Podcast 891: Universal Human: Creating Authentic Power and the New Consciousness with Gary Zukav

It was my distinct honor to interview author Gary Zukav again in my podcast.  This is my second interview with Gary, the first was in 2010 for his book entitled Spiritual Partnership-The Journey to Authentic Power. He is back in the show to talk about his new book entitled “Universal Human: Creating Authentic Power and the New Consciousness.”

In this interview  with the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller “The Seat of the Soul,” I was so focused listening to his words of wisdom as we talk about life, power, love and courage.  If you want to be inspired, I encourage you to listen to this engaging interview with author Gary Zukav.

If you want to learn more about Gary and his books, please click here to be directed to his website.  There you will also be able to explore a lot of resources as well as his upcoming live events and programs.


Universal Human gives us new tools to grow spiritually and shows us how to transform everyday experiences of hopelessness, emptiness, and pain into fulfillment, meaning, and joy. It points us toward a startling new destination—a species that is beyond culture, religion, nation, ethnic group, and gender, a species whose allegiance is to Life first and all else second—and shows us how to get there.

Universal Human examines our disintegrating social structures and the new social structures that are replacing them. It shows us a new creation story—our new creation story—as we create it with our choices, our deeds, and our words.



Gary Zukav for years has conveyed the most complex insights in language all can understand. Over and over, he challenges us to see the depth of our potential in the world.. and act on that awareness. His gentle presence, humor, and wisdom have inspired millions to realize their soul’s greatest potential.

A master teacher and author of four consecutive New York Times bestsellers, Gary is dedicated to the unprecedented transformation in human consciousness – an entirely new threshold in the human experience.


You may also refer to the transcripts below for the full transcription (not edited) of the interview.

Greg Voisen
Welcome back to Inside Personal Growth, and I have returning author, Gary Zukav. Joining me from Ashland, Oregon, which we were just reminiscing about Ashland and where I live and so on. And for all of those who don't know Gary the book we're going to be talking about is called Universal Human, and the subtitle is Creating Authentic Power and the New Consciousness. He's also the author of Seat of the Soul. He is the author of many books and Gary. I'm going to let our listeners know a little bit about you. You can find out more about Gary by going to what I would consider to be one of the loveliest websites if you want to see some great pictures it's called the Seat of the Soul institute that seat of the soul.com. There you can learn more about Gary, you can more, Learn more about Linda Francis as well which is his spiritual partner. But Gary for years, has been taking the most complex insights and language for all of us to understand and I just said that to him a minute ago he meets people in the middle. Over and over he challenges us to see the depth of our potential in the world, and act on that awareness. You have got to find through the course of this interview, that Gary's general presence and his humor and his wisdom have inspired millions to realize their soul's greatest potential. Gary's if you want to learn more about Gary as well. You can go to Wikipedia, if you really want to get in depth, but in 79 He wrote the book dancing. Whoo, Master. In 1989, the seat of the soul in 2000 sold stories in 2007 soul to soul communications from the heart and the latest book, universal human. He's a Vietnam vet part of the US special forces in Green Berets in Vietnam. He's won countless awards, and it's just a pleasure having you on. He also was in on the Oprah show where he sold 6 million copies of his books. So Gary, you know, in the previous bestselling books, one being the seat of the soul, and many people have that you call upon the readers to align their personalities with their souls. And in this book universal human. You state that our world is filled with pain, and that our behaviors are driven by notions that power insecurity come through manipulation and control. What is this new era and evolutionary path that you would like to see you're obviously making people aware of what is available to them as universal humans to follow. What does that look like and feel like for you, Gary.

Gary Zukav
I feel at its looks and feels. Similarly to hundreds of millions of people. And that right now. There is an unprecedented epic transformation to human consciousness that's occurring, and it's about a generation old, a human generation so it's not that at all. And within another few generations, everyone will be touched by this consciousness. This consciousness is an expansion of our awareness. It's not a change in what we think or feel is a change in what we can think or feel. It is unprecedented. It is. It has no, no, nothing to compare it with except the genesis of humankind. So that's how big this. This transformation is. And as you acquire this new consciousness wish you don't have to do anything to acquire. It's a gift from the universe. But as you acquire it, you begin to have multi sensory perceptions. So we use that term because the five senses together form a single system whose object of detection is physical reality. We've got another system now makes us multi sensory, so you'll be familiar with much of this or perhaps all of it, Greg, but if you've ever had a thought that you're more than a mind and a body. That's a multi sensory perception. If you've ever had. The hunch or the impulse that the world is not random. It is not just a place where you have good luck or bad luck, but that it's wise, and you can learn about yourself from the world. That's a multi sensory perception. If you've ever looked at the sky at night and had the thought that the universe isn't cold inert, which means dead, merciless, but that it's alive, wise, and it's compassionate. That is a multi sensory perception and there's lots more. Lots and lots more.

