Podcast 882: The Illuminated Brand with David Corbin

David Corbin is a very good friend and a returning guest to Inside Personal Growth.  This time he joins me to discuss his new book entitled “The Illuminated Brand: Building A Culture That Remains Brandcentric Even Under Pressure.”

In this interview, we talk about integrity, branding, relationships and in all these, his advise is to always wake the F’s up, face it, follow it and fix it. “Face the fact that you have a brand and a brand reputation, whether it’s on purpose or not. You have a brand and you have brand descriptors, wake the f up, face those brand descriptors, then follow them.”

I hope you enjoy this engaging and illuminating podcast with author David Corbin. You can learn more about David, his book and mentoring programs by clicking here to be directed to his website.

You may also refer to the transcripts below for the full transciption (not edited) of the interview.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR –  David Corbin is a Keynote Speaker, Business Adviser, President of Private and Public Corporations, Inventor, Mentor and pretty good guy…..David M. Corbin has been referred to as “Robin Williams with an MBA” because of his very practical, high relevant content speeches coupled with entertaining and sometimes side splitting stories. A former psychotherapist with a background in healthcare, he has served as management and leadership consultant to businesses and organizations of all sizes – from Fortune 20 companies to businesses with less than 1 million – and enjoys the challenges of all. He has worked directly with the Presidents of companies such as AT&T, Hallmark, Sprint as well as the Hon.Secretary of Veterans Administration and others.

“I write about what’s important to me and that which will bless and benefit others”, David M Corbin

Wed, 9/15 12:09AM • 46:56

Greg Voisen 00:00
Welcome back to Inside Personal Growth. This is Greg Voisen, the host of Inside Personal Growth. And joining me from Poway, you're in Poway this morning. Poway California, is my good friend and associate David Corbin, David, how you doing? Fantastic, thanks. Hey, doing it, Greg. I'm doing wonderful. And you know, where, as I told you before, we're approaching close to 900 podcasts now, and I'm always thanking the listeners, you know, I tell my authors, it's a broken record. But without the people that come and make comments and do whatever. It's the lifeblood of what I do. So I always thank them before I start. Now, we had David on the show quite a while ago. For his book, slaughter brand, or brand slaughter, I reversed the words, and we'll put a link up to that. And David, for those of you who don't know, has worked in the area of branding and consulting business owners for quite some time, he has many books out that you're welcome to go to Amazon and check out some of those. And I would also say just go to David corbin.com. That's David corbin.com. And I encourage all of my listeners to watch the featured Inc. Little videos that he's got up there, their little two-minute videos that are just really, really cool. But David, I'm going to let him know a little bit about you. He's a keynote speaker, business advisor, president of private and public Corporation, inventor, mentor. And he is really a good guy. He says he's a good guy, David has been referred to as the Robin Williams with an MBA, because he's very practical, highly relevant content of the work that he does. He's worked for hundreds of companies. If you go to his website, you'll see he's a former psychotherapist with a background in healthcare. He served as management leadership consultant, the business in organizations of all sizes from fortune 20 companies to businesses with less than 1 million. And he enjoys the challenge of all this work. He also worked directly with the president of companies such as at&t Hallmark spread, as well as the honorary secretary of the Veterans Administration and others. Again, go to David Corbin comm that's where you can learn more about David, and what it is that he does, speaking at at&t and working with them. You know, I you talk about brand slaughter. And I know at&t lately has been challenged, and I have them for my internet service. And it isn't a dig. But I'll tell you, it's been a challenge to get anything done. When they're gotten pretty big. So David, you know, you give a ton of acknowledgments at the beginning of the book, a lot of gratitude and one love to people that have come before you, Ben, your mentors taught you, everybody from Greg Reed to Brian Tracy, who used to work with that, let's kind of start the interview there. What did you gather in the way of knowledge, expertise and wisdom by working with some of the greatest thought leaders of all time across the country? And how did that impact the writing of this particular book?

