Larry Senn the author of “Up the Mood Elevator” is one of the most engaging and interesting authors I have interviewed in quite sometime.

As you listen to our interview together you certainly will see why he wrote about moods and living life at your best.  Larry is the co-founder of a organizational consulting firm called Senn Delaney which just merged with Heidrick and Struggles.  The work that Larry has been involved in for the last 40 years has been cultural and personal transformational consulting.  At its core, Larry will tell you that if people don’t change, then the organization has no chance of changing.

His new book “Up the Mood Elevator” is packed solid with profound principles, fascinating concepts and practical tools to improve one’s ride up and down the mood elevator.    As Larry states in our interview once you understand what causes your mood and emotional changes, the better prepared you are to manage them successfully.   I encourage you to listen and learn while Larry Senn and I explore the in and outs , ups and downs of moods and the simple ways we can control our minds to have a better ride on the mood elevator.

I encourage you to visit the “Up the Mood Elevator” book landing page and watch the engaging interview with Larry about his new book.


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