Greg Voisen
And I think, I think it's important to Gary to mention that, through my countless 900 interviews I talk a lot about spirituality and I go back to an interview with rom Das. Now, there couldn't be anybody that probably experimented more with drugs to have an altered state of consciousness or people who do Iosco, But you're letting people know that you know this. Out of Body this century, sensory experience beyond the five senses is available to anybody right now available without anything, it's there. Yeah,

Gary Zukav
it is there but it's not. By the way, ROM das became a dear friend of ours in the last years of his life. It turned out that we were both on Maui together. My spiritual partner Linda Francis would go there because we have some connection with that little island that I don't understand. And we have for 30 years. And when we met rom dos and he was a delight to me.

Greg Voisen
He was wonderful. I mean, even after the stroke, it was a challenge to kind of get the words but when he got the words. They were so meaningful you listened, on the edge of your seat, to understand what he was speaking about the only reason I brought that up, Gary is because, you know, we live in this fast paced world today which you see what appears to be zooming by you and I are closer to our finitude than a lot of people. In other words as you age, you also get to look at the death experience, and you get to choose whether it's fear, because you talk a lot about fear. And not to approach this with fear and not to look at this multi sensory experience as an opportunity to move beyond fear. Correct,

Gary Zukav
yes. But I would add a few things to that, okay to talk more about love and I talk about fear. And I can't talk about one without talking about the other, because this in the earth school put it that way, that span of time between your birthday and your death day is the domain of time and space, and matter and duality. And the fundamental duality in the earth school is love and fear. The opposite of love is not hate, it's fear. And I just wanted to clarify that as

Greg Voisen
well but illusion, you know, or illusion to because you speak about that as well. In the Buddhist tradition. It's the Maya. And the reality is we are actors on the stage of a play, and you say in the book you mentioned people experience emotional pain when they cannot have something they feel they need or cannot live without. This is true, that is a true statement. You then state, they try to change the world. And this brings more pain. What needs to shift in the consciousness of the individual to be at peace and bliss, so that they don't experience so much emotional pain because that pain is being exacerbated by that desire that you just spoke about, trying to get something they can't have. So I'd love for you to speak about that and expound upon it, from your perspective.

Gary Zukav
Sure, I'd like to clear up something though, multi sensory perception isn't necessarily an out of body experience, and it's not a psychedelic experience, it's associated with any kind of psycho psychotropic agent, whether it's chemical or plant based, but it is an expansion of your perception, you see the world with your physical eyes. You hear it, you have your five senses. But it's more meaningful. It's deeper. It takes on a meaning. It's as though you're watching a black and white movie that's becoming a movie in color as you watch it. Now when, so expect, and you will experience it whether you expect it or not as a new consciousness touches you, you will begin to experience a new depth to your experience. Some people are delighted by it. Some are a little confused by it, some are frightened by it, but it's happening to us. Now, when we talk about fear and love, where we're going. His love is what rom Das, and many others talked about his talk specifically about loving awareness. He was a meditator in his tradition was Indian. But this new awareness is taking us beyond traditions beyond culture beyond nation beyond religions. Beyond ethnic groups, beyond gender. Right now we are in the midst of the most remarkable transition in human consciousness and evolution that humans have ever experienced. The transition from five sensory perception which means that the world is all, all that you can see of the world is five senses. Or put another way, the five senses show you everything there is to see an experience, and the understanding of power, as the ability to manipulate and control. All of that is the old consciousness. The new consciousness is multi sensory perception, and the understanding and experience of power, as alignment of the personality with the soul, the alignment of your personality with your soul and your soul is not a hypothetical or theological thing, it is a real presence, it is the essence of who you are. And it is real, and it has intentions and those intentions are harmony, cooperation, sharing, and reverence for life. And as you begin to align your personality yourself with your soul. You begin to acquire authentic power, you begin to create it. And it's not like multi sensory perception, a gift that is given to everyone, multi sensory perception brings with it. The new potential of a new power, authentic power. And this new potential is Arne. Now, evolutionary modality. It's not a spiritual luxury, it's required for our evolution. In other words, you can say this in so many ways. Evolution is now becoming conscious that's one way to say it, our evolution now requires not survival, but spiritual growth.

