Jeff Hansler I first met Jeff through a very good friend who is a dynamite public speaker by the name of Lorna Riley. Jeff was a participant on our Compassionate Communications pilot program, and was excited about the opportunity.

During our dialogue with one another I was intrigued by his work as a speaker and published author, so I decided to do this podcast. Jeff owns a company called, “The Oxford Company” , which is a sales consulting organization located in Huntington Beach, Ca.

In this podcast we focus on Jeff’s book entitled, “Sell Little Red Hen! Sell.” Jeff masterfully adapts the children’s story of, “The Little Red Hen”, to teach the principles of successful selling. Topics in the book include:  multi-layered listening, understanding personality types, selling to values and influence and persuasion. It is a must-read for salespeople everywhere!

Jeff is a master at helping companies develop sales systems He does this by analyzing existing processes and improving on the efficiency and effectiveness of their sales delivery system.

I highly recommend to anyone in sales to listen to the podcast and read Jeff’s book. You can learn more about his consulting services and book by clicking here. Enjoy the podcast!!!!

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