that, if I have this recognition, will make it all feel better. Because I've done that, if I fall in love will make it all feel better, because I've done that as well. So suddenly, I went, well, none of those paths work anymore. So then I just started going well, what path could work? And what could and ultimately, what could I do right now to make myself feel a little bit better. That's what it really came down. I wasn't thinking about the future, the future was too confronting for me. And the past was too daunting for me as well. All I could focus on right now, how do I get through to the end of the day, feeling a little bit better to just give myself a little bit of a break? So, then I'm the big journal. And I reflected, I looked back through my journals and what are things that have made me feel a little bit better? And I wrote down, I just started writing a list. It's sometimes you got to get very basic to have the biggest transformation in your life. And I just started writing lists, I went, what are the things make me feel better? Well, I know if I sit in the sun, I like sun, I go for a walk, I like walks, I do something kind for someone, I meditate, I breathe, I do some movement. And I ended up with 16 things. And and these, this list saved me and I just went okay, what is the easiest thing for me to do right now out of those 16. And I went, Well, I have a big window, and it looks sunny outside, I can take five steps and just go sit outside and let the sun flow in. And I'll sit there. And for a little moment, my mind. Yes, it was been going over and over criticizing judging myself going, how could you do this question. But then I just got a little break. There was a there was a split moment, it could have been just a little moment where I forgot who I was. And I was just embracing the sun. And I went well, that felt nice. And then I started going what's the next easiest thing I could do? Well, I've got a phone here, I could call a friend and just have a chat with him. And I started identifying if I did five of these I felt okay, if I did 10 of these a day, I actually felt okay, when I went to bed now then I'd wake up the next morning, I remember who I was, and all my problems. And I'd go through the process again. And eventually, I did start feeling better. Because what I was doing was prioritizing what really mattered to me right now.

Greg Voisen
You created a new pathway for you. In other words, you created a new habit, you know, you just kept doing these 16 things over and over and over again. So they got ingrained in your DNA. What I'd ask you though, because you know, there's a lot of listeners out there today. We're, we're living in interesting times, very interesting times now. Now, from a standpoint of historically, have we experienced stuff like we are today? I don't know, because I didn't live back then. But what I've read, is it some of those times back then were even more daunting than what we're having now as with relation to what people had to deal with. But my sense is, is that people Binion from where I you know, I sit doing podcast after podcast listening to great authors talk about their books. There's like this, if you're standing on a beach and a wave comes in and the sand moves out from underneath your feet. Okay, and you don't feel secure people are like how do I put my hands around? This amorphous thing that's happening me I can't predict my future, I can't just like you were talking about all the challenges that you faced, right? It was like, I lost everything, I lost my love, I lost my life, I lost my business, I lost loss, I think people are feeling this sense of that sand is moving. It's very unsteady and very uncertain. And as human beings, we want to be in that certainty. We want to be in that predictability. How is it that you would advise somebody to say, be okay, knowing that you can't predict it, and be intentional in the moment to love where you are now? How do you do that?

Finnian Kelly
Yeah, so there's a few things. So, when we reflect on our story of our life, when people talk about the hardships, and we, and we say, Would you would you change your life, they would always reflect and go, You know what, even though it was really hard, I would never have given that up. Because that enabled me to grow, I learned these things and put me in this different state. So with that knowledge that generally in the future, you're going to look back and go, Oh, yeah, that actually was one of the best things that happened for me, couldn't we flip the script in the present moment and go, this is happening for me, not to me, like here's the moment of opportunity, doesn't mean it won't be challenging or unpleasant, but experience with it will be very different. So that's, that's one. Another part of it is to focus on what is true, and what do we have rather than what we're losing. So when we come back to the present moment, and we're connected to our breath, one of the great ways we're feeling ourselves rooted to the ground, we're feeling that electromagnetic field with the rod flooding through us, we're feeling the connection to the Universal Mind. We start realizing we're here we're alive, magic is happening. I'm just breathing in it's just automatically happening all of this actually, there's nothing to be feeling that worried about right now. Like it's the mind that takes us out of the present moment and creates his future scenarios or, or regrets over the past. So that's, that's another element.