Greg Voisen
I would agree with you that our evolution

Gary Zukav
requires us to become loving, and all of us have frightened and loving parts of our personalities and authentic power is becoming aware within yourself, of the difference between love and fear, and choosing love no matter what is happening inside of you, like rage, like jealousy, like vengeance, or what is happening outside of you, like another 911 event or a global pandemic and choosing love no matter what. So that's it.

Greg Voisen
That's a great way to kind of put a wrapper around what we're talking about and I think that, you know, whether you're looking at from a spiritual side and neurological side a psychological side. The reality is that fundamentally we have been able to advance our understanding of what's happening to us from a scientific with because of neurobiology and neurology, to see what's going on in the brain, and what you're talking about is something outside of that. And that connection whether using intuition, or using something to get in touch with that. Now you, you do speak about in the book, the great change you call it the great change which we've just talked about, and that it is upon us that it's absolute world is disintegrating, we're seeing this world. Lots of things fall apart monetary systems Bitcoin you name it whatever the listeners are out there, we're seeing things being challenged. And we're seeing things shift, and our five senses no longer limit our experiences is what you said in the book that we are in a new dawn, and I say, Yes we are. And thank goodness we are. How is the new level of consciousness going to change our human species, and our new creation story in your estimation big question.

Gary Zukav
Well, I like to share with all of our listeners and with you, Greg. That I don't ask that you take anything that I say is, as so simply because I say it. And in fact, I suggest to all of our listeners and viewers that you're not take as So, or as true, anything that anyone says, simply because I've written a book or they have a television show or a podium or a congregation. For me, if you resonate with anything that I say, I suggest that you experiment with it and see if it works for you. And if it does experiment some more. And if it doesn't let it go. Don't try to wear a shoe that doesn't fit. So it's in that context that I love talking about the new consciousness, and the new understanding of power as authentic as alignment of your personality with your soul, and how to create it, because it doesn't just happen, and our world isn't going to just shift because we have a new consciousness, it will shift because we change because we shift, and everything that I and my spiritual partner Linda Francis share is about how to create authentic power, how to develop emotional awareness, how to use what you learned through becoming emotionally aware, and how to make responsible choices. A responsible choice is a choice that creates consequences for which you are willing to assume responsibility. All of that is movement toward love. You might look that the way I'm expressing love. And by the way, there are so many forms of fear, like anger, jealousy, vengeance superiority and entitlement inferiority needing to please. Every obsession and compulsion and addiction. In the same way. There are so many forms of love, gratitude, appreciation, caring, patience, content passion, that is all of the universe, and creating authentic power requires distinguishing between those parts of yourself that are loving, or love based, and those parts of your personality, that are fear based or frightened and choosing while you are experiencing a frightened part like anger or jealousy, and it's very gripping and it seems as though the whole world is the way this part of your personality, presents it to you and you experience it that way, but while you are experiencing that with your volition your own freewill, you reach for the healthiest part of your personality that you can access and act from that, instead of from the anger or the jealousy or the resentment or the superiority. That is how you create authentic power by doing it again and again and again. And eventually, as you do. The frightened parts of your personality, began to lose their control over you, they still come you still feel the painful physical sensations of fear in different areas of your body chakras in the east, and they throb or ache or churn burn stab compress they're, they're really painful. And why you're experiencing those things, set the intention not to act on them. There's very good respond in the best way that you can in the moment with love. That is now required for our evolution. This doesn't mean that we're going to evolve it means it's required for our evolution. And that's what I mean when I say our evolution has become conscious, and it's happening in us, it's happening and I say now to our listeners and viewers it's happening in you.

