If you are interested in your personal growth, you have to be interested in what makes you tick regarding setting goals.  Have you ever wondered why you achieve some goals, and others just seem like they are miles away and you may never get there?

There are obviously lots of physiological reasons for this , and in a recent interview with Edwin Locke Phd about his book “New Developments in Goal Setting and Task Performance” he unlocks many of the reasons from our personal motivations, to our values and the role of the subconscious mind. Edwin Locke PhD is the de facto resource when it comes to research on goal setting.  My interview with him was one of the most enlightening interviews of the over 575 interviews I have completed.

During our interview we covered topics regarding the commitment to our goals, the role that feedback plays in achievement of our goals and the simple truths about self-regulation in goal setting.  If you are at all interested in improving your game when it comes to setting and achieving goals then you will want to listen to my interview with Edwin Locke Phd.

You can learn more about Dr. Locke and his writings by clicking here to be directed to his website.  Please note the book is really a textbook and might be a bit heavy for casual reading, but if you are really into figuring out the pitfalls and “why” of goal setting them purchase the book.


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