Greg Voisen
And then you do you do not to intersect and assert here but I have this question around the breath work this mind body spirit connection. I want you to get into explaining the intentionality that breath work in our in our ability to improve our overall well being. But I remember reading somewhere, you know, Bruce Cryer is a really good friend of mine. And I'm doing a course with him right now. And he used to be the CEO of heart mouth. And I remember reading about you and HeartMath. Okay, so what I'm looking at here is to take a deeper dive with my audience on breath work, they've probably heard it, some may have experienced it. I've watched your videos at your website, you are really, really good at leading people through this. There's now studios, people who go to to do breath work and like, you know, 45 minutes, right? So explain why this breath work to you. Because you mentioned five minutes ago that you went outside your door, and you sat there and you closed your eyes and you breathe. Now, prior to that, I would assume in the military, you maybe got some training around breath work as well. So you'd been exposed to this before because if you're a high performing military person, you'd get that. Tell tell us what it's all about. Why are you so intense about wanting to teach people this technique? And what is it going to do for my listeners.

Finnian Kelly
So, breath, breath represents life. Think about it, first baby comes out, takes a breath. It's like, oh, my baby's alive, beautiful. And then if you've witnessed anyone cross, and that breath goes out, it's also another moment where it's like, oh, that's end of this life cycle. And in between, we're expanding, you're attracting. And the one thing that we can't live without, for the shortest amount of time is breadth. So it's everything. It's also everyone has access to it. So I love anything, that we don't have to rely on the external or anything that has to cost money. I want to rely on things that we innately have to us, and I believe this beautiful divine intelligence gave everything we need to so breath is there. We also look at the nature of the breath. It's, it's a really interesting part of our body, the subconscious, or the autonomic system automatically drives it like we don't have to think about the breathing, but the breath just happens. However, unlike other faculties of the body, we can also consciously change it by just through our attention. I can go you know what I want more energy, I'm going to upregulate I want to relax, I'm going to breathe out slower. So there's an interesting connection between the conscious and the subconscious minds. And that's really what we're trying to do in life is getting alignment between the conscious and the subconscious minds, but a lot of the time we're working against each other. So the breath what a does it all matter? puts us in this place, or does it puts us in this place of presence, where we have this opportunity to suspend the automatic behavior from the program. Because some of these programs, some are working really well for us, but often they're not. They're most narrative which is, which are driving undesirable outcomes in our life, and the nature of the subconscious that drives 95% of our daily thoughts and behaviors. So it really determines the quality of our life. So that breath, what it does is when we take a breath, we drop into the present moment, and it creates a little gap, a little bit of suspension, where we get to observe, what is the automatic program about to do with our conscious awareness? And we can decide is that going to service? And is that going to lead to the desired feelings we want? Or do we need to override the program with conscious awareness, and that's becoming conscious, really, that's waking up to go? Ah, I don't actually have to do that just the grid of the programs, like wanting me to do that I have the ability to override it. So what is its liberation, its freedom. Its, its

Greg Voisen
does it does it not also open up just for purposes. So my listeners get this, you know, when you do kind of somatic breathing, and you go in, you can go to some very, very deep levels, and you actually get past life, kind of almost regressions. In other words, you don't really need to take LSD anymore, and microdose. Because the new thing is what you're teaching, this literally does take you on a really good trip. But it also can take you on a trip down a path where a lot of emotion gets released about baggage you're carrying around stuff. Speak about that a little bit, because I'm sure this happens in your classes. Definitely. And I want you to mention also, the application you've created to allow people to have easy access to breath work. It's in iOS and Android. So we'll put a link to that as well for the listeners, but mention that that app as well,