David Corbin 03:25
I got to tell you, Greg, I, that question alone is delicious. I'll tell you, I'll tell you why. Not just because I've never been asked that question.

Greg Voisen 03:36
I'm sure you have. No, I've

David Corbin 03:37
not I've literally not in the way that you just as that I mean that. Sincerely. You know, I've invented products. As a result of what I've learned, and how I've learned, in addition, I've invented products and build companies around the things that I learned from while I was teaching, and while I was mentoring others, I mean, I was Margaret Thatcher. And I got an award presented in part by Margaret Thatcher in Maya Angelou and Tom Peters and Secretary of State James Baker. And that invention came from a collaboration and a consultation I was doing with a client. And then my current invention, which just won the healthcare innovation, international healthcare Design Award came from a collaboration with someone who I consulted with 25 years ago. And so the impact of by with and for mentors, is beyond it's beyond words. So, as you're building your business, you know, we think we're building our business not Her business is building us. And business is, of course always about relationships, relationships with others, and relationships with ourselves. Right and learning about ourselves, our bandwidth, our skills, our areas of infinite potential. And all. And so I was business partners with Brian Tracy for five years.

David Corbin 05:30
how could you be around such an enlightened being, and not learn? Even osmotically, let alone directly and strategically. I've mentored for 15 years, Greg Reed still do. And while as I mentor in areas that I have experienced and expert expertise and wisdom, I'm learning from him. So this library is a building in the back of my property. Always wanted to have a library, I have a library, not to show off books. But to read, right, from old books, Carl Sandburg, his book on Lincoln, which is signed by Carl Sandburg.

Greg Voisen 06:19
Wow. And

David Corbin 06:20
books of people that I've mentored. And they've, they've written those books. So I'm touched, blessed, and in deep appreciation, and gratitude for all of these relations.

Greg Voisen 06:34
All our relations are really an important one, you know, after going to years of meditation retreats on the orcas islands, and one of the things we will say is all our relations, and when we do our vows to the north, the South, the east, in the West, in these silent retreats, those are the things that we're doing. And it is, you know, you look at your journey through life, and you look at all the people. And I was just reflecting as you were talking about some of the people that I've been so blessed to work with as well. You know, Larry Wilson, I was thinking about him as you were talking because that big bookcase behind you reminded me when I was in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and he had to have a ladder to go through it and pull the book down. And, you know, just it goes on and on and on and on of the people. And one person that you probably know that has become very close to me, because we've helped is Quint Studer from the Studer group, and he's in the hospital administration business. So if you don't know him,

David Corbin 07:37
but I do see your interview with Quint. It was very well done. Well,

Greg Voisen 07:43
he is doing something quite interesting now. And I'll offline here, we'll get to that because I want to get to what you're doing. This is a good segue to the Reliant hospital. This is this fictional setting for the book. And, and I'd like you to comment on thinking and actually using a hospital as a fictional setting to teach a lesson on brand integrity. Now, you know, we on the outsiders in don't always get to see the bowels of the ship inside of a hospital. It doesn't matter if it's scripts or it's UCSD or it doesn't matter. But why did you choose to use this this hospital as your setting? And then also, on that note, second question. The whole pandemic situation, it's been a huge discussion for the last nine months on these podcasts and how it has affected brands, brands that have gone down, they've disappeared, right? brands that have risen to the top zoo. And I could enumerate more AMC gone theaters we're at. So what would you have to say about using this as your setting for this?

