
In my recent interview with Justin Gesso we discuss his new book entitled “Leave the Grind Behind“.  How many of you wish you could get out of the daily grind, the 8-5 routine?

That is exactly where Justin was a few year ago, and he found the secrets to find a way out of the grind, and making a better life for himself and his family.

In our interview together we discuss the grinder mindset and what is required to achieve your new success.  So what’s the positive definition of “grind?” “Grinder,” of course. Don’t confuse “the grind” I’m telling you to ditch with “the Grinder” I want you to become. Being a Grinder means you grind hard for your personal purpose and goals, not for someone else’s.

To leave the grind behind, make no mistake, you need to grind. You need to grind hard. You’re just doing it for yourself, and let me tell you—you’ll love it. As a Grinder, you spend your one, short life building your legacy and your unique imprint on this world.”

If you are interested in “Leaving the Grind Behind” then you will want to read Justin new book.  You will also want to take advantage of some of the very informative and articles, blogs and articles at his website.  He also has what he refers to at the “grinder quiz” which will inform you about if you are a “cog” or a “grinder”

I encourage you to visit Justin’s book website by clicking here, or visit him on Facebook by clicking here.


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