Podcast 978: 911 From Your Soul with Jeanine Thompson

My guest for today’s podcast is author, speaker and transformational coach Jeanine Thompson. She just released her new book entitled 911 From Your Soul last September.

Jeanine is an agent of change and a key leader supporting complex global acquisitions and divestitures. With her doings, she has partner with individuals, teams, and audiences in service of living all you came here to be and elevating the highest good of humanity.

Her clients are senior executives, leaders and entrepreneurs who are high performers. They’ve excelled and succeeded on many levels in life and business. Despite their success, they often feel restless and unfulfilled.

No doubt on Jeanine’s expertise as she was personally mentored by renowned transformational expert, Marci Shimoff. She is also a Certified High Performance Coach (CHPC) trained by the High Performance Institute, founded by Brendon Burchard, and a Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner (RTTP).

Adding to her line of amazing works, Thompson introduces us to seven key spiritual principles—The Soul Solution—that empower us to answer the call from our Soul and unleash our highest potentiality in all areas of life through her new book 911 From Your Soul. Moreover, she shows us how to harness “the beauty of the and” to fully enliven what life is offering to and through us, even in our most challenging moments.

If you’re interested and want to know more about Jeanine, you may click here to visit her website.

I hope you enjoy my engaging interview with Jeanine Thompson. Thanks and happy listening!


Despite outward success, many of us are still filled with restlessness and a yearning for something more in our lives. Transformational coach Jeanine Thompson shows us this longing isn’t a drive toward more achievement, but rather a desire to return home to ourselves.

We are coded to evolve and the greatest invitations in our life often arise masquerading as the details of challenge or crisis. Yet the most powerful source of untapped potential is one many of us have lost sight of.

Leveraging her own powerful story and those of her clients, Jeanine introduces us to seven key spiritual principles—The Soul Solution—that empower us to answer the call from our Soul and unleash our highest potentiality in all areas of life. Moreover, she shows us how to harness “the beauty of the and” to fully enliven what life is offering to and through us, even in our most challenging moments.


As a former Fortune 50 HR executive, I know the vast agility required to succeed in business. Despite excelling, I was always left feeling ‘that something missing’.

Going into the realm of awareness, I explored broadly within the non-traditional; energy, diverse wisdom traditions, texts, spirituality, yoga, as well as neuroscience, psychology, physiology, and biology.

Go deep enough and each practice takes you to the very same place: the irresistible doorway to your Soul.


You may also refer to the transcripts below for the full transciption (not edited) of the interview.

Greg Voisen
Well welcome back to Inside Personal Growth. This is Greg Voisen, the host of Inside Personal Growth. And joining me from Winona Minnesota now is going to say with a soda Minnesota is Jeanine Thompson and Janine has a new book out. And I hope all of you can see this, but if you can't, it's 911 From the Soul, and the forward is by Marcy Shem. Off, we were talking about her last time when we had a discussion. Janine and I and very much, someone who's been on the show a couple of times, and just a very old soul and very wise person. So great person to write your introduction. And now I know how she wrote your introduction. You guys all met in California together. So that was pretty cool. So how are you doing today?

Jeanine Thompson
I am great. Thank you. We've got a very light picturesque snowfall today. So feels like we're settling into our new season. And I'm excited.

Greg Voisen
Well, it's good to be in your energy, as always, and thank you, and I'm gonna let the listeners know a little bit about you. She's a former fortune 50 HR executive with vast agility. She basically worked in these companies. But during that time, too, she had a master's in social work, a certified high performance coast, former psychotherapist and evidence based CBT. So highly successful executive. And she led diverse human resource teams across the globe, delivering keynotes to large audiences and helping navigate the way toward profitability while empowering personnel and personal growth. She is a change agent Most definitely. And she's a change eight or J agent with this book, I'm gonna say because this is something for people to wake up to. She also has a lot of what she refers to at her website as non-traditional credentials. And I think my audience ought to know about that. One is rapid, transformational therapy practitioner. So it's hypnotherapy, NLP and CBT. She's a Reiki Master and former registered yoga instructor or what are why t? Well, you've got a great background. She's a giver, Scott a big heart, wonderful person go up to Janine thompson.net. Janine thompson.net. And we will actually put a link to that Janine, and everybody will put a link to this book on Amazon. So go out and get a copy of this book as well. I think for all of you, we just set our intentions before we started this podcast. And I think for all of my listeners who are very in tune with the message that you have, will certainly be extremely receptive to what you have to say. So let's just kind of start this off, you know, as I said, Marsha Shem off wrote in the foreword to your book, that you obviously you guys doing a workshop together, are so inspired, Soul directed, and also pragmatic and practical. And that comes from, you know, your work ethic and working inside these big companies. This is where the rubber meets the road in terms of human consciousness, the space where infinite understanding needs action and spiritual principles meet success matrix. Can you tell the listeners a little about you, which I did, but also why you decided to write 911 from the soul? It's always a good place to start. It's like, okay, what makes an author want to actually author their book and what got them so engaged in doing

Jeanine Thompson
it? Yeah. So thank you for that lovely introduction, Greg. It is just great to be with you and your listeners. You know a little bit about me, I would say that one of the things that I value most in life, I will start there are my two children, Tanner and Taylor, my family, my friends, chosen family. I just treasure so very much in life. I love cooking. I love great wine. I love travel. So there's a lot that I love in life. And that's probably not a surprise, given my eclectic background, you know, as you described, there's been kind of three big chunks from psychotherapy to Fortune 50 executive internationally, to kind of the transformation and spirituality, space.