David Corbin 09:03
Many years ago, I wrote a book called psyched on service, building the total service mentality. This is many, many years ago. And then one of the Cabinet Secretaries had picked up the book or was given the book and he read it. He was the secretary of the VA. And he said, get this guy in here and get him in here now. And I went in and I consulted and then I was asked to train to speak to and train all of the directors of the VA medical centers and their chiefs of staff at the Willard Hotel in Washington DC and of course I did it was a great honor. I remember telling my mom, oh my god, I'm going to go consult with and speak for the secretary. She said Oh, that's wonderful sweetheart, who's secretary. And so I really got to know hospitals and healthcare and then because I didn't want to travel all over the place. I created a video-based training and we trained many 1000s within the VA Medical Center system. And then other hospitals who were not military, medical, VA government related had me come in. So I knew that environment and, and I've worked in and around that. Well, I know that hospitals are known by everyone. And they often don't have the greatest reputation. Oh, the doctors might. But the hospital night in some cases, the hospital night and the doctors don't In any event, everybody's had hospitals as a touch point at one point in their life. So I use this as a business novella, a background, because I love telling making points. With short stories. I think people really get it, I get them emotionally involved. And they do in my latest book, I've actually had people cry, which is interesting. I like to engage people. And when they're laughing Haha, I punch him in the belly with something serious. And when they're too serious, I tickle them in the little gut and I get them open. And I like to take people on sort of a sine wave. My friend Zig Ziglar taught me that years ago. And he's a David's sort of like a Reese's cup. He says it's a little bit sweetener, it's a little bit salty. And so rely on Hospital is its affectations hospital that I I wrote about preventing brand slaughter, which made it to the Wall Street Journal bestseller list, I think because it was an engaging story with a really powerful message and a specific takeaway, you know, how to do an audit of brand integrity. So

Greg Voisen 11:44
yeah, and you know, I remember reading the part about the hospital administrator saying, I think it was Patrick, did you hear about the virus is what they said what you said the virus No, they didn't call it the pandemic, the virus and that they said, No, we didn't hear about the virus. I thought that was really good. How you you kind of wove that in there. Yes, the virus was coming. So on the second part of that question, um, how has this in and I know, I've talked with Quint a lot offline and online, about what the pandemic has done inside the hospitals for the morale, the challenge has been the morale and the, you know, people working inside of these facilities under extremely stressful conditions. And obviously, that morale issue then affects service, it affects brand that affects a lot of things. So would you comment on that, if you would, because that was the part two of my question.

David Corbin 12:56
Yeah. We know that our staff, our customers are never going to treat our patients or our clients any better than they're being treated by management and leadership, right? know that. If there is indeed a domino effect. It may not be in economics, but it sure as hell is in interpersonal relations. There's no doubt about that. Look, pandemic comes down. And everybody's stressed out. We offer them pp. And we even had shortages. But who is giving them the E pp. The emotional, personal protective equipment? and hospitals need to know that look, in the story, the illuminated brands, when this all comes down? They're blindsided. They're, they're committing brand slaughter, you know, we know but manslaughter, but they're committing brand slaughter, but it's involuntary brand slaughter, in this case, this stuff is happening upon them. And in the book, they get together and have a committee and say, listen, we've monitor how our brand lives at each touchpoint in interaction. But with this brand, with this pandemic coming down, or potentially coming down. This is involuntary brand slaughter, what could we do to make sure that we keep our brand promise our values, concrete congruence and integrity with all of our actions, because if we don't plan on it, it ain't going to happen because it's going to get crazy. And I have a story, the reader learns how to do the illuminated brand program internally so that the reader could do it themselves. And oh, by the way, I have a division that does the illuminated brand for corporations or hospitals. or whatever. And oh, by the way they came up with in the book. Well, what can we do to create a space a sacred space for our doctors and nurses to sort of reboot, when they found this thing called a rejuvenation station, which is a video kiosk with noise cancelling headphones, and an eight to 10 minutes, they go from their crazy roles and goals down into their souls. And by the way, that's an invention of mine Rajat?