Finnian Kelly
certainly. So what we're focusing on doing becoming more awake is to recode the subconscious. So it's working for us rather than against us. There's two ways to recode the subconscious. One is through repetition, which is the daily behaviors connecting the feelings, which are going to imprint on to the subconscious, and it creates a habit, that's one way and the breath is always the answer the breath is the entry to go, Ah, I'm going to override the old behavior by suspending the breath and act in the new behavior. That's one way it's a bit more mechanical, it requires more will. And it's the repetitive practice. The other way is what I call energy interventions. How is the subconscious program formed in the first place, it was from a strong enough feeling which the subconscious took us to be true. And effectively, energy got suppressed. And then over time, we we keep working that same belief loop and it gets builds over time. So sometimes that energy is so blocked, that we need to use a lot of energy to go down and excavate it and bring it back up. And breath is once again, in a very intentional way, we can use that by bringing a lot of breath into.

Greg Voisen
Unconscious pattern for interrupting, but you said belief loop, some people have never heard that. So what you're doing is you're breaking the cycle of that breed belief loop through the bat breathwork. You know, we talked about people who tap tapping, you know, so the point is, you are trying to go back to the days of Tony Robbins in neuro linguistic programming with rubber bands on the wrist, right? So I mean, I'm old enough to recall going to workshops of his we'd put rubber bands and we'd twing them against our arms. In this case, you're using the breath, which you say is totally free, which it is you don't need an extra device or whatever. And you literally break that belief loop. Is that correct?

Finnian Kelly
That's right. So what is a belief loop beliefs are formed in our subconscious. They get created through a strong emotion, a feeling imprints on a belief and then eventually the subconscious goes, Okay, I'll create a program to protect you or create more of that in your life, then those beliefs, then send up information to the conscious mind through thoughts. And then we act on those thoughts through behaviors, which then results in an outcome which results in a feeling which generally reaffirms the belief cycle to start with. And that's why I believe speed, like gets stronger over time. So what we need to do is we need to go in and first bring awareness what is even down in our subconscious, most people have no idea what their beliefs are, and we go in and then we use the breath to have this experience where we're dislodging the energy and then effectively, we're allowing things to bubble up to the surface. And then we have an opportunity to to integrate the emotions that perhaps we didn't feel safe to in the past or we created a inaccurate representation of past affective bottom in the present moment. And then when we release those feelings, integrate those feelings, then we have an opportunity for the belief loop to loosen, like loosen its charge. And then we can actually recode with new beliefs through positive, strong feelings. So rather than being in a place of a loan sad or anything weeks up driving ourselves with peace, love and joy, and then we create new belief loops. So effectively, we can recode 40 years, for example of one belief in a very intentional 30 minute session. However,

Greg Voisen
we wish you sound like Bruce Lipton,

Finnian Kelly
I love. I referenced Bruce Lipton in the book, then the key is we then have to, we can't just rely on that magically recoding process, because the subconscious is just as impressionable the next day. And we're all over the

Greg Voisen
moon, boot up disk, the boot up disk, right that I put in olden days into the computer, that think of that is kind of the subconscious what was on that disk, you're actually reprogramming it right through what you're doing. And I want to get into this area because your book delves into the energy centers, or chakras in the body as well. All of my listeners have heard about chakras, they understand the crown chakra and all the various shockers, how can balancing these energy centers because these are all centers in our body? contribute to more attentionally and harmonious life? Because, okay, I do yoga, yoga is like I do that, because I'm actually resetting, right? These energy centers, right? But yoga isn't always do you remember George Leonard ITP. So integrative transformative practice was basically if you go back to the whole thing I want to explain just for a second year, he had yoga, meditation, and Tai Chi, all wrapped into one practice for two hours, when you left an ITP practice, you literally felt like you were floating in outer space, it was that good. And so that's the movement. It's the intentionality just like what you're talking, it's the breathing, it's the meditation. So yours, talk with us about aligning these kinds of chakra centers through the techniques that you're using with the breath work. Right?

