A few week ago I started an interview with David Sibbet the author of “Visual Leaders”. We did not get a chance to complete the interview so I invited David back for another podcast.
In this interview we continue our dialogue about ”Visual Leaders” and we also delve into another of David’s books entitled ” Visual Teams”.
As David states “Visualization provides teams with a common language and serves as as a powerful tool for improving processes and communicating big picture contexts”. Engaging in visual meeting using large murals or whiteboards is a very involving way to present and tell a story as well as a way to create engagement and buy-in from the teams members.
If you work in a team or own a business and have not experienced the benefit of utilizing the graphic visualization tools, then I would invite you to listen to this interview and visit Grove Consulting website by clicking here. You will find various tools and aids to assist you even if you don’t have an artistic bone in your body.
To learn more about David Sibbets books “Visual Leaders, Visual Teams, and Visual Meetings” please click any of the hypertext links to be directed to the books at Amazon.
Enjoy this great interview with author David Sibbet.
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