Greg Voisen
Yes, it is right and I think Gary. One of the things that I might add to this, is the fact that there is a level of discernment, you know, I think, people hear this term psychologically the ego, and then they hear this term soul. And for many there's a disconnection there because for a lot of people with five sensory, there is still a lot of that element of that, if you, you might refer to it as something else but I'm just going to call it, ego as identifier, because it's the thing that makes us small, it can make us small. If we listened to it enough, it can tell us we're not right, we're not enough. And we know that yet on the other hand, when we listen to the small voice inside, call it again of the soul, the seat of the soul. That's the empowering one. And when that's an alignment as you're saying that gives us true power. Now you mentioned in the book in this chapter. Outside the fences, I love the title you state we are personalities and souls and we have a dual identity, just what I was talking about, speak with us about the dual identity and living outside the fences, as you refer to it.

Gary Zukav
Sure, sure.

A child grows because and finds itself in an environment like a backyard with a fence around it, because his experiences are limited. And within that confinement. It explores all that it can. It's got a play box, a sandbox, it's got a little Swain, It's got a little shovel and digs up plants and it gets sturdy in it. And as it develops, it eventually leaves that confined area behind in that area if sand. Here's an example from the, from universal human among 1000s Probably. If sand falls from its sandbox. That can be a traumatic experience for a child in the backyard. Even if on the other side of the fence, there's a beach. We talked about living in Southern California where that happens sometimes. Well as we become multi sensory, we go into a larger we enter a larger learning environment, we move beyond the fences and not fences plural but fence. The fence that confined us in our early stages of development is five sensory perception. We could not recognize it as the defining characteristic of our species. While we were confined by it. Now we are moving beyond that, that is the new consciousness that is multi sensory perception,

Greg Voisen
that is a that is a great analogy of using the fence and the child in the backyard because all of us have been there, and all of us realize the limitation of the world in which we lived until we expanded the boundary. And I think what you're saying is that it's limitless. There really aren't fences. And you know, we've been talking about authentic power Gary, and you say authentic power is different. You say that knowing how to create it is like owning a treasure map. That's quote unquote you. How do we create authentic power in our lives and what probably more importantly my listeners will want to know are, what are the tools for creating authentic power, you were a guy who rode motorcycles you were in the Green Berets, and you know when you get a toolbox, you got to pick the right tool if you're going to change the tire. What are some of the tools for creating authentic power in the world today, in which we live, which has shifted consciously so much

Gary Zukav
emotional awareness and responsible choice. I'll be glad to talk about them some more because they're so fundamental. And

in the old consciousness emotions are not important. In fact they're generally considered obstacles, especially painful emotions. In the new consciousness, emotions are very important. They're very important you might call them messages from the soul. They tell you. When fear is active in you. And when love is active in you. When fear is active in you. You experience painful physical sensations in certain areas of your body, such as your throat, and your chest and your solar plexus areas, among others. Those are the painful physical sensations that I mentioned, is to say I'm happy or I'm sad or I'm up or I'm down, or I'm buoyant, or depressed. Those are not. That's emotional illiteracy, to become emotionally literate. You need to be able to put your attention inside these areas of your body, and see what physical sensations are present. I'm emphasizing the word physical because a painful, a, a frightened part of your personality can be as painful as hitting your hammer your thumb with a hammer or getting your fingers caught in a car door heartache, is not poetic. It's a real thing, and it's very painful. When you look inside yourself and you find any of these sensations in any of your energy processing centers, which, as I mentioned in ECE would be called chakras, you know, that fear is active in you. And a lot of people are not aware of what they're feeling. And therefore, they're. Therefore, Darien fear. Fear can happen unconsciously and does continually. Love does not, you can accidentally experience love. You can unconsciously create love. It has to be done. Love is intentional. This doesn't mean that when you experience love it's effortless, it's not intentional. Look at love, as I read about the great sculptor Michelangelo once Michelangelo, for those of you who don't know, was one of the greatest sculptors of all time he lived in Renaissance Italy. And I was in Florence once for NZ Italia, and I saw a 17 foot high sculpture of David, as in David and Goliath in Italian and in French, it's called the Dahveed. Great. I could not believe I was looking at Morrible. It was so soft. Visually soft so sensual, so real. So, absolutely human. That's what Michelangelo could do. And I heard a story once that he was asked, How did you do that. And he said, I saw it, I saw it in the block of marble, and I removed everything that prevented says, Your love is like that, it's there. And as you create authentic power. You start removing pieces of marble, pieces of fear that prevent you, as well as others from experiencing your love. That's the creation of authentic power. Every time you set an intention to speak or act with love, instead of with fear, you chip away, a piece of marble. By the way, and intention and intention is so important. I said that emotions are very important, and they are they're fundamental to creating authentic power, but intentions are the most primary of all, and intention is a quality of consciousness.