Finnian Kelly
So when I think of alignment, I think about how do we get all these energy centers working together? And and how are we making sure that we have access to all of them, because I like to think of the lower energy centers, the places from the solar plexus down as the place where it's almost the human experience is the place where the ego loves to hang out. And it's very important for us to have a spiritual experience for us to be super grounded and open. Like, there's a lot of people who claim to be spiritual, but they haven't created a foundation of safety or security, and then your foundations are going to be off then. So we need to make sure that we have, we've opened up these places. And effectively what we're trying to do with the breath, when we think about the diaphragm, the diaphragm is incredibly powerful muscle, which which goes up and down, which enables us to bring more airflow in, a lot of people aren't using their diaphragm very well, they were just breathing up in this shallow area. But we're meant to be opening all of these areas up. What happens is when we, when we use the diaphragm, we're effectively bridging these lower energy centers up into the heart and the heart is the connecting up to the highest self. So we open this up, and we are allow the place of our identity, our personality to connect to our higher self, and we connect in this place. And that's when we can start operating from our higher self. So the diaphragm really is that bridge. And we can also use the breath to bring presence into each energy center and just through our awareness, focusing on it, we can start opening it up and going, Oh, well, I've discovered a blockage here. Something has something has stimulated here where I've gone into scarcity in this area, or I've thought that I need to put a protection barrier over my heart, where the heart doesn't need any protection, the heart is infinite. It's powerful. So effectively, when we have those energy centers opened up and all aligned, that's when we're at our greatest expression where we're both that human element, but we're also the spiritual element as well. And generally, life will just be more easy, more free flowing that place. We're also able to show up better with each other as well. Oh, it's

Greg Voisen
it's funny, and it's like a reboot. And I think many of my listeners understand that, but you do talk about practicing presence. It's really kind of a central theme in the book. And I think for the listeners, you know, I obviously listened to a lot of Eastern philosophical material and I get a lot of people on and, you know, I've been to see the Dalai Lama many times and when you look at him and he laughs He's talking about compassion. And he says you only thing that's gonna kill this world right now. And I think we're looking at ourselves and the other 8 billion people on the planet is going to be compassion. And so how can my listeners cultivate a mindset that prioritizes presence and compassion in this world, which is just full of distractions.

Finnian Kelly
So one of the intentions that I talked about his practice presents over comparison, when we compare, we are putting ourselves into some form of lack, we're comparing against often other people or other situation, but actually where I find that one of the biggest challenges we compare against ourselves, these fantasies of like fantasy versions of ourselves, or visions of who we were in the past. And it doesn't help us with the agency of right now. Like, I go back to my previous story where I was at rock bottom, comparing was killing me comparing me of who I could have been the situation I had, and all it was doing was just making me feel worse, worse and worse. So set out to come back to the present moment and go like, okay, through the breath, connecting what is true, right now I'm alive, I'm healthy. I have opportunity. And in that moment, it gives me a little bit of agency, and it helps me go okay, what can I do right now, which is going to lead me to a better feeling a better direction. So anything that pulls us back into into the present, also, all creation happens in the present, like no creation is ever happened in the future. It's just happening right now. Right? When when we are also the only way to access the universal mind, this infinite intelligence source is in the present moment, because it's just what is happening right now. If I'm focusing on the future, by the nature of that, I'm thinking that means the program is running. So then I'm not able to have any awareness of any insights that come through me. So I'm actually cutting myself off from an incredible intelligence source. So you could either be using a really old computer to process things, or you could be using a quantum computer to process things, you both have access to it. Ai. President, let's use the quite literally, the only presence can use the quantum computer. So question,