Greg Voisen
While you're curious. You're you are definitely I call you radically curious boy You're curious, you're always wanting to know why

Jeanine Thompson
I am. And that was part of when you asked, gosh, what why did you decide to write this book in particular? You know, Greg, I was struck by how when we connect the dots in reverse, because particularly through my 20s, and 30s, I thought, you know, I was 100%, in control of my life, I was, you know, well studied, I was thinking I was directing, influencing, going to control if I just showed up in life, I really could manage and direct absolutely everything that happened in my life. And it became so clear to me, honestly, with age that there were synchronistic events in my life that I simply could not have orchestrated, that I couldn't have planned my career coach in college, nobody sets up a career path like that they often ran, what one would think antithetical to one another. So it started me reflecting on the great mystery in life, and what other forces were in play within myself, within others, and the world. And then the actual book itself was during a time in my life, where the details looked great from the outside, I had a wonderful family, super close relationship with my kids and friends, the big job travel, all of the accoutrements of success, what we are taught success is and what we strive for. And despite all of that, I kept waking up in the middle of the night, with these whispers that there was something more for me. And I thought, oh my gosh, for crying out loud, just be grateful. Look at, look at your life, be grateful. And I was grateful. I had a gratitude practice. But I couldn't gratitude, the yearning away. And that yearning caused me to go on what I call the great search, which is what was that something missing?

Greg Voisen
So when you're so radically curious, I have a question. You know, this word comes up to people that are extremely successful, have been quote, successful, like yourself, and it's the word contentment. And I always, you know, I've, I've interviewed so many people who've done so much they've written books, they've traveled the world, they've, they've started up companies, they've done this, they've done that. And then if you ask them, if they're content, they go, No. And I'm like, well, let's see. Maybe there's a different word for you, what is it that brings that soul in that piece, and that vibration necessary to keep that contentment in your life

Jeanine Thompson
many things one is being tuned in. So and being aware of, of my level of joy, and flow and what I'm currently doing for each of the three big chunks of my career as I was an evidence based psychotherapist, I loved it for the vast majority of the time, I was in that role. But then, you know, about nine years in I was like, there’s got to be something more and even then I was tuned into okay, this served a purpose I love helping others co create more mental health and wellbeing and, and transformation in their life through that facet. Same when I was a fortune 50 Exec. I loved it for the first nine plus years, and I started to get that whisper again. There's something more so when you asked me I think part of it and I think we'll talk about it more as we go on, is being dialed in to what does that voice inside? What's it whispering? Do you wake up on fire? Like there came a time when that something missing when I was an executive? I wasn't waking up fully alive and on fire I was yay me cannot wait to get on a plane and travel another two to 300,000 miles a year, which is what I was doing. But in the beginning I loved every I honestly I just loved it so much. So when your soul is starting to say, the next evolution of your growth is beckoning. You will always He's always be given signs, symptoms signals in advance. Hmm.

Greg Voisen
You know, you, I read the whole part about your traveling and being in places like China and or waking up and not remembering even where you were, you know, and I think that's pretty symptomatic of people who are traveling two 300,000 miles a year. And you just mentioned that over the 20 years that you were, psychotherapist that you lived in a world where everything was evidence based. So this is a huge shift, because, you know, we're hearing the voice. I know, so many listeners are hearing the voice, but not responding. And my question is, partially, why don't we respond? Why do we ignore? And what happened to you to move you more toward this spiritual dimension? And where you could discern the soul's calling? Because you know, you, you have responded, right? And maybe response isn't the word. But in I know, it's like, okay, well, we want to brush it under the carpet, we hear it, and then it comes back up again. And it comes back up again and comes back up again. But because the Western world and the outside world has us in all the trappings, it's very difficult sometimes for people to say, well, that's what my soul wants me to do. But I don't know if I can afford to do it. And I don't know if I can do that, you know, and there's so there's these, those echoing voices of doubt that happen, right? If somebody's going to break free, you know, it isn't as many people as you think, like you that actually break free from something like what you had. I think if you asked many of them, they're still there. Right? Yes. And they either they're hating it, or they've just learned to live with it. So two part question. It's like, Yeah, you were on this evidence based path, but you had, you know, how did you wake up to this and then go, Okay, I make better decisions. I'm gonna like make a decision to move and to, to actually hear the soul's calling.

