Brendan BrazierI was fortunate enough to be referred to Brendan Brazier through a friend, Brian Johnson, who has a great website called Philosophers Notes. Brendan Brazier, the author of, “Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life,” is a vegan, and also just happens to be a professional Ironman Triathlete and the formulator of Vega nutritional foods.

In my interview with him we explore how he found the right formulas for eating nutrient rich foods with less calories, while and at the same time improved his performance as an athlete. He explains that his stress levels decreased, and his recover rates improved significantly. He helps to debunk the myth that professional and amateur athletes need to carbo load before an event, as a matter of fact he has proven just the opposite. That eating nutrient rich foods will actually give you more energy, and your performance and recovery times will improve.

If you really want to learn more about what stress is doing to increase your cortisol levels and increase the fat in your body, listen carefully to how important it is to reduce the stress from the external sources and to improve your performance as an athlete, and in all other areas of your life. Brendan’s, “Thrive Diet” is really more than a diet, it is a lifestyle change.

Brendan states that many, if not al,l of our modern-day health problems are caused by stress. Obesity, fatigue, mental fog, sleep disturbances, digestive problem and prematurely wrinkled skin, depression…and the list goes on. If stress, and therefore cortisol, remains elevated, several problem arise to hamper our body’s smooth functioning. One is that the body shifts fuel sources. Instead of burning fat as fuel, a stressed person’s system will burn carbohydrate in the form of sugar, and the body begins to store the body fat instead of using it for energy.

If you would like to learn more about Brendan’s Thrive Diet, he has a real cool free Thrive in 30 program where he emails to you a brief very well done 4-6 minute video with tips for improving your health and performance as an athlete. If you click here it will take you to the sign up page for this wonderful program. You can also learn more about Brendan’s Vega nutritional supplemental products by clicking here.

I hope you enjoy the great interview with a real guru in the field of professional athletes, and nutrition.
Brendan is the real deal, and I highly recommend his Thrive Diet program as well as his book, “Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide to Optimal Performance in Sports and Life“. Remember you don’t have to be vegan to learn some great tips from Brendan and his incredible book.

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