Greg Voisen
though, you know, look, we've lived in this, and have been indoctrinated and brainwashed by this linear system, life as a linear, so it's past, present and future. So you say, you know, yesterday's canceled check, tomorrow's a promissory note. So just stay right in the middle, which is present. And you know, Eckhart Tolle obviously talked about that. And Deepak talks about that. And, you know, all of these great writers, in one sense, that's wonderful to speak about it, but the programs are so strong that we're carrying, the only way to break those is to break that belief loop about who we are. And what we're thinking and what we're doing. And you said in this area was, I think this is an important one, because you speak about heart coherence. And it's it's intriguing, explain what it is and how it can be achieved through these intentional practices, and also talk about the universal mind. And its omnipresent nature, because, you know, these go hand in hand really

Finnian Kelly
Yeah, for. So heart coherence is when we actually get our heart and brain working together, then they're both very powerful organs, they're helpful, and so that one is necessarily better than the other, but they need to be working in harmony. We've created this story that our intellect is in our mind, in our brain, that's where everything comes from. But actually, through the Heart Math Institute, they've discovered the heart has a greater awareness, like it actually intuitively knows the question, you're going to ask it for you and ask it like, it just knows its experiences everything. And what it does is at the heart receives the information then sends it up to the brain to process it, and then the brain sends information back to the heart. So what we need to do is make sure they're working together to get to that place. Now. We've also understood that there's a direct link through your psychological state and your physiological state, you can change one by changing the other. So if we're in a very challenged physiological state, like I'm very high tense, high energy, I can just start connecting to the feeling of just lying down under a tree like the psychological thing and I'm actually will feel better. Or if I'm in this mental state, where I'm just looping and I'm criticizing myself, I can just use a downregulated breath, one which activates the parasympathetic nervous system, and longer exhale on the inhale and naturally I'll start calming down certain heart coherence, we actually use both what we do is we start with the physiological we start slowing down our breath, we regulating your breath, a beautiful breath in and out for five seconds. You can even eat elongate the breath out a little bit longer. For us to start doing that, naturally, you'll start feeling a little bit more calm, then we go into a an imaginary state, where we go to a time in our life where we just felt a lot of peace and love and joy. And what's really interesting is, the subconscious can't tell the difference between something happening really, or through your imagination. So when you go to that place, chemicals start getting released, which start relaxing, your oxytocin serotonin start getting released, and you start feeling more relaxed. And in that place, you've now got into a coherent state, when we're in a coherent state. That is the place where we're able to learn the most, we're able to be present the most, it's also where we're able able to allow the intelligence to come through us. So for people who are wanting to study, or who are wanting to be really I use this with, with entrepreneurs and CEOs all the time in a corporate environment, we want to make sure we're in a hot coherent state, before we go into any deal transaction or before, we need to learn something, because that's when we're going to be at our greatest intelligence effectively, because we're not just relying on our intelligence, we have access to the Universal Mind, the nature of the universe of mind, is that it's all knowing or creative in everything, at all times, it's this infinite source of energy could be in the mind of God or the mind of absolute. By the nature of that, that means that it also is in us. And that's where the old saying like you are God, like that's where it comes from. Because if it's in everything, at all times, by nature, and we are manifestations of it means we have to be part of it. So when we connect to that whenever we realize that by criticizing yourself or shaming yourself, that's, that's, that's a lie. Because how can the perfect divine infinite intelligence be anything other than perfect, divine and infinite? So that helps us to connect to our truth, while