Jeanine Thompson
Okay, so a couple of things. You had also thrown another question in there, I want to address first, which is why do we ignore it? And I think we ignore it for many reasons. I'll use myself for an example, when I heard in Mexico, that I can no longer do this. I was talking with the girlfriend, we were having cocktails. And I heard myself say out loud, I can't do this anymore. When the kids graduate, I've, I'm going to do something else. And I damn near dropped my cocktail on the floor. Because it felt like something else was speaking through me at that time. I still I totally still love my job. And so some of the reasons why we don't listen is it's not in line with our human plan. My human plan was to leave my fortune 50 job in four years, and it was four years too early. It didn't meet my financial plans, it was going to upset the applecart on my planning system. So a lot of times we ignore the whisper, because it's going to cause a shift in our life that we don't feel ready for. Hmm. You know, and so that was true for me. And then you ask, well, how did you How do you go from evidence based, you know, to the more spiritual awakening side of the equation, I started out as a kid, very intuitive, I had premonition significant premonitions, premonitions that were realized. But as a kid, and particularly growing up in a religious family, I couldn't make sense of them. So I shut it down. And my aunt was a psychotherapist, and I loved her dearly, and I wanted to be like her. So I just decided in fifth grade, I was going to be a psychotherapist. And I think part of me chose the evidence path because I was fighting what I couldn't make sense of as a kid, which I had to shut that down. And I did love science. And I love that we could say we had a 90% efficacy rate effectiveness rate with OCD, panic disorder, like I loved the treatment. But there came a time in my life, where when I was on the great search, looking for what was missing, trying to figure out that persistent yearning, my familiar solutions, the science wasn't Giving me the answers. The experts weren't giving me the answers. And ultimately, in that search, it led me to yoga, yoga and Reiki. And for the first time in my life, I have learned about mind body, and spirit, and soul and energy. I didn't know that as an evidence based therapist, right? So all of a sudden, this whole world simultaneously was opening up within me and around me. And I started exploring sacred sites and sacred text and oh my gosh, just the whole range shamans, healers, like everything, because there was this magnetic pole that I simply could not resist, to understand this inner genius inside of us that I have, yeah, there's

Greg Voisen
something always so much more, you said the human plan. And I like how you put that because we do have human plans that we get attached to, right. And I think in Buddhism and many practices, it's like, it's that attachment to the outcome, that really can create lots of pain and suffering, because we don't have the flexibility to move around it. My, my least my listeners, you know, can relate, but I was speaking with them. And you'll get this and Dr. Brian Ullman and Dr. Freddie, who came up with those ace studies at Kaiser. So when you take those ace studies, it determines adverse childhood experiences, and how those have dramatically affected you. And, you know, did you gain weight, or, you know, are you going to live a little bit longer, a little bit less, whatever it is, it was interesting, what he said, was, you know, until the people have a spiritual experience, no matter how much we work with them, because it's really, ultimately their path to spiritual, and many of them do not heal fully. And I thought that was pretty brave of somebody who's an MD and somebody who's doing all these things to say, look, you know, it's really about when these people awaken. Really, that's, that's what it is, it's like, when you awaken, you can actually make a full transformation of yourself, and heal PTSD, and heal these childhood kind of traumas that you're reading or anxiety attacks are all the other things that we label them, right? Because we need a label for them. So the insurance companies can pay for the treatment, or ain't so. But I thought it was really quite interesting. Do you have a comment on that?

Jeanine Thompson
I do. So I think a couple of things. I think that every presentation, whether it is physical or psychological, all have a spiritual underpinning. I think that our body truth always precedes our mind lies. And so. And if we unpack that a little bit, there's a lot of punch to that statement. I just said, our body truth precedes our mind lies. When we have tight shoulders when we have GI issues like I did significant GI issues

Greg Voisen
lead to, I used to have, yeah, me too.

Jeanine Thompson
I do. They're gone now. But it definitely was a reflection of a time in my life where the dynamic exchange of given take of rest and play of personal and professional were way out of whack. I wasn't digesting life. I was not.

Greg Voisen
But why don't we give ourselves permission for that? You know, you know, it's really an interesting dilemma and conundrum. You know, and I know you're gonna answer a lot of my listeners questions, because the questions I'm asking you what, while maybe not quite on this, is, they're really important. You know, it's like we're denying ourselves permission to be who we really would like to be. Because that voice inside is so strong. That overrides the whole soul's calling to say, Well, you've got to live up to your mom, you got to live up to your dad, you got to live up to your boss, you got to live up to your wife, you got to live up to somebody, you know, it's like we're always trying to be something for somebody else. So why don't we give ourselves permission, Jimmy?