Greg Voisen
Let me ask you a question about an intention then, because I have one. Most people are unaware of their intentions you stated, and for most of the time, their lives, you mentioned in the books are robotically repetitive. Agreed. You mentioned that the best way to become aware of what we're doing to ourselves is to examine the belief system. And again, one more element of chipping away, like you just talked about with Michelangelo, it would be the belief systems, or the shifts we're going to get. We're going to remove those beliefs that don't serve us. How would you advise listeners to become more aware of these beliefs and shift the ones shift them or get rid of them. The ones that are not serving them.

Gary Zukav
Well, to start, I want to go back to something you mentioned, as we're, some of us are five sensory and some of us are multi sensory at the moment more humans are five sensory than multi sensory, because this remarkable transformation in our consciousness fast as it is, is still extending over a few generations. And remember that the old consciousness emerged over hundreds of 1000s of years about 300,000 years. If you go back to the emergence of Homo sapiens if you go back to the emergence of hominids, it goes back two and a half million years. And in comparison to that. I'm talking about a transformation of consciousness of equal immensity happening within three human generations, that's faster than a heartbeat faster than an eye blink when compared to our former experiences of evolutionary time. So, at this moment. We're living in a time of transition, unlike any that's ever existed before. We stand with one foot in the old consciousness and one foot in the new. And we are presented with a requirement of choosing at each moment, which we shall choose, say someone makes you angry or jealous or resentful, will you react. Will you act with fear, or will you respond with love. Will you let your deeds and your words be shaped by the old consciousness, or by the new. So belief systems are important quite important. But the first step is emotional awareness. Because without emotional awareness. You cannot know when fear is present in you. And when love is active in you, and the importance of that is knowing that fear is active in you, tells you that if you act or speak from that energy, you will create painful and destructive consequences for yourself. The pursuit of external power. Now, produces only violence and destruction.

Greg Voisen
Express. Can I ask you a question, Gary. Most of my listeners have been very well aware of the decisiveness that's been happening in our world as a result of COVID as a result of our political system as a result, many external factors which seems to have bifurcated. Much of the situation and you're saying, we have a choice to come from love, or come from fear, it would seem if you were to watch the evening news which you probably don't, but a lot of people do that, there's still a ton of five sensories, and they are coming from fear. What comment would you give our listening audience about this because many of them are spiritually consciously aware, and you like you just said you have a choice you have one foot in each side. It seems to be pretty easy to be drugged over into that side. I'm against something I'm not for something or you following what I'm saying. But this seems to pervade as a result of some external factors which have exacerbated. And now we see what seems to be no coming together.

Gary Zukav
This is not new, Greg. This is human history, you're describing is not the recent political situation in the United States or Germany or Brazil. It is not the fragmentation of our wholeness as humanity as humans. There's. We've always been fragmented into haves and have nots. Those who are healthy and those who are ill, those who are of one color, and those who are of another. The list is endless. This is the history that five century humans have created for themselves. It's, it's based on conflict. Now, what used to be our good medicine, external power is poisonous. It's toxic. It used to be that we as a five century species evolved by surviving and survived by pursuing external power. Now, we are becoming a multi sensory he's species. And we evolve by growing spiritually. And we grow spiritually. By creating authentic power. It's a new terrain, and most of the people in it are still five sensory. Our being multi sensory does not make us superior or advantaged advantaged Yes, because our evolution can be accelerated considerably. Our spiritual growth. Pardon me. I can be accelerated considerably, but we are not superior to what we have been in the past. We are not superior to those who are still five sensory, we are all in the school together. We are souls incarnate in this domain of the five senses. But within that domain. Those of us who are being touched by multi sensory perception realize that domain is not the entirety of our existence, or the universe,

Greg Voisen
or that that's an important point, and you, you have a chapter in the book, and you call it, the new use of courage. I loved this chapter is by the way, and you tell the story about your experiences of being in the Special Forces in Vietnam, and the courage it took you to jump out and the dark night in the jungles of Vietnam from a C 130. You then mentioned that you never imagined how much courage, entering your life consciously would require and want to repeat that, how much courage, entering your life consciously would require. Tell us a bit about the fears and the courage it took, as you started living your life, way back then to wait, you know, if you look at your life you're 78 years old right so you know you've had a long period like I have had to experiment, to get to where your term is this universal human, which are more consciously aware. What, what do you mean, just from you, Gary. Zhukov, the guy that writes all the books, not everybody else out here, has written books about this, probably want to see how Gary faced it.