Greg Voisen 15:31
Well, you have that little kiosk. Yeah, well, but that is also you know, when you think about it, to be able to take eight minutes, and go in a booth, and come down to a soul level, because of how you treat patients, there couldn't be anything better for brand than to allow people under extreme stresses to experience. So congratulations for that invention, because I think it's brilliant. And it is much needed. You know, in chapter one, you speak about brand integrity, and the state of when the hospital was in integrity with its brand. And they were confident that they were in compliance with the highest standards in health care. Speak with our listeners about brand integrity, and why compliance is so important, because obviously the pandemic had an effect on being in compliance and brand integrity.

David Corbin 16:32
You will look integrity is everything. Yeah. Integrity isn't is everything. If, if Greg Voisen is doing podcasts as you've been doing, I think longer than any other person I know. And if Greg is designing that podcast so that the message comes out from his guests, but Greg doesn't even care about the message from the guests he cares about, look at me, look at me, that's brand integrity. I mean, brand slaughter, I should say brand integrity is asking questions, like the first question you asked me, showed me that you read the book, you give a hoot. And you want that message propagated. So all I'm suggesting is this, if a hospital talks about integrity, compassion, caring, state of the art, respect for the individual, then everything that they do in harmony with that is brand integrity. But everything they do outside of that is brand slaughter. And so when I come into a hospital, and is dirty, or it's smelly, or it's hard to get in, or I'm not greeted, or I asked a question, and I'm treated like I'm a new sensor, but

David Corbin 17:48
brand slaughter and until and unless every employee at a hospital, or even a small organization, until they do the audit of brand integrity, with a list of the brands here, and the touch points there and saying, am I living this brand, with this person? It's a hit or it's a it's a yes or no?

Greg Voisen 18:13
Yeah. And it's got to be amongst everybody, all the way down. Everybody in the organization, you know, I'm working inside a company now and I totally it kind of, you know, I drink in the elixir of what you're saying, because it's really, really important. And I hope the listeners get that, because you can't have if you're going to align. And I know you talked about culture. In one of your videos, you said I'm so tired of people talking about culture. And I agree with you. But importantly, on the other hand, it's about the relationship with the people, you know, in in your chapter, where the hospital staff were talking about the new virus. They also talked about the positive power of negative thinking and the three step process to handle the negatives as face it, follow it, fix it, that is one of your you know, you've had that for quite a while. Can you discuss the three step process with the audience and how it relates to the positive power of negative thinking?

David Corbin 19:19
Yeah, so as you know, many years ago, Wiley published a book I wrote called illuminate and it's harnessing the positive power of negative thinking clearly, you're a positive guy. Why are you reading negative thinking? It's because I've read all the positive mental attitude literature and I've shared the platform. Nowhere. Nowhere in positive mental attitude literature, does it say ignore negative issues? Right, where, you know, one time You and I were talking about melanomas and having them cut up? Well, if I see like, potentially a melanoma, well, I'm just going to put a band aid over it. I'm going to accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative Now, we say accentuate the positive, where things are great, yay. don't eliminate the negative illuminate the negative. You can't solve everything your face. But you can solve anything unless you face it. And then I teach, face it, follow it and fix it. And when I look at the client work that I've done over the last, this my 41st year, in my consulting business, when I look at the clients who were most effective, they were the ones who not only celebrated the successes, but they were willing to look at the issues that may be holding them back, face them, and then follow them. Where are they coming from? What's holding them in place now, and what happens? Follow it out into the future, if we if we don't mitigate it, and then you engage upon the process of fixing it, which is to eliminate or minimize the power. That's the face it, follow it and fix it. And I've done this in so many industries. I did it yesterday in a strategic planning session in Central California here. I've been doing it forever. I know the model. And for the viewers and listeners, what are you facing? In your business? Or in your life? I was challenged on Oprah Radio One time, does this apply to the family? And it does? What is it that you may be missing? You don't know. So think about it, that if you faced it, which you may be suppressing, you may be putting under the carpet, that if you to face it, and allow and follow it and fix it. Man, I'm telling you, sometimes these issues or challenges are like a vampire, they evaporate in the light of day.

