There is not a person working in business or starting a business that is not looking to find ways and techniques to become more productive.  Most of us have heard David Allen and his process called Getting Things Done, and believe me this system if implemented and followed works wonderfully.

I recently was introduced to Ben Elijah the author of “The Productivity Habits“.  Ben has been studying how we as human beings interact with information.  In other words how we manage information as it comes across our transit.

In his new book  “The Productivity Habits” you will learn ways to capture, process and use the right tools to organize and archive the information so is can be retrieved when you want it, where you want it and how you want it.   As Ben writes ” Productivity is not about how much stuff you’re able to produce, how smart you’re able to work or your ability to juggle lots of spinning plates.  Nor is it your ability to succeed at a job that you hate.  Rather, it’s a matter of mastery and perspective.  Mastery over yourself and your resources, and the perspective to decide what’s truly important to what deserves your attention.”   

If you are feeling overwhelmed with your work and processing project after project, then you will want to read Ben’s new book “The Productivity Habits“.  It is a simple read, as a matter of fact you can probably read it in one setting.  The book is part of Lid Publishing series called Concise Advice for business people that are time bound.

Please check out Ben’s website and blog by clicking here, or visit his Twitter posts by clicking here.  I hope you enjoy our interview together, and here is to you being more productive yet with more happiness in your life!!!!!

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