Podcast 507: Slim by Design with Brian Wansink, Ph.D.

As a result of watching Joe’s documentary I payed particular attention to an interview he conducted with Brian Wansink from Cornell’s Food and Brand Lab.  I was fascinated by how Brain was focused on how the change in our surroundings and environment can have a significant impact on our health and nutrition, so I reached out to him to do an interview for Inside Personal Growth.

In this interview with Brian Wansink, Ph.D. you will learn how simply it is to reconstruct and rethink your environments for success in your food consumption. Brian says that the answer isn’t to tell people what to do: it is to set up their living environments so that they will naturally lose weight.   He says we need to work with human nature not against it, and that willpower is a very challenging way to shift our eating patterns for success, and he proves it in his new book “Slim By Design“.

During our dialogue together we discuss some very simple techniques that you can employ in you home, the restaurants you eat in, your grocery store, your workplace and at your children’s school.   You will learn how to create a mindless solution for your eating habits, that will work and allow you to shed the unwanted pounds.   This is not to state that you can only change your environment for success, you still need to exercise and learn what foods are healthy for you, but this factor is a key to a healthy lifestyle  change in what you eat and how much weight you might be able to lose.

I hope you enjoy this upbeat and lively interview with a fascinating man and scientist, Brian Wansink, Ph.D. If you want to learn more about “Slim By Design” or his other books please click here to be directed to his website.

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3 comments on “Podcast 507: Slim by Design with Brian Wansink, Ph.D.

  1. Hi just wondering how are the draws held for the insider programs?

    is this where we comment for a chance to win the book ? or is it only for certain podcasts ?

    • Greg Voisen May 13, 2015

      Please send me your address (provided in the US) and we will be happy to send you a book from our collection. I appreciate your support, and please spread the word.
      In Spirit,

    • Greg Voisen Jul 6, 2015

      Sorry for the the long delay in getting back with you. If you are interested in receiving free books from our collection we request that you make comments on the interviews. We will send you a book from our collection of authors. Please make sure that we get your address please.
      Greg Voisen

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