Greg Voisen 21:55
Yeah, it's an IT, what happens is your lift, the weight is lifted off of your shoulders, you almost feel that I watched a thing I'd never seen it before. But Dr. Phil house calls, and he went to a family that was dealing with an overdose drug, overdose drug of one of the children of a mixed marriage. And everybody was blaming everybody else, I thought it was really fascinating because he showed the cameras in there and what he was doing, and it was very redeemed revealing for kind of a show like that. But whether it was played up to the camera or not. In the end, you really saw that this family was relieved by being able to talk through the issues of the death of the Son, and get through it. And I thought it you want to talk about illuminating. It was like they the last scene was on a boat where they're all together kind of hugging and talking about the young man who had committed because they were blaming one another. Right? And frequently that happens and you know, being psycho. Hmm, yeah. remindful.

David Corbin 22:58
Right, right. And there's nothing wrong with me, but I can sure see everything that's, that's wrong with that's wrong with you, you know, as a consultant, and as a mentor. That is huge. Because, you know, mentors and consultants are so focused on scanning and reviewing the issues, the lives, etc. of their client, they sometimes forget that they have a mirror. Yeah. And

Greg Voisen 23:26
I used to have a friend that used to say, you're pointing one finger out, two fingers are pointing back. He used to say that to me. And it's you know, they're such simple little statements or comments that people can make that really make a big impact. I mean, you were talking about Zig Ziglar. And I never forget what I used to go to all of his events, because I was definitely involved in marketing and sales. And he says, It's not your aptitude that determines your altitude, it's your attitude. And I'll never forget that, like, I still use it today. And I think it is still so very, very important. You

David Corbin 24:03
know, it's immutable, you know, Zig used to say to me, Dave, you imitate me better than you do. We did a test. He used to call his wife, sugar darlin. Yeah, yeah, his wife turned around, and we both took turns to see if she could determine who it was after turned around and sugar darlin. And he did the same time she turned around, she says, well, Dave, you came in second. And

Greg Voisen 24:37
it's so true. Now, you know, in this book, which we're going to put a link to Amazon, you speak about the illuminated brand program in your chapter three, to help the hospital face the virus issue. Regardless if it's virus or whatever it is, in general terms, what should our listeners learn from the program that they can apply? lessons in their lives or in their business. If it's every business, right, it doesn't matter if it's a hospital or whatever. But this, you use this setting to tell the story. It's a great setting. I have businesses right now I'm consulting, that have the same problem. So if you were speaking to anybody today, what would you tell?

David Corbin 25:22
You go, and I'm giving it away, I'm giving it away. So if you're interested, if any of this stuff is made any sense, grab a pen and a paper cuz Here you go, or record this or whatever? Or watch this video, or not? Most importantly, get this in any way shape, or form that you get this and that is this.


David Corbin 25:46
are your I call it my B ds? What are your intended brand descriptors? How do you want to be described? Let's say you're a leader, or a manager, or a supervisor or a salesperson? Or you're looking at the whole business? What descriptive adjectives Do you want to be described as, as your ibds? It's not irritable bowel does or is is intendeds, IBS, Irritable Bowel Disease, but syndrome, you want to be described? Make that list? What is your brand promise? Well, we are and we and one can only just Google it, you'll see a different brand values of many different companies, you know, how do you want to be described? What do you want people to yell over the fence so to speak to their neighbor to talk about and describe you. And then with that, you will look at all of the people in your in your life or in your business, whatever your focus is, because it really does apply to both and you simply write up you as prospects as customers as co workers is leadership. There's

