I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Ruth Folit the founder of Chronicle Software and the developers of the cloud based journaling software called ” Life Journal”.

Journaling is an amazing way to heal the soul, and to connect with your inner voice. It allows the voice inside to be expressed and heard, which if it were not for journaling our souls voice might not never be heard.

If you are a someone who journals and have always used the traditional paper journal, you just might want to experience “Life Journal”. It is an easy to use software with amazing features to prompt you when you get stuck, and also allows you to keep a timeline. I love the quote section, I personally find this as an additional prompt and gentle reminder when when my words are not flowing.

In my interview with Ruth we discuss the benefits and issues associated with both paper-based journaling and or keeping your journal in the cloud. Ruth shares with us how to eliminate our inner critic, which frequently prevents us from doing our journaling and also the how journaling statistically has proven to help people who were unemployed get employed more rapidly.

I hope you enjoy our interview—If you want more information about Life Journal, just click here or you can go the he Life Journal Facebook page by clicking on the link.

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