Jeanine Thompson
Yeah, but I think that there. I think it's nuanced, right? I think some people don't give themselves permission. Because if they're living largely from an Earth view, from their conditioned view, their personality, the biases, they've been taught the messages As they've been taught that they can only be so big in life before they're sure to fail, it's harder to give themselves permission. But I will also so that we can work on it, if that is the presentation, we can learn how to be calm, become more permission based, I've had great success, helping clients with that. And I will also say this, there is an intelligence to divine timing that we don't choose. So I've often also worked with people and certainly saw it in my self, where it's like, dammit, Now is my time. So I am going to push this through, I am going to do depth to that to that. But actually, our body was telling us it was tight, it wasn't ready. The pathway to whatever we were going to do was hard. It was obstacle after obstacle after obstacle. And we didn't listen to the lack of resonance along the way. And we tried to push divine timing, when it actually wasn't yet our time. So I think that there's this very artful balance, to make sure that we're not stuck in a conditioned Earth view in our 70,000 thoughts a day that says, You who don't get too big for your britches, you couldn't possibly

Jeanine Thompson
do that. And really tuning in inward. And say, show me the way helped me recognize the signs of time.

Greg Voisen
I think that's the key. Janine, is that we don't ask for guidance enough. Yes. Because we feel we're weak if we do that. So where many people are trying to do I'm going to come from a male perspective, right? There's number one, you'll find that maybe most males aren't as spiritual, but a lot are, but and that's a generalization. But on the other hand, it's like, Whoa, I gotta ask for help. And for I help from this amorphous, inanimate thing that I don't know what it is, but I know, I believe there's something there. Right. So it's, you know, you look at this strong belief, is it a truth? Is it a truth for me? And this, you know, obviously, this is the age old question, because I've said this on shows before, religion has done more to divide people, that has to actually bring people together, spirituality, spirituality on their hand, has done more to bring people together than to divide people. Now, I'm not down on religions, Judaism, Catholicism, whatever it is that you're practicing. What I'm saying is the dogma associated with the rules that you have to follow are the things that actually break people. Right? Would you agree with that?

Jeanine Thompson
Absolutely. As somebody who came from a highly religious background, and I have a great appreciation for aspects of many traditions, I love to study many, many traditions. However, for me, for example, really, I grew up thinking the power was out there up in the sky, kind of all controlling, kind of punishing, you know, kind of disclosure generi, and who was in or out a very different belief system than I hold today.

Greg Voisen
I thought it was, I thought it was interesting and comment, then I'm gonna move on to your sole solution. I happen to watch the crown, and Philip was addressing the Queen, his mother. And he she said, you have to uphold the Christianity, and the beliefs of the church and whatever. And he said, But Mother, you're living in the past. I want to recognize Jews and Muslims, and every faith there is, and that's what's wrong with Britain. Right? So he says it like right to her face. And obviously, she was astounded by the answer he gave. But I think so importantly, as we've evolved, it's like we have to evolve because we're all one and you state in the book to be felt and experienced. And it centers around seven core principles. And you call these the sole solution. Can you speak about the seven core principles because we're talking about spirituality now, and how they can be utilized in daily life?

Jeanine Thompson
Yeah. So that those were Because I write very deliberately. And when I say I want you this book is meant to be felt and experience. Many people can breeze through a book and read it with their human eyes. And then it's like, oh, that was interesting or not, or whatever their perspective is done with a book, I actually want you to, ideally read the words with your heart. And some of your like, Oh, my God, what does that even mean? For right now, just say, I'm going to read this with openness with as much expansiveness as I can. And when you come to a practice it ask you a question, because in that moment, answer it at the end of the chapter. Get out your journal, get out your voice memo on your phone, answer the questions, you'll be astonished how they changed throughout the book, we now know that reading alone is helpful. But when it's actually tested and tested, and try, and you're experiencing it, it's got more stickiness, and then you will truly know if it's resonant with you or not. Regarding the soul solution, the seven key spiritual principles, and just the big buckets for our listeners are mind, soul, body, heart service, gratitude, and love. And there, I'll give you an example of a principle I direct my mind in service of my soul. So if we unpack that, in each of the chapters, I have an Earth view, like the Earth view of mind, our 70,000 thoughts a day come from our conditioned self, the experiences that shaped us growing up, limitations, biases, beliefs. And so you shed an Earth view, we look for what could go wrong, we beat the crap out of ourselves, our inner critic is on high alert, saying you should have done this, you could have done this. We only see what's humanly possible. In a soul view. It's an unlimited camp canvas, the what if is flipped in an Earth view? It's what would could go What if this goes wrong, and it's disasters creates ruin for me, in a soul view? The whatever it is, oh my gosh, like, what? What is? What is beyond possible? What if I see for other people? What if the best possible outcome happened that there was no chance of happening? What would that look like? As the sole view mind says, you've got this, you've done so many hard things before. Look at what you've done. You have got this. So and then there's living at the beauty of the end, which is while I'm traversing in a, a wonder suit of a body, as a spiritual being having a human experience, how do I live, from my soul view more often than my Earth view? So in every chapter, there's kind of very practical, tangible kind of questions to help a shift out of the Earth view we're steeped in, that media reinforces every day, like all around us is limitation. You are not enough. You don't eat the right things. You don't have the right bank account, you don't have the right house, you don't have the right car, you don't have the right education. You don't have the right physical body, it's all about you are not enough. But none of that is truth. And then when we step into this soul view, you don't even have to believe it. Just initially be willing to shift and some of the soul view perspectives and just see what happens. Have a willingness to test and try. And that's true.

