Podcast 501: Refine Your Life with Pilar Gerasimo

Pilar Gerasimo is someone that I will alway call my friend.  While we don’t speak to one another often, she is the kind of person that when you once meet her you bond almost immediately.  I respect Pilar for all that she is doing to make our world a better place to live and connect with others.  Pilar is the “Founding Editor of Experience Life Magazine“.  If you are not a subscriber, I would recommend that you seriously check out the magazine through the link provided.

In my interview with Pilar we speak about her course entitled “Refine Your Life” which can be accessed through the Entheos Academy .

It is the beginning of a New Year and many of us are focused on our vision, goals and attempting to figure out how we are going to attain our new life plan. In my interview with Pilar we discuss the important elements of your personal growth, which include purpose, vision, values, goals, obstacles and how to manage in the crazy fast paced world we live in.

As Pilar starts off “Refine Your Life” she has a quote from Thomas Merton ” We must make the choices that enable us to fulfill the deepest capacities of our real selves”  I think that about sums it up, if we are not in the pursuit of knowing who and what we really are, and why we are here on this planet– we get to go around the sun lots of times and ultimately we will transition from the physical plane to another dimension without the fulfillment and content of finding meaning and purpose.

If you want to get more direction as we start off this New Year, I can highly recommend that you listen to this interview with a wise, and purposeful woman Pilar Gerasimo.  If she inspires you to take action, then go check out her course at Entheos Academy.

I hope you enjoy my interview with author, editor and renaissance woman Pilar Gersimo.

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