Podcast 721: Gentle Energy Touch with Barbara E. Savin

Recently I had been having lots of aches and pains in my body to the degree that I needed to go see a couple of healing touch therapists–one was a physical therapist and the other was a massage therapists.  I am a believer that what manifest in our body is a result of events and or circumstances that upset us emotionally to a degree that we end up with physical pain.

In my case if was the lost of two of my best friends, Juno and Buster our labrador’s that had been members of the family for over 12 years, and they both died within 4 months of one another.  No matter what your ache or pain, it most likely is associated with something emotionally that you are not dealing with or don’t know how to cope with.

In my interview with Barbara Savin the premient teacher of hand-on healing with discuss her new book “Gentle Energy Touch-A Beginner’s Guide to Hands-On Healing”, we discuss the techniques that you can learn and apply to helping you deal with your pains that are probably associated with your emotional upset.  Gentle Energy Touch works on a wide array of conditions and produces long-lasting results.  It helps to release blocked energy associated with various issues such as smoking cessation, weight loss/weight gain, anxiety and depression.  Gentle Energy Touch calms the mind, promotes self-awareness, improves your mental clarity and focus, promotes positive thinking and removes barriers that hold you back in life.

As Barbars state in her book “Gentle Energy Touch”, “all healing depends on allowing the free flow of ki by opening the chakras. Everything in the universe is composed of energy and vibrates at a particular frequency and our chakras can be pushed out of balance by all sorts of things.”  If you want to learn how to balance your energy, and heal what is causing your pains then you won’t want to miss this interview with Barbara Savin.

You can find out more about her book, free downloads and teachings by clicking here to access her website.  Enjoy this great interview with a really passionate spiritual teacher of the healing arts, Barbara Savin.

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