Gary Zukav
Of course, one of the things that I would bring out is, is that when you begin to see with multi sensory perception. The distinction between in here and out there becomes blurry. And that you begin to realize that the love and fear in the world, is the same love and fear in you. So in order to change the world. You've got to change yourself. In other words, the world that we have inherited from a five sensory humanity is a world of external power symbols of external power are everywhere, uniforms, weapons, money corner offices on high floors.

Now we are in a different terrain. And in that terrain, we encounter experiences that the intellect cannot comprehend cannot grasp, but a new way of communicating and understanding is emerging with the new consciousness. This is a higher order of logics and understandings of the heart. They're things that were contradictions to the intellect are not contradictions to the heart. The intellect is a companion to the five senses, they go together just like this. The intellect, analyzes, explores compares and concludes, and deduces what the five senses presented in terms of what is helpful in creating and pursuing external power. The higher order logics and understandings of the heart are not compatible with the intellect, the intellect was not designed to grasp them, and it cannot its object of detection. The object of detection of five sensory perception is physical reality. Right, and the intellect, examines it, and points out to the personality, what it can control and manipulate in order to survive. Now, we are multi sensory Greg, not all of us, some of us, but a new consciousness is here. And the old consciousness is dying. The new consciousness is vibrant life affirming life giving life nurturing the old consciousness is rigid. It's demanding. It's toxic. And it is destructive. This is the enormity of where we are now, which shall we choose multisensory perception does not make us more. The nificent or more wise. It makes us more aware. Then the question becomes, what shall we do with our awareness. And what I'm suggesting is that what you do with your awareness which means What shall you do with your life. What shall you do with this temporary experience you have between your death day. Your birthday and your death day that the best thing you can do is to create authentic power is to align your personality with your soul is to move beyond the limitations of everything that prevents you from giving the gifts that you were born to give everything that prevents you from a life of meaning and fulfillment and joy and contentment and vitality and creativity. Do that now. Most people wait until their lives become so painful that something in their lives brings them to their knees. That's when they open to a spiritual alternative. I'm suggesting that you're not wait that long. We're not starting now.

Greg Voisen
Right. Well Gary, if you go back to the many books you've written, and you look at the impetus for your curiosity to want to understand more about this. And I think this might be an interesting question for you and for our listeners to understand, because of the preceding books, and the evolution of Gary zoo koffice soul, and this constant curiosity to write books around this topic around through and in this topic. Was there anything particular I know you went to the laboratories work with physicist, you look at all the things that you did jumped out of planes you rode motorcycles. You were addicted to sex when your dad in in San Francisco, you had all these life experiences. Was there any one life experience, any one big transformation for you, that created this insatiable appetite and curiosity to want to continue to explore this topic so others could have clarity in their life about what it is.

Gary Zukav
Greg it's for me. There was no single turning point. There were multiple turning points. Okay, and I wouldn't say insatiable appetite. Exactly. I would say it's more like a flower naturally turns toward the sun. Okay. And none of my understanding or insights came from books, the books came from the understandings and the insights, and they came from the universe. That's why I suggest that you not take anything that I say is true but experiment with it, experiment with it yourself. Because, creating authentic power is now required for evolution. I'm suggesting, and creating authentic power is becoming the authority in your own life. And I love writing these books and I love having these conversations like we're having now. And the more I do the more. My life has transformed from one of using people to loving them. It's a big change. My adopted su uncle once told me, Toshka if you said the longest journey you're going to make in your life is from here to here, head to your heart, and my thoughts to my heart, and, and I've been on that journey for a while. Yeah, for me, it's made all the difference, all the difference. What a surprise, it is to find out that I love people, and that I want to support them. And it gives me joy. There's a difference between happiness and joy, happiness is what happens when a frightened part of your personality gets what it wants. For example, gets the girlfriend gets the boyfriend makes a million dollars before it's 28, but happiness is dependent on the external world. You get the girlfriend but then when she decides to leave you freefall into fear again, like taking a ride on a roller coaster at the top. And then, plunging down into interferer again. Joy is not dependent on the external world. Joy is what you ignite in yourself as you create authentic power, and sometimes just like a little flame in a large cathedral. And you have to be aware, to keep it alive. But joy when it grow, joy, grows when you cultivated. And as you cultivated. The frightened parts of your personality, have less control over you. Yes, when they had in the past, you still feel them, you still feel their painful physical sensations, you still think they're judgmental thoughts, but they don't control you as much they don't penetrate, as they did before. They roll off of you more like water rolls off the feathers of a duck, and you begin to expand into more loving perceptions.

