Many of us are guilty of trapping ourselves in the web of negative self-talk. The not-good-enough, self-doubt cycles that many of us cope with on a daily basis. We know its detrimental, but what are we doing to stop insidious cycle of negative self-talk? How do we reduce this thinking quickly and replace it with a positive affirmative monologue?

In my interview with author and coach, Gary John Bishop we talk his new book entitled “Unfu*ck Yourself-Get Out Of Your Head and Into Your Life“. This book is an easy read packed with practical advice on creating more success and abundance in your life and quieting the pesky self-doubt. Over the years, Gary has coached thousands of individuals from entrepreneurs, athletes, professionals and creatives. Gary’s philosophy has yielded a high success rates by leading individuals down the road to replacing old negative self-talk with positive thoughts and sustaining this growth and potential.

Gary states that “If human emotions largely result from thinking, then one way to appreciably control one’s feelings is by controlling one’s thoughts—or by changing the internalized sentences, or self-talk, with which one largely created the feeling in the first place.” Gary believes the answers we are seeking lie within ourselves, but we must be open to finding these answers and believe in our guiding voice.

If you feel like something unspoken is holding you back from abundance and reaching ultimate success, then give Gary John Bishop a listen! If you are interested in knowing more about Gary please click here for his website.

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2 comments on “Podcast 639: Unfu*ck Yourself with Gary John Bishop

  1. Janice Jan 13, 2019

    This is the wrong podcast it started playing 636 not 639 as indicated how can I get the correct podcast? Thank you

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