Greg Voisen 27:00
then all the all these stakeholders. Yeah, all the people

David Corbin 27:06
that whether they're a stakeholder in your business or not, you have some Association. It could even be the people who office next door, anyone, anyone that you have contact with, verbally, visually or otherwise. And then you create this matrix now there's a really cool thing on the list TV, the list TV comm they did a really cool show on me and on brand slaughter. And and they did a great video, there's a comedian is the list TV and you look at brand slur, but he shows the matrix. Here's the in brand descriptors, which you can make it do it on Excel, or you could do it on paper, it doesn't make a difference just right. And then here's the touch points of the people. And you look at the intersection, and there's your bingo card to brand integrity. It's not really that simple. Now in groups, I have people look and go, Hey, where are you have a red, a green checkmark, as the song goes accentuate the positive

right there, you

David Corbin 28:11
have a red X, you don't eliminate the negative note illuminate the negative and then we break them up into groups. And then they describe where they're falling down. They illuminate it will follow it Why are we falling down? Could it could be very simple solution. And then we set SBI is right that SBI strategic brand initiatives to close the gaps to close the gap from where you are to where you want to be. And Greg, you and I know how many years ago, we talked about PGA and it wasn't Tiger Woods, it was performance gap analysis, closing those gaps with your strategic brand initiatives. And when you do your organization is focused on living the brand on brand integrity, and it creates an esprit de corps and a culture of engagement, ownership and asking ourselves, hey, are we living the brand? If so cool. If not, what can we do? And if we don't have the resources of time or money, or even know how we still put it on the flip chart, let's not lose it. That's illuminate that's brand slaughter. And that's their birth child the illuminated brand.

Greg Voisen 29:41
So if they go to your website, can they get that or should I put a link on the blog to this list? Where's that chart is that chart available? You said you're giving it away? I don't I don't know that it's

David Corbin 29:57
on the website. It might be It might be on the website. I know it's on LinkedIn.

Greg Voisen 30:03
Okay, so we can we can find it on LinkedIn, we'll, we'll put a link to that. So because that was a great way to do it, you don't. And I know you were good friends and still are with Tony Alessandra. And his name came up in a podcast yesterday with Dr. Bob Nelson, who I'm sure you know, as well. And, you know, we were talking about the Platinum rules, you know, because you're just kind of referring back to this and that. And you. I mean, you know, when you look at some of the people that have influenced you, including Dr. Tony Alessandra, and all of his quizzes and things that he created in things, it's, it's phenomenal. Now, if you would, each of the chapters, the book is engaging, we got that it's a story, it's lessons related to current situation in the country due to COVID. You talked about some of the lessons, I think the one you just shared is really good. Speak to our audience about potential brand slaughter hotspots, and its effects to brand integrity. So a

David Corbin 31:10
hotspot would be defined as being out of integrity. Now, quite frankly, many business owners or leaders, if they knew it was a hot spot.

They'd be on it.

David Corbin 31:29
But they often don't. You know, how many times have we called Martone? How many times have we called I don't care whether it's a utility. I won't mention names but I'll give you initials like at&t, you know, and we're put on hold or God someone we go through our we have to tell them our country western story about what's going on. And they tell us well, it's the wrong department. Hold I'll connect you to the right department. Are you kidding? And then we get disconnected at the executive executives audit that process Yeah, actually call and so they don't even know that brand slaughter is rampant

Greg Voisen 32:19
in their organization.

David Corbin 32:21
And they don't know it and in my opinion, they should be convicted a brand slaughter in the second degree.

Greg Voisen 32:28
So this ABI you call it a bi in the book and what an audit of brand integrity, discuss that that some of the tools techniques and practices for our listeners, because ABI look, everybody should be doing this, but they're not. The point of the book is I give you these tools. I give you these lessons now apply them. And as you said, accentuate the negative and let's fix it. Right. So I mean, if you're really down to it, it's let's fix that.

David Corbin 33:00
So yeah, doing as they call it in my client companies. Yeah, real life. Yeah, they call it in my fictional biz book, hospitals Reliant in preventing brand slaughter and in the illuminated brand. They call it the Abby. We're going to do the Abby AI wanted a brand integrity to the Abbey, where everyone goes around with a very sophisticated device called a yellow pad. And this very high tech thing called a pen. And they have their diary of time. touchpoints and they audit in their mind. Hey, am I doing it? Am I not doing it? It's not Greg playing audit brand police. Pull it over. I'm Greg Voisen I'm the sergeant the brand integrity notification that you kind of screwed up over there. What do ya know? You do this yourself and the reason you do it yourself and this is interesting.