Greg Voisen
It's so beautifully said, what pops up for me, as an add on to this is it's like a stripping away. To be able, I'm going to use the term almost become naked. It's like you're wearing this coat and you're clothed with all of these things from the outside until you can become naked. Now I know because I've done so many interviews around people that are longing to have the experience, but then it doesn't stick they go, oh, well, you and I'm going to take the psycho Silvan and I'm going to go trip out a little bit and have this big spiritual experience. Or I'm going to do the iOS guy or I'm going to go like Michael Pollan's three part Netflix series. On, you know, the this, you see what happens to people. They want it so bad, yet in the earthly world without the aid of something else. So whether it's, you know, LSD or it's, or it's taking Ayahuasca it's doing well, they don't seem to be able to get there. Many people, right, there's, there's a lot of people like that. So question for you. I mean, I'm not asking you to advocate the use of any of these things. But how to the regular person out there listening right now? Do they get to that stripped down version, where they take the coat off? And they just feel alive?

Jeanine Thompson
Yeah. So listen, I honestly think that's what these seven core principles do. They really are a daily blueprint, you talked about, you know, some Plant Therapy experiences to get you there. With these seven principles are I would love for your readers, print them out, put them in your bedroom closet, have a copy with a post it note on your computer, because what they actually are, are a tangible blueprint, that every single day, every decision, even every thought you become aware of each of the principles are a facet of our human perspective, and our spiritual perspective. And it will help you live the truth, the soul truth, the higher truth and allow you teach you to let it take command and the helm of your life. These

Greg Voisen
that's the key, though, let it take command. I mean, if I was going to underline anything, it would be yes, you have to realize that that's more important than the coat. And it needs I'm using the code as a metaphor. All of the outside world, the ego edging God out as ego, you know, has been said to stand for. But that thing has to kind of be there. And you know, one of the things you mentioned was about, you know, the tightening of the shoulders and your GI problem and all the stress you were having from your travel. And you lamented over the decision to take what you did when you were leaving your job. I'm kind of going backwards again now because we're pretty deep in the interview. But this is decisions that people who are listening have to make. And I think then they should hear from you. How you really lamented over this as well, you were pretty attached to all this other stuff as well. And you like you said you're on that trip in Mexico, and you suddenly heard the voice President within speaking to you like you said, you almost dropped your cocktail glass or maybe you did drop your cocktail. How would the incident in your life and how would you advise the listeners to hear the call and guidance from the soul? And what are some of the signs that maybe you heard or that your clients hear? But sometimes ignore meaning? Hey, I got tight shoulders, I got gi problems I've got whatever it might be because you were a Reiki Master you work with people on all kinds of body things. Maybe it's not manifesting itself in the body. Maybe it's all mental. Usually it does manifest someplace in the body, something happens. But I'd love to hear from you. How people transform.

Jeanine Thompson
So a couple of things. One, it is so clear to me now that soul and life are speaking to us every single day. When I heard that voice come through me in Mexico I never forgot it. Now the truth was I said before I was scared I wasn't ready to act on it because was four years ahead of my human plan. But then that was okay. I got to honor my non readiness because seven months later I come home from the plane on China and then there's you know, get called into a CEOs office and he's like Shane, we came up with a brilliant plan to offer a generous buyout

Greg Voisen
all are never reading this. Yes. And I was

Jeanine Thompson
like so we can trust by the way, folks. If you don't feel ready, life will either honor that for a while like it did. For me and gives you another swing. And you're still not going to go, oh, yeah, I'm ready. But maybe you're more willing. And I was willing at that time, or it gets louder, and something actually gets stripped away in our lives. Something gets tipped upside

Greg Voisen
down. That's what I wanted to hear your help.

Jeanine Thompson
I mean, sometimes we just flat ass, don't listen. And then life gets really loud. But life first your soul and the energy of life around you speaks and gives you love notes every single day. So some of the ways you might hear that, you might hear it. In turn light, I frequently woke up at 333. And heard, there's something more for you. And it was constant. And there were two messages and that numbers, do you see repeating numbers?

