How often do you beat up on yourself? What if you could learn to apply self-compassion to that part of you that gets lashed by your ego telling you that you are not good enough?
In my interview with author Radhule Weininger MD, Ph.D. we discuss her new book Heartwork The Path of Self-Compassion. In the interview, with Radhule she reveals the 9 practices for opening our heart up so that we can heal the pain that we carry inside, and that frequently won’t go away.
Hearwork is filled with wonderful success stories and practices so that the reader can apply the techniques to their specific issues. She also provides various meditation and mindfulness practices that cultivate heightened awareness, tranquility and inner happiness. As Radhule writes ” As your wounded heart begins to heal with self-compassion, it may begin to fill with generosity and kindness; the boundaries of your self-preoccupation may loosen, and compassion for yourself can naturally widen to compassion for others. His Holiness the Dalai Lama tells us, ” Although you may not be able to avoid difficult situations, you can modify the extent to which you (and others) suffer by how you choose to respond to the situation”
So if you want to learn how to respond differently with self-compassion and compassion for others, then you are going to want to listen to my interview author Radhule Weininger MD, Ph.D. If you are interested in exploring Radhule’s website, just click here. You will find more about her workshops, seminars and professional services.
I hope you enjoy my interview with author Radhule Weininger MD, PhD about her new book Heartwork, The Path to Self-Compassion.
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