Podcast 291: The Gratitude Power Workbook with Mary Beth Sammons

Mary Beth SammonsI had the pleasure of interviewing Brenda Knight the editor of “The Gratitude Power Workbook“.  Brenda was instrumental in the books development with the authors, and she was very insightful during our podcast on how to use this wonderful workbook as well as she had some awesome stories to tell.   The subtitle of this book is “transform fear into courage, anger into forgiveness, isolation into belonging.  That is such an appropriate subtitle for it really sums up what the power of gratitude can help one overcome.

If you are tired of walking around with a hole in your heart and you need more inspiration, then the studies show that gratitude is the key component of our own happiness. People who are grateful about events and experiences from the past who celebrate the triumphs instead of focusing on the losses or disappointments, tend to be more satisfied in the present.   The authors recommend living as if each day were a gift—and truly they are gifts.  Imagine that everywhere you went people smiled and said , “Thank You” and you in turn were filled with joy and gratitude from the moment you woke up unit you hit the pillow at night, your mind still and calm.  Just imagine, a world without grumbling, a world where everyone is happy and grateful for where and who they are.

If you would like to experience more gratitude in your life it is a personal choice, but “The Gratitude Power Workbook” is certainly a great reference source and guidance workbook to assist any reader in developing more gratitude in their life.  It is filled with places to allow you to do reflection, answer some of life’s most pressing questions, and ways for you to integrate gratitude into the DNA of your soul.

I love the quote by Albert Einstein–“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle”.  I choose to live my life as though everything is a miracle—how about you.

I hope you enjoy my wonderful interview with Brenda Knight the editor of this lovely book!!!

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