Podcast 293: The Fatigue Prescription with Linda Hawes Clever MD

Linda CleverGosh knows almost everyone in today’s environment deals with fatigue from time to time.  In my interview with author Dr. Linda Clever about her new book ” The Fatigue Prescription” we speak about the causes and some of the underlying personal prescription one can take to eliminate fatigue.

Dr. Linda Clever states that most of us take on lots to do.  As a matter of fact she list some of them as work, family, economy, kids, money, hobbies, housekeeping deadlines, school need I go further.  Our minds are filled with the to do lists which zap our energy.  The resulting energy zap can create symptoms of loss of patience, decreased appetite, denial, irritability, loss of sleep etc. which lead to fatigue.

So what do you do?  You learn to find out what is causing your energy bucket to leak, and fill the holes as Dr. Clever states.  Determine where the holes are and plug them with corks to add new energy.  It could be as simple as saying “no” a very empowering word, or getting help with the chores, going on a walk, taking a power nap, talking with friends on the phone.  Whatever recharges your batteries and brings you joy.

The Fatigue Prescription gets back to basics by helping you figure out how you’re feeling.  That is how the Prescription starts: with awareness.  Dr. Clever states that it is important to be aware of feelings because that do not go away. Fear, anger, boredom, and sorrow may seem to line dormant but are actually simmering and can explode.  Dr. Clever provides the reader with ample opportunity to explore their feelings, at the end of each chapter she provides insightful questions to explore to assist the reader in renewing their energy and reducing fatigue.

Dr Clever is also the founder of an organization called Renew. Renew is a non-profit organization helping people find an answer to the yearning that many feel for effectiveness, a sense of calm and a positive direction. Regardless of age, most of us want to have meaning in our lives. If you would like more information and the opportunity to take a short quiz and a reality check please check here to be directed to the Renew website.
I hope you enjoy this wonderful interview with a very insightful author and physician.  If you want more information about the Fatigue Prescription please click here to be directed to Dr. Clever’s website.

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