Podcast 228: The Conscious CEO with Marti Spiegelman

Marti SpiegelmanI received an email from Marti Spiegelman stating that she was going to be interviewing Rinaldo Brutoco from the World Business Academy for her radio show entitled “Awakening Value“.  I have to admit that I was quite intrigued,  because she is a practicing  modern shaman and in all the years that I have done interviews on Inside Personal Growth I have never had the opportunity to interview a shaman, and Marti graciously accepted.

In my interview we explore so many fascinating aspects of Shamanism, as well as discussing a program she as developed for CEO’s entitled “The Conscious CEO.  As Marti explains it shamanism is a word that means nothing more than “keepers of the wisdom”, and in accent indian traditions the elders in the tribes would pass on this wisdom from generation to generation.

There are two keys to the training. The first is mastery of the shaman’s state of luminous awareness.The second is mastery of the fundamental principles that underlie all shamanic technologies. As these principles are revealed to you, you are taught how to use them the way they were originally intended – to grow you, fully and passionately into the genius you actually are and create pathways for your gift to be received in the world. In the process of mastering luminous awareness and receiving multiple levels of shamanic intuition, you develop for yourself a new way to walk in the world, a new way to understand life and your place in it, a new way to be your power and your passion.

These teachings are an integral part of Marti’s course entitled “The Conscious CEO” that she conducts a couple of times per year.  If you are a CEO of an organization or in upper management the shamanic technologies that Marti imparts as part of her course will certainly awaken your consciousness as well as allow you to open up to developing a corporate culture of “awareness”.  Marti speaks about “relational awareness” as our unconscious but when you become a modern shaman you become very aware of your connection to the environment and everything around you.  The development of this sensory of awareness will heighten one’s ability to connect, allowing for endless possibilities.
If you are looking for a new way to perceive your world, with fresh eyes and an open mind then I encourage you to check out Marti’s website by clicking here.  Also you can listen to her regularly broad casted Voice America radio show by clicking here.  Enjoy this wonderful interview with an amazing modern day shaman Marti Spiegelman.

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