Greg Voisen
I see him all the time. So what is 1111? Mean? Or 111? I've been I've been dealing with 1111 and 111. For years now. It's like, I pay attention, let me tell you, because I mean, a lot of it's on my phone,

Jeanine Thompson
particularly as it is a very powerful number sequence. But it is about pay attention to these moments, these words, these thoughts this energy right now, because they're of a higher manifesting quality at 111 1111. So that is always a message about 10 to the quality of your thoughts. Because is what you're thinking speaking right now, actually what you want to create. There's a there's a thinner portal, portal and Vale at that time. So 1111 super important. 333 the angels were guiding me saying there's personal growth ahead. Personal growth ahead. And I'm like, Yeah, but I'm not quite ready just yet. I'll let you know when I'm ready. So yeah, so sometimes you're going to hear whispers, sometimes you'll know it, when you squelch your voice and ends to fit in to please someone else, you say something to be on point with their point of view. And inside, there's such a lack of resonance, your belly tightens up, you've you just know it wasn't your truth. Even as you speak it, there is resonance. Sometimes somebody will say something and you get goosebumps, you get these, your hair standing up on your arms, or so you might get physical resonance, you might get a resonance of when you meet somebody, like I felt deeply resonant with you when we clicked in our first comment. I just like felt it right, because that is listeners, you know, when you click with somebody, and you know their truth, even when they're not speaking it. Sometimes somebody says all the right words, and they're standing in front of you go, something doesn't feel right here. Some see our body truth precedes our mind lies our bodies that Brahman

Greg Voisen
are like that. I like that statement. I'd actually never heard that. Thank you. Our body truth exists, precedes our mind lives.

Jeanine Thompson
Yes. And it's so powerfully true. And by the way, for years, I would always listen to My Earth view mine that said, Yes, I know. I'm having GIS use. Yes, I know. I'm exhausted, exhausted and, and almost falling asleep on my computer. And you know what body? I'm going to rest after this next trip. Yeah, for 10 years. That never happened. Right? So we have inspired creativity. Listeners, how many of you have had a shower moment where it's like, that's it. How many of you were you're busy mind, you let it soften during a sunset, and empty. And while you got lost in the sunset, while you got lost in the star, or the waves of the ocean or maybe the plants on your deck if you live in a city that all of a sudden you're relaxed, and you got an inspired idea, a creative download, right? We the voice of soul speaking to us all the time. Nature speaks to us every day. Nature has so many voices. It is always sending messages to you. All right, one day I and there's pictures on my website of me Nature pitchers, I've got 1000s of them because nature's always got a message. And I was preparing for an interaction I was complaining about and dreading. And I went out to my deck and I was watering my basil leaves. And, and my basil plant, and in one of the leaves was this perfectly heart shaped cut hole just in one leap. And I always whenever I notice whatever I notice in nature, I just pause and say, what does what does this mean for me, like me to learn? I close my eyes, I listen, and I heard very clearly, you know how to find love, in everything. Go find love, be the love in this interaction. And sure enough, I went on the call. And I changed my whole tone and tenor. And I showed up with more compassion, I showed up and let him know how much I had appreciated what he had been doing. I acted like love. I offered him love that forever changed the whole course of the relationship, all because of a basil leaf. Nature,

Greg Voisen
you know? So does it does work that way. In

Jeanine Thompson
physical world, there are dreams, there are numbers, there are animals, if an animal crosses your path, or is looking at you or playing around in your yard, look up the animal totem. There's a message for you. You see life, and this universe is actually for you. And we're so busy stuck in our 70,000 thoughts. We have missed the hundreds of messages of support every day.

Greg Voisen
So true. I did an interview way back when with a gentleman on signs and symbols. All right, I so believe that you know, it. If you wake up to the hawk at the top of the tree, or the eagle that you see flying across the sky or the bird, and you ponder the significance of that in your life, or the beautiful sunset or whatever it might be, like you said the heart carved in with it, it truly does make a difference. And it is something that you can draw significance from right significance like an actions wise you can go and do. And you speak about the art of pause. So you had the pause to see the leaf as you put it in the space between where you are now and where you'll be next. Right? It's like okay, I got the leaf now, what's next kind of thing? And I think the art and the essence is staying with it. You know, I just did an interview that brought up staying in spots when you're making better decisions, actually stay in the problem longer, stay with it and resonate inside of it. You state that it will make us squirm and that will be uncomfortable. Yes. How would you advise become uncomfortable with the uncomfortable because I think for a lot of people, whether it's whatever they see whatever it is that comes in front of their desk, it they can't stay with the uncomfortable. It's like they've got to fix it. What I'm saying is sometimes staying with the uncomfortable in the state, you come up with a better solution.

