Podcast 49: "Journey to Abundance" with Kamin Bell

Kamin Bell It is with tremendous pleasure that I get to introduce you to a very good friend and wonderfully beautiful soul. I had the pleasure of going to the University of Santa Monica where we each graduated with our masters’ degree in Spiritual Psychology. I not only got to attend classes with Kamin, but were were paired up in what was termed a project team. During the second year of our master’s program we supported one another in the successful attainment and completion of our major projects.

Guess what! Kamin’s project was writing this book entitled, ” Journey to Abundance: A Workbook and Resource Guide for Creating the Prosperous Life You Desire.” I had the pleasure to get to read and help Kamin as she developed the manuscript for this book. In my interview with Kamin you will learn more about what it takes to live a life of abundance. Kamin’s personal story is very authentic and quite revealing and will help the reader understand what is really necessary to attain inner success and fulfillment. What she reveals is that abundance shows up in so many ways other than just monetary abundance. She helps the reader realize that our abundance is all around us, that all we have to do is awaken and claim what we already have within ourselves.

Kamin reminds us that our negative self-talk affects our thinking and what we manifest into our lives as a result of our self talk. She is masterful at the use of very probing questions at the completion of each chapter as a means to engage our minds into thinking about new ways of manifesting abundance in our lives. I highly recommend this podcast and book, for I know Kamin’s message is heartfelt and will help you attain real prosperity in your life.

If you would like to know more about Kamin’s workshops, seminars and book, please visit her website by clicking here. So set back relax and enjoy my dynamic interview with Kamin Bell.

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