Greg Voisen 34:06
It's almost like Undercover Boss when you think about it, but not going undercover but your own Undercover Boss Yeah, exactly

David Corbin 34:14
good at this because you have more experience under your own covers every night. You do you don't need somebody else to do it. But I've had clients tell me that when they keep their peripheral you know but the reticular activating system in the brain you open up this filters to like a red Subaru you never see one but then your neighbor gets one you see him all over the place. Well, when you open up your peripheral vision to Am I living the brand descript or am I earning the descriptors Am I living the brand? When you do that people seek and you shall find right you open the filter and you go you'll either go Holy moly, that was cool. Yay. You go, holy crap, holy, I'm going to change that. But I don't know exactly how best to handle that, because that might be a policy issue. But I'm going to write it down because it's brand slaughter. And I'm going to talk with someone in the organization, because we're all engaged in order to brand integrity. So the culture is, celebrate the success. And let's celebrate that we found an area, that we're not really doing it. And that's a celebration. Look, when we found out many years ago that we had breast cancer. Was that good news or bad news? Well, I'll tell you, it was painful news. But it was good news with regard to if we didn't know about it. She wouldn't be alive today, we couldn't have dealt with it you saying, you know, on that health? nut, you know, you talked about we should be but we're not. I mean, I sat down at breakfast this morning, with the top executive of a health care in company. And I took out my, my monkfruit maple syrup, and my big bag of supplements. And he ordered bacon, and you know, nitrates and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, but making judgments. But what I'm saying is I have illuminated years ago, you know me when I was 50 pounds heavier.

Greg Voisen 36:29
Yeah, I did, actually,

David Corbin 36:31
I have age that I was obese, I followed it. When I become a grandfather, I won't be alive or at least mobile or flexible. And I fixed it. That does take courage and discipline. But most executives don't at least even audit their brands integrity, and they allow for those calls to happen. Or they allow for the front receptionist who is the ambassador of first impression to, to either ignore them or be on a phone and not even not even look up. I mean, that's Bresler. And it's such an easy, it's such an easy fix.

Greg Voisen 37:16
Well, and much of this is, you know, being a psychotherapist, it's, I don't care if it's tiny habits, or BJ Fogg. It's really about in your case, everywhere. It's about new habits that have to be formed, to keep the consistency and the integrity. And I love the fact that it's all just done one step at a time. So when you do illuminate the negative, and like, in your case, you said you're 50 pounds overweight, I've always carried a little bit extra weight, but I'm now down. And the reality is, you know, those little habits about what you're putting in your mouth, it's very simple formula. You know, everybody makes make this real complicated, you know, calories in versus calories burned. And I know, there's a lot of controversy about all this. But the reality is, I've had enough people who help people lose weight, and then your case it's doing it, it giving them advice. And the advice can be very simple, just like you just said, Now, in chapter 13, you state that the kindness touch, and the compassionate care are two very important components in branding. And because of the pandemic, these were usually overlooked. And I would agree with you. I had a brother passed away during the pandemic at Scripps, and you couldn't get in, and he didn't have COVID. But it was so tightly restricted. You know, it was tough. What advice would you give to those on the front line, under the most pressure, about kindness and compassion coming from David Corbyn with little bit of influence from the Dalai Lama? Because the reality is, if we follow the Dalai Lama, we thought we would all be compassionate kind and understanding. And I love listening to them and I just wish the rest of the world when understand the message that he's trying to convey.

David Corbin 39:16
Let me say this to you, Greg. Yes, I am Swami Corbyn, Nanda. satchidananda, more Thai. We can't we can't give away what we don't have. We can't give away what we don't have. So if we don't show love, kindness and compassion to ourselves. We can't give it away. We could fake it. Not fake it till you make it. I think I think is more fake it till you break it because if you fake it, you're going to break compassion begins here.

