BJ GallagherThe title of the book says it all: ” It’s Never Too Late to be What You Might Have Been”  Author BJ Gallagher has written a simple, straightforward, and effective guide to getting the life you’ve always wanted.  The author asks: “What are your passions and talents?” Do you have gifts to share with the world?’ Have you deferred your dreams because it seemed impractical?” Do you long to pick up that dream again?” If your answers to any of these questions is yes, then this is the book for you!

In my interview with BJ Gallagher we discuss the tips for making your dreams come true.  BJ has some wonderful ideas that she shares to get you inspired such as creating a mental picture of what you want you life to look like. Reading books, watching DVD’s and listening to CD’s that keep your enthusiasm, energy and commitment high. Keeping your eyes and ears open for opportunity. Practicing active gratitude, and asking for what you want.  All of this may sound simple, but they are frequently the things we need to do but forget to do because we let the everyday life routines get in the way.  Imagine what you life could be like in the next five years if you were to practice some of what BJ is advocating in her book ” It’s Never Too Late to be What You Might Have Been“.

With as many people out of work as their are today, BJ advice about starting a new career is wonderful.  She advocates if you only had one year to live, what is the career you would want to be in?  She say listen to your heart as well as your head.  Conduct informational interviews with people who are doing the kind of work you think you’d like to do.  Find a way to try out the prospective new career before you actually commit to it.  Do some research and find out what academic credentials are required.   The best jobs are the those that are a little to big for you.  They force you to stretch and grow.
This is a wonderful little book filled with great advice and loaded with true stories of people that have taken the journey to live the life they wanted to live, with passion and a zest for life.  I hope you enjoy this great interview with author BJ Gallagher, she is inspirational and uplifting in her message.   If you would like more information about BJ Gallagher and her other titles please click here to be directed to her website.

Just go do it as the Nike ad says!!!!

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