I recently interviewed a friend from Canada that owns a wonderful learning company called “Readitfor.me“.  Steve Cunningham is the founder and mastermind behind an amazing book summaries company that creates the content in both a visual format as well as auditory and downloadable text.  The Readitfor.me platform works for both individuals that have big appites for learning, and is idealiy designed for companies that are looking for ways to provide their workforce with softskills training at a very reasonable price.   It is a wonderful way for lunch and learn sessions that will be championed by someone within the organization.  It is efficient, effective and allows for rapid learning and retention of the material all while learning in a group environment.

Readitfor.me has a library of in excess of 275 current business books that have been summarized, and Steve is rapidly working to increase the library by reviewing a book per day.  Believe me you will not run out of interesting learning material and content that is timeless and very useful in the growth and development of any size organization.

In my interview with Steve we discuss how he launched Readitfor.me and his passion behind the company.  I think you will find our interview to be very informative, allowing you to get insight on how the Readitfor.me platform works. You are also provided with an opportunity to sign up for a free 7-day trial of the platform.

If you want to get more information about Readitfor.me and sign up for the free trial please click on any of the links.  If you want to sign up through your Linkedin account you can do that as well.

I hope you enjoy this interview with founder of Readitfor.me Steve Cunningham, hope you enjoy your 7-day free trial.


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