Greg Voisen
Well, it gives you a freedom that, and maybe freedom isn't the right word but I'm gonna say spiritual freedom. Freedom, as you've said, this is about spiritual growth, and it is. And you stayed in the book again that being a universal human is a step beyond an authenticity or authentically powered human. You said a universal human identifies with life, underscore, life. So in your estimation. What is the experience of becoming a universal human, which we've been talking about and living our lives as evolved and consciously aware souls.

Gary Zukav
I can't answer that in detail, and no one can University universal human is a third stage in the evolutionary process that we are involved in now the first stage was five sensory perception. We all know that. The second stage is multi sensory perception, and hundreds of millions of us are beginning to experience that. A five sensory human identifies with personality, his or her personality. I'm Gary Zhukov you're Craig Voisen You were born at a certain time and you'll die at a certain time, a multi sensory human knows that birth is not a random event, and death is not final. It's the return home of the soul, to non physical reality. Yes, the identity of a multi sensory human is so, so we are in this transition now from five sensory to multi sensory, it's so rapid as our acceleration that even in this process. A third stage in human evolution is now becoming not visible. Not touchable not understandable. but there. If you've ever been up all night to see the dawn, as I have. He'll say, your own, you will experience this time, before any light is visible in the sky. You can feel the dawn coming. You know it's coming, and then past that point. A little bit of light becomes detectable to your eyes. But you could feel it before it happened. That sun new dawn had different on that is the, the potential of the universal human. So great,

Greg Voisen
a great way for people to understand, edit that example of the new dawn, the light that you could see the experience from darkness to light, you know, in duality. You can't have one without the other. And I think that's a great example. And, and you say in this book. You said that the book, it, it's all about a book with universal Herman's and ends with heart begins with heart and heart fills all the spaces in between that our experiences are no longer determined by circumstances that are external. What would you like to leave these listeners with today, about their role in this human evolution of consciousness, or becoming more evolved multi sensory individuals in the role they're playing to help evolve themselves, the people around them. And the people within this universe as it is we're sitting on a globe with 7 billion plus people. I always remember Bucky Fuller, because I wrote a chapter in a book that a guy wrote about Bucky Fuller, and he always said, Gary and you probably heard this one of all people seek to leave the people so that they understand not misunderstand something to that effect I may be misunder quoting it. And what I'm saying here is if we're going to leave these listeners with something. What would you like for them to understand and not misunderstand.

Gary Zukav
You are a world changer. Your decisions. Your choices of intention, love or fear. Create consequences far beyond what you can imagine, this becomes largely visible as we become multi sensory. Use it. Use your life, consciously, and as you use it consciously, to the best of your ability. Use it wisely. What is the wise use of a life. The wise use of a life is also the use that gives you the most fulfillment and joy. It's love is caring about other people. It's recognizing them not as others. But beginning to experience them as not separate from you, not in a mushy fuzzy psychedelic or blurred way. So, I would say, don't try to understand the world is no longer going to be shaped by great thinkers, But by great feelers and you are one, but you may not know it yet. Most people don't, and they're quite frightened of it. They're quite frightened of the pain of fear of anger of jealousy of resentment of need. But you cannot become aware of the love in you have the care, the patients that contentment, the joy, without becoming aware of everything in you. And the thing that most people become aware of. First, as they become multi sensory is fear. Because that's what fills most people. So, follow your heart. Don't try to follow the fake god of your mind. Follow your heart, the real God. That's where your fulfillment, contentment, vitality, meaning, purpose, joy, all of those things that make life magnificent. Your life is magnificent. It doesn't matter how much it hurts in the moment when I say it doesn't matter. It means it doesn't diminish the power of who you are. But the pain in your life, is the distance between the reality of who you are, which is a powerful and creative compassionate and loving spirit and your self identity. And as you create authentic power, you'll begin to close the distance between that reality, and who you experience yourself as this is the alignment of your personality with your soul is what you were born to do. The seat of the soul, one of my books, goes into that in a wonderful ways and universal human, the book that you're holding goes into it and more in other ways and I recommend them both. And I hope that you'll come in and leave a message for me on our website is named after the First Book Seat of the Soul, like what's your sit on SCA T of the SRU Well, I love to hear from you. And Greg airy, thank you so much.

