John RobbinsI have been an admirer of John Robbins for many years.  I first heard him speak in San Francisco in 2003 just after my oldest son Sean was diagnosed with Leukemia.  We took a trip to San Fransisco to attend a Green Conference where John was speaking about his book “The Food Revolution“.  It was this speech that made such an impact on both my son and myself that we altered our diets significantly in an effort to improve our health and be more environmentally sensitive.  I am proud to report that John’s message indelibly impacted our family contributing to our families improved health today.

John’s new book entitled ” The New Good Life” is probably one of the best books that I have ever read on living a life on less without the sacrifice.  The New Good Life is the path from conspicuous consumption to conscious consumption.  He advocates taking an active role in becoming  more aware of your purchases, and differentiate between your needs and wants.  Those of us who live in the United States for the most part have had plenty, and the previous consumptive patterns have helped to lead the current ecological and economic challenges we are faced with today.

As a result of our consumptive patterns I believe that we  need to look more closely at the choices we make when we purchase something,  and shift toward conscious consumption.  As John articulates in “The New Good Life” his life shifted significantly when he woke up one day last December to realize that 95% of his entire fortune disappeared as a result of his assets being mismanaged on Wall Street.

This book is as much about John’s personal journey, and how to learn to live on less while appreciating life.  It is a passionate manifesto on finding meaning beyond money, while delivering a sound blueprint for living well on less.  John teaches you how to create your own definition of success based on your deepest beliefs and life experiences, alleviate depression and stay fit with inexpensive alternative for high cost medicine, develop a diet that promotes better health and saves money, and how to protect yourself from future economic catastrophes.

The New Good Life” is a must read for anyone suffering through this economic downturn.  It is wonderfully written and extremely enlightening.

I highly recommend that you visit John’s website by clicking here and check out all of the cool resources as well as his videos.  Enjoy this great interview with a man on a mission to help people, help themselves while helping save planet earth!!!!

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