Mike RobbinsIt was a pleasure having Mike Robbins back with us for another podcast. His book entitled “Focus on the Good Stuff-The Power of Appreciation” is a wonderful book about learning how to appreciate the good within.  As simple of a concept that this might sound , it is something that we all need to be reminded of.  I know that many of us are frequently attempting to be more, do more and have more.  The challenge with this thinking is that is limits our focus on the good stuff as Mike says.  We loose sight of appreciating who and what we are, and we are more focused on how we can be better. This persistent focus on always attempting to be better is a proverbial never ending cycle.  Our ego is really good at telling us that we are not good enough.

In Mike’s book we explore the five (5) principles that help us to shift our focus, and accentuate the good. The first of his principles is “Be Grateful”  Gratitude is something that we don’t give ourselves and other enough of. It is always easy to fall into the “woe is me attitude.”  But we usually can find someone worse off than ourselves.

  • Principle #2,  Choose Positive Thoughts and Feelings.  The simplest way to state this principle is that thoughts become things;choose good ones.”
  • Principle #3, Use Positive Words.  I like what Mike points out here from another author Don Miguel Ruiz.  Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using words to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.
  • Principle #4, Acknowledge Others.  Wow! is this an important one.  Is is so much easier to criticize someone than it is to praise and acknowledge.  Look for the good in others, and then take action by acknowledging them for the good you see in them.
  • Principle #5, Appreciate Yourself.  Self Appreciate is difficult.  It is always easy to judge ourselves, but just like in Principle 4 Acknowledge Others we need to acknowledge and appreciate our own abilities, talents and our inherent good.

Mike’s book Focus on the Good Stuff allows you to shift your focus and to look at yourself and others with new eyes.  It shifts your perspective just enough to begin to see the good, and not to dwell on the negative

I encourage all of my listeners to read his book and visit Mike’s website for more useful information and wisdom from someone who has practices these principles in his everyday life. Mike is an amazing example of these principles in action.

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