Marci ShimoffAt the beginning of this year I met Marci Shimoff at a conference in Los Angeles. I had the pleasure of being able to listen to a presentation she made on happiness. I was so impressed with her research and findings that I asked her if she would be interested in doing this podcast with me.

There is something you might want to know about Marci, and that is she is also the #1 New York Times bestselling coauthor of Chicken Soup for the Woman’s Soul, and is a featured teacher in “The Secret”. She is a highly sought after speaker, and has done her research to find what creates happiness in our lives.
Marci conducted interviews with what she terms her “Happy 100”. What she found out is that happiness is not an abstract emotion–it’s a physiological state that can be measured and experienced more often in our everyday lives. She found that we all have a “happiness set point” that is approximately 50% genetic and 50% learned. Marci states that no matter what happens to us we tend to return to our set level of happiness. The good news is that we can reprogram our happiness set-point to a higher level of peace and well-being. Marci explains in her book “Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out” that instead of trying to change our outer world in order to be happier, all we really need to do is change our happiness set-point. And it’s easier than we think.

In her interviews with the “Happy 100″, Shimoff found that happy people live their lives differently than unhappy people; they have different habits. The three guiding principles or universal laws, that she calls, The Guiding Three” are: First, what expands you makes you happier,(The Law of Expansion). Second, the universe is out to support you, (The Law of Universal Support) And third, what you appreciate, appreciates, (The Law of Attraction).

In my interview with Marci we cover the 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out. I know you will love listening to this vivacious, outgoing and wonderful soul, Marci Shimoff dialogue with me about what creates happiness. I highly recommend her book entitled “Happy for No Reason: 7 Steps to Being Happy from the Inside Out” and for more information about her seminars and workshops please visit her website by clicking here.

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