Podcast 805: Original Politics- Making America Sacred Again with Glenn Aparicio Parry

Americans are now living through the proverbial “interesting times”–times of danger and uncertainty when there is also opportunity for substantive change. Our government and institutions are in jeopardy of being overturned, but they are also being revealed for what they truly are. The political landscape is as polarized as at any time since the Civil War era and the number of hate crimes has risen. At the same time, there are emergent trends that give us hope, such as more women than ever running for office and winning.

There is not a person in American that is not feeling the tensions from the above description of what is happening in our world.

In my interview with author and thought leader Glen Aparicio Parry the author or ” Original Politics-Making American Sacred Again”  It is with this end in mind that Original Politics was written for the purpose of helping to create a whole and sacred America. To do this, it is necessary to piece together the forgotten fragments of history that are currently keeping the country divided. The most significant forgotten piece is the profound effect Native Americans had on the founding values of this nations.

If you are interested in learning a part of history that is usually not told but is so important in understanding how we could unite again and Make American Sacred Again, then you will want to listen to this interview with author Glenn Aparicio Parry about his new book “Original Politics-Making American Sacred Again

To learn more about the author please click here to be directed to his website.  You can also watch a wonderful book trailer by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy this informative and historic interview with Glenn Aparicio Parry.

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