Greg Voisen 40:00
Got it. I got it. I got to show you something.

David Corbin 40:04
I want to hasten to say this while you're looking and you're moving the camera to show you this, Paul, you're moving the camera

Greg Voisen 40:12
because she can add it that my next interview tomorrow, make it don't fake it.

David Corbin 40:19
And I'm saying make it don't break it. Yeah or here's what I want to say. When we talked about health, restoration, yeah, which could involve releasing weight. The greatest tips hacks or advice that I was given is self love is go inside and become connected with yourself. Will a baby Shakespeare said to thine own self be true and show follows the night the day thou canst not be false to any other. And so go inside my mentoring clients, you know, I mentor, some pretty famous people and all and I have the meditate for 12 to 22 minutes, they start them off at 12 they build up to 22 minutes until they go on their own for an hour. But the point is, is they go inside. And when you go inside and you're in touch with your quadrant at your physical self motional your intellectual, your emotional, and your spiritual. When you keep the emotional the intellectual and physical in harmony. The spiritual can steer you in the direction of greatness and equanimity and equipoise and alike. So when Swami got to be Manda, go and go inside. And if you're a healthcare worker, or if you're a high tech worker, or if you're a frontline or whether what no matter what you do, if compassion, caring, and love, which is damn good business, my buddy, Steve Farber wrote that book McGraw Hill, look, if that's important to you, it has to come from here before through heart math, you could measure it coming out of here.

Greg Voisen 42:18
Yeah, you know, it's so important that you bring this up as it relates to brand integrity, and brand slaughter. Because if people saw that, at the core essence, you said, I remember earlier, going from stress and then into your booth, getting to a soul level, at the booth eight minutes. Now you're saying you're, you're helping people meditate 12 to 24 minutes, and then on to an hour. And it's that peace that you come getting out of the whirlwind, which is what you're doing inside the hospitals, you're taking health care workers out of a whirlwind for eight minutes. And as my good friend, john Selby used to say, You're, you're giving them a breather break.

You know, there used to be there used

Greg Voisen 43:08
to be these people would say, I'm going to end in hospitals. It's really interesting. you'd walk around a hospital and see people smoking cigarettes, and I was like, How the hell could this be happening? Right? These people are out on a break, and they're walking around the building, smoking a cigarette. And they're healthcare workers. And I'm sitting here going, this is true people.

David Corbin 43:31
I worked with a company for three years, they pay me paid me lots of money to do what I used to call the marketing mentality for the healthcare professional. And I set them up for a program, that I won't tell you the name of the company, but rhymes with schmeisser permanent they then they did a program called thrive. And I told them, don't do that program. Unless you have a face of thriving healthcare workers. They're not thriving, and you're talking about thrive. That's brand slaughter. Yeah. And that was when I wrote the book, preventing brand slaughter.

Greg Voisen 44:14
Well, very, very good correlation. But again, you've linked all these together for us, which I think is really good for the listener. Obviously, we're going to tell him to go out and get the book. By the time this airs, the book will be up on Amazon. So let's wrap this up. Dave, if you were to leave the listeners with one or two single points that you'd like to have them take away from the book, what would it be and how can they integrate this advice for both themselves, and for the organizations in which they're running or working for? So in other words, if I'm the CEO great, if I'm the mid line manager, great if I'm down in the bowels of the ship, and I'm the nurse On the front line, what advice would you like to leave them with about the illuminated brand because they are the brand. Every one of those people I just mentioned because I watched your video, they are the brand.

David Corbin 45:18
Yeah, so here, here it is. Get ready editor's wake the f up. Wake the f up. If you're not effing up your business, your effing up your business. Let me explain. Face it, follow it and fix it. Wake the F 's up, face it, follow it and