Greg Voisen
you're speaking about something that I believe in, and I hope all the listeners out there do. But for years and years in, in religion, not spirituality, there was a division between the two. All right, and while this philosophy has moved forward, what you're speaking for, interestingly, at lightning speed, there are still people out there that have divided this omnipresent essence from who they are. But in essence, we are it I'm gonna let my listeners know I have the same belief. And you have the ability to tap into this. And you know, the heart coherence thing, and Doc children and Bruce Cryer and all that if people want to go to that Heart Math route, they can go down there and look that up but get this book intentionality Most definitely, because this outlines it. The other thing is, is that as we were speaking, I was thinking about flow, because Steven Kotler has been on here 678 times talking about the flow genome. And when you look at these chemicals that are being released, that you just talked about the serotonin and oxytocin and all the rest of things, those are created in this state of flow. It's a great place for lots of creativity to occur and imagination to expand and a good spot where you, you don't recognize any, you know, people that get into the runner's high, they talked about that. So you really, in essence, through intentionality, and through your coursework, you're speaking with our listeners, about how they can tap this and use breath as the central theme point to reprogram, readjust and build a whole new life for themselves, which is more in the present. So look, if you were to leave our listeners with a takeaway from here today, like, Hey, this is the big takeaway. What would that be? Or what would they be? Maybe maybe more than one? And what could you do to assure them that when they do adopt, whatever you're going to tell them? That it works, because I see 1000s of people that have been through your God given you at given through your programs that are giving huge accolades. And I'm here to tell you, I think for my listeners, that finian is the real deal. He's lived it, he's experienced it. He's not just somebody from the outside that's saying, hey, go do this. And we'll do it. He's actually had to figure this out on his own in a lot of rough experiences. And those are the kinds of people that you should be willing to listen to and follow. So what are the takeaways, dude?

Finnian Kelly
All right. So one is that you're born with everything you need to build the life you're searching for, because we all have access to the breadth and the universal mind and they are the two most powerful creative sources. So that's first second is you have contributed, perhaps unconsciously but you have contributed to everything that has happened in your life. Now that can be challenging confronting, because a lot of the time, we're like, wow, that was so, so horrible what happened to me, and we want to be in the victim experience of it. And I definitely was there as well. But it wasn't until I accepted that was the moment that I got liberated, because if I've contributed to everything, it also means that I can change everything. So that was that was a really important part. And then third, what we're searching for when I said you're building the life you're searching for, we're searching for a feeling that's always searching for. So the quicker we start prioritizing those feelings now, the greater our life will be. And I can tell you, it is possible. No one like most people have no idea how incredible life can be. It is magical miracles are being making all the time I spend the last part of the book all about making miracles. And once you start realizing that you actually do have agency and that you can transform yourself. Wow, it's beautiful. It's a beautiful world. So that's what my big thing I leave it for is it's possible. And it's beautiful. And it's available to you.

Greg Voisen
Namaste my friend, very well said for all of my listeners. The book is intentionality, the author is Fini, Cal finian. Kelly. He also has another podcast interview and other books that you can look up as well. But this is an exceptional book, it really takes the years of his work. And it's kind of consolidated into this into this book. So if there's something you wanted to do, and want to do experience with relation to like, leveraging energy, and disciplined and all the things that he's he's actually put it all in this book, then what I'd like you to do is go out and check out his website at finian kelly.com. And look at the people the testimonials, people have their breath, where it's got a fantastic website, and lots of resources. So finian From the standpoint of this podcast, it's over. But I have 59 seconds for you. And what I would like to ask you is a question that we will use on a YouTube short to actually promote this. So this is the part where you this part is still being recorded. But I want you to get somewhat animated, I want to get you somewhat extremely intentional, I want you to set your breath. And I want you to give me something that I just asked you about a takeaway and this case, something that's probably really personal that you remember, that you think could impact the listener in a very short way a story, uh, something that you could say, hey, listeners, this is it. So deep breath. Ah, here we go. Benny, and Kelly on YouTube short.

Finnian Kelly
I didn't want anyone to have to go through what I went through. It was a really challenging time, there was moments where I was questioning everything. And luckily, I had financial resources. I had a community, I had a lot of access to incredible intelligent people that I could learn from. So I got through it. However, it's not the same forever. And so what I've done is distilled seven years of that journey in one book, and it doesn't matter who you are or where you're at in your life, it will apply to you. You can go through the intellect or through the feeling space body. And I promise you that your life can be miraculous and full of love, peace and joy like mine is too.

Greg Voisen
Fantastic! Thank you for tuning in. I appreciate it. And for all of my listeners, here's the book Intentionality, Finnian Kelly, go get a copy of that book.

Finnian Kelly
Thank you for that.

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