Podcast 186: Managing Thought with Mary J. Lore

Mary J. LoreI had the great pleasure of being introduced to Mary Lore through a good friend of mine here in San Diego.  My friend, Pam Stambaugh, is a friend of Mary’s and has helped to promote several of Mary’s workshops in our area. I am so glad that Pam took the time to connect Mary and I.  I am now a great fan of Mary’s work primarily because of it simplicity and ease of understanding.

Mary has taken some of the most challenging concepts around “thought” and distilled the content into usable and digestible language and exercise.   Her new book entitled, “Managing Thought-Think Differently, Think Powerfully, Achieve New Levels of Success,” has received the Nautilus Book Award.

As Mary explains, everything you do begins with a thought. From making small day-to-day decisions to changing company-wide strategies, to plotting a lifelong career path–the way you think determines the way you live.    Mary’s new book provides a step-by-step process to turn habitual, counterproductive thinking into creative thinking and inspired action.  Managing Thought begins by showing you that your brain is not a computer, and that your mind does not have to operate on autopilot.  Mary shows you that you can have power over your thoughts once you recognize the messages you send yourself, and reshape those thoughts to get positive results.

Managing Thoughts teaches you to overcome limiting beliefs you may have developed whether though personal experience, in your family, in your work culture, or even in your society, that blocks your vision of reality and can prevent you from growing and transforming. If you have ever operated from a place of fear, lack of control, or pure reaction–the reptilian, primitive part of the brain that responds without thinking-you can change.

I encourage you to listen to this wonderful podcast with a very knowledgeable author about the power of thought.  Her website is loaded with valuable resources as well as a wonderful self-assessment that I encourage everyone to take.  If you would like access her website just click here and enjoy the resources available.

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