Greg Voisen
It's been an honor having you on, and a blessing. And I want to say, no mistake to you. I see the energy which you're admitting and feel it. The to genuineness and authenticity of what's been written, and the years it took you to, I'm going to use the word concatenate, because there was a lot of concatenating of your thoughts, your understandings your wisdom and knowledge that went into this book, I could tell it right when I picked it up, and I felt it, and I felt it. And I think the most important thing is for our listeners, whether it's, they go to your website or they buy Seat of the Soul and start there, some of the many other books they have it doesn't matter what Gary is is saying and essence here is that it's within you, if you listen to your heart. i You can do this without reading this book, You don't have to read this book. It's been bestowed upon all of us as a universal right. It's a universal right for us all to access this. This is universal human, but we all have the ability to access what Gary's talking about so Gary thank you thank you again. Blessings to you much gratitude to you. And Linda for working on this and putting it together. And for all of my listeners go to seat of the soul, sta t o o FVTG So O UL. There you can learn more about Gary, you can learn more about what he's doing. Obviously we're gonna have a link to Amazon to purchase a copy of this book, and we'll also put links to the other books as well. So you can kind of look at the series, Gary, thanks again. Appreciate it, my friend, it's been way too long in between. But you know what, we just keep trucking on.

Gary Zukav
Thank you, Craig, it's, it's really been a joy to be on your, on your podcast and, and I send my love to everyone who's listening to us.

Greg Voisen
Thank you, Gary. So, Mr. Xu cough, what do you think,

Gary Zukav
Well, I think we started to go over some things that are important to me, and I hope that I share them in a way that they're helpful with others.

Greg Voisen
I think that's all you can expect. And if it inspires and or motivates people to want to learn more, no matter where they learn it, whether it's from you or some other spiritual leader that may want to go find out more information from Soviet, but my role in this is to, to the best of my ability, help authors and thought leaders like yourself. Explore the concepts of a book, expose a world to this book. I will tell you at this point, after 900 of these. I loved your energy, but the highest download podcast. It isn't Simon Sinek, it's Joe Dispenza. Now I can't quite figure out why Joe Dispenza his podcast. As more downloads in anybody's you know these are evergreen. They last forever. His podcast is over 100,000 downloads on my little show. Which means, and they can every day. I want Gary, here's what I want, I want you, not because of ego or anything, I'd love for you to displace Joe Dispenza with this so we can get 100,000 out.

Gary Zukav
Well, I would like to support you. I think he's doing wonderful work in the world. He is that the three of us are in some ways have our paths converging for a moment in this in this podcast and thank you for putting it together, Greg,

Greg Voisen
oh you're quite welcome Gary and I'll send you an email that you'll get. I tell all of my authors and this is not obligatory. My work today is all voluntary, um, there was a time a long time where authors would pay for ads on the show. I give all the money that gets donated to compassionate communications Foundation which is my foundation to help homeless people find permanent housing. And I literally have been raising money through authors who choose to give and again I want to repeat this, you don't have to do it but I can send you a link. If you choose to make a donation. We are dedicated to getting at least this year, about 20 souls out of the cold and into a warm place to live so that they don't have to experience that any longer, so I make the downpayment on their housing, to get them in the house. So that's what we do, and I'll send you a link if you guys choose to that's great. If not, we're going to promote this like crazy. We'd like your team to promote it simultaneously. So about two days prior to. I was looking back in our records, you have an assistant now with a different name than you had back in 2010, so I'll send it to you, and let them promote it however they're going to choose to promote it.

Gary Zukav
I'll send it on. Okay, well, and

Greg Voisen
my, my, my best to everybody there, and to Linda please give Linda my best. I didn't know she was going to join us today as well. I thought maybe she might. But any rate, you guys. Take care.

Gary Zukav
Thank you, Greg. It's great to see you again. You too,

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