Jeanine Thompson
So I think a couple of things. One, it makes sense, because we are a pain avoidant pleasure seeking society, we are taught to fix it rushed to the solve, make it go away as soon as possible. And the real art is in being with it. We need to dispel the myth that you need to fix it. I literally want your listeners to say to themselves, I am not this discomfort. I am the awareness. Aware of the discomfort. I can notice it. I can feel it. It can be sad, uncomfortable, overwhelming. And as awareness. This pain is not me. See sometimes and I've worked in a hospital for 10 years, people got so steeped in their pain stories. They thought they were the pain. And when we can learn that we can be aware of the pain. And we actually can go in and ask it questions. It's amazing what you will hear from group segments in your body. But I do think Some of this there is some cognitive strategies. I am not this discomfort I, I can, I am okay, with discomfort, I'm going to be okay. I think tactically also somatic exercises that signal safety to the body are really highly beneficial, we got to get back into our body. So if your listeners look at the palm of their hand, from a practical exercise, you'll notice in your four fingers, they're each divided into three segments. And literally in each segment, like the first segment, I want you to close your eyes and inhale. The second segment, exhale, the third segment on your pinky. Inhale, go to the bottom segment of your ring finger, exhale. Inhale, exhale, and so forth. Do 24 rounds of inhale, and exhale, we help harmonize our parasympathetic and sympathetic response. So I do believe one of the ways of getting comfortable of dealing with discomfort is doing some somatic I think Hal Meeks, but there's something significant about this one, because you'll notice it directs the energy from your mind, as you're moving from each segment, the inhale the exhale, get you some balance there. So that's important. I also think you want to give discomfort space, if you're feeling really uncomfortable, really antsy, really scared. Even go sit outside on yourself, did the discomfort, the space of nature, it's pretty remarkable. When we take our discomfort outside, what happens, it starts to feel a little smaller, you can connect with the sun and allow the rays light up your cellular structure inside, you can feel the win and ask it to soften and lighten it. But so much of discomfort, again is a myth that we don't like it. So make it go away instead of Hello, messenger. What do you got today? Bring it on? I know I'm not you. So if you have a little more strength and intensity, what do you have to say? What do you need from me? Right? What's one tiny little thing you'd like right now. And when we'd be friend, discomfort to as a voice of intelligence, and it'll move through more quickly.

Greg Voisen
Great advice, especially the part about the somatic breathing, I'm gonna call it somatic breathing. Because, yeah, that's what I would say. And, you know, your understanding of the soul, and you state this in the book is that it's the external essence, it's a subtle energy frequency, which is connected to an invisible grid of the unit of the universe intelligence. It is simultaneously your life and the life of the universe. I think there's an important element associated with the definition here. Because the listeners, hey, if you look at this, the word soul up in the dictionary, it's gonna say one thing, if you're going to look it up all over, it's gonna say something else, speak with our listeners about this energy. And that when we are in touch with it, how we transform as human beings because this is the matrix we're talking about, right? It's like this universal matrix of energy. And you've been speaking about how we're going to transform by being in touch with that vibrational poll, right? And many of my listeners know, you know, the crown chakra all the way down the chakras. We're familiar with that in the breathing techniques and the meditation, but you're actually speaking about something, which is, I'm going to say even larger than that, you know, and that has its own definition, right? Meaning, hey, I can define I can look at the crown chakra and all the way down, make sure my chakras are aligned and all that. But what you're talking about is this universal matrix, this connectivity to the one to everything. When people say, Oh, I've had this experience, Janine, I'm one with all that and right, and some people never have it in their life and then other people have it and they go, man, it was the most awesome experience I had, or the people that go do ayahuasca and they say I was one with all right. Speak with us about that, because this is an important element as far as I'm concerned.

Jeanine Thompson
Yeah. So a couple of things. Thank you for reading how I would describe Seoul. And this is what I would say to the listeners, if Seoul is an award that works for you, Tryon and Teleki. I in Teleki, is a Greek principle that says the seed of potential and realization, it is the Intel a key of an acorn seed to become an oak tree, the Intel a key of a caterpillar to become a butterfly. So first, let's not get caught up on the label. Because sometimes we'll get caught up on the label and they dismiss it. But whether you call it intelligence key, or whether you call it soul, there is an energy that I believe is who we are, it's within us. It's around us. And it is beyond us. You heard me say in the beginning, all of a sudden, I connected the dots in reverse. I thought I was cracking this code of life on my own, when I was 20. And 30. You know, doing this good by myself, Oh, my goodness, there's just no way. And thank goodness, every day for every listener out there. I know, a door has been open through another human being through another Earth Traveler. I know that there were maybe accidents you could have been in in your car, and you go, thank God, that was, you know, one I didn't encounter. We've never ever travel alone. And so it once you have that understanding, once you understand your thoughts, as Dr. Joe would say, are electrical, your feelings are magnetic. And as they interact with the quantum, you bring those very same experiences back into your body felt experience always trumps it changes everything. When we know that all that is that love is truly working for us, within around us every day, if we stop to pause to tune in, and whatever you call that great mystery of life, that field that matrix God the universe, warriors, you have no idea what you call it. It can remain nameless, in fact, nobody knows is the honest truth. But if you're willing to align with three levels of conductivity, what, who you know yourself to be? It changed who I knew myself to be? I always thought it was a human being before. And holy crap that changes the name of the game if you see yourself as only human. But if you see yourself as infinite and unlimited LIS, and even if that feels crazy big, and I'm not sure I can make that happen. What if you made 10% of your unlimited nature, commitment, come in, from energy into matter? Wow. It changes what you see in the world. Literally what you see in the world will change through the eyes of the soul, and the heart versus the eyes of the 70,000 thoughts. It changes what you know can be possible,

Greg Voisen
then this book is going to help them get there Most definitely. So I'm going to hold this up again. 911 from your soul, definitely. And Jeannine as I want to call it final question to kind of wrap everything up here for our interview. It's been an honor and a pleasure the energies which you emit. And the way in which you articulate this to listeners, I think they truly will resonate with this. But the book is filled with stories, thoughts to ponder and practices to integrate our lives. What actionable practices can the listeners take away from our podcast today that will transform their lives if they were to use them and practice them regularly. Now I noticed you know, we talked about the principles and you said hang it in the closet. I remember that or put it wherever, write it somewhere and stick it everywhere and say is this guiding my, my action right now? You know, but listen, I'll repeat them again because you have love. You have gratitude.

Jeanine Thompson
Love service gratitude. and body, heart, mind and soul. Yeah, so there's nothing in this that doesn't touch all the layers of our body, the connectivity and the energetic matrix, field grid, whatever you want to call it, okay? But a couple of things that I want to invite your listeners to one, either begin or amp up stillness. And I will tell you, if you say, if you sound like I used or you say I can, oh, my God, I mean, I'm pulling up to 300,000 miles an hour and go, go, go, go, go, I simply can't sit still, that is not true. see so much of our stories, we've just come to believe. And then we therefore have made them true. Everyone can create stillness. And I invite you to begin for 30 seconds a day. And if 30 seconds to two minutes, one hand on heart center, one on belly, and close your eyes, and breathe. And as you breathe in, feel that belly expand, and feel it contract, set your alarm clock, 30 seconds, you can do this, and you must stop the story. I can't do it. That's number one. Number two, honor yourself. I'm a beauty of the and girl. So I want everybody to practice stillness, because we need to increase stillness in our life. But we also can get still through an active run through a shower, through painting, singing, dancing, movement, you know that all of them help us soften the busy mind. Nature. I want you to ask yourself today. When you get off this podcast, do yourself a favor. This close your eyes and ask yourself 10 years from now. The highest wise, wisest version of me somehow managed to create a life that I never even could have conceived to be possible. What am I living? What am I experiencing? What am I doing? What am I saying? What am I feeling? Let's start to dream again. So many people have turned really turn down the dream faucet with all of this negativity and density and turn that dream faucet back on and let's start playing in their vibration. Do a simple scan right now is you take a look around whatever environment you're in. How does it feel? What we ingest? Whatever food it is, whatever we speak, whatever we got around us. It all has a vibration. The humans you hang out When do you leave smiling, going? Oh my god, that was so good. Gotta have more of this or just like, oh these are basic things.

Greg Voisen
The psychic vampires.

Jeanine Thompson
Make Joy dates. You see when we choose joy, like actively choose joy, it doesn't require money, something that maybe makes you giggle. Something that for me, it's sunsets, I live on a lake or anything today. It's snowing. I'm happy with that with rain by literally get a joy date on the calendar. And each day. Look for a way to fall in love with life. Turn off that news. What's one way I could fall in love with life today? Well,

Greg Voisen
they can find life by listening to their souls calling. No. And I think if they would, if there was one thing that I would say could be a takeaway, and I'll add to your three would be listen be discerning. Listen to the voice. Really take some time you said be in silence. Usually you can hear that voice the more silence you're in. Right and then you can take action on that. Take some steps do some things just like you did you almost dropped your cocktail glass in Mexico. So it's been a pleasure having you on inside personal growth. Namaste to you. And you know, I thank you for your just your great energy, your vibration, this great book. Now for all of my listeners. You're gonna go to Janine thompson.net. To learn more about her. There you're going to see information about her book or work how you can work with her resources. On making a connection with her, you can connect with her hear what her clients have to say. Truly Janine. You're a light, your love, and your blessing all of my listeners with your message 911 from the soul. Thanks so much.

Jeanine Thompson
Thank you. It's been a great honor and thank you for choosing to walk in the world and be the lighthouse, that you are like you exude love. Talk about a joy date when people spend time with you. Thank you for choosing to, to show up and shine. Just thank you.

Greg Voisen
Thank you so much. Blessings to you.

Jeanine Thompson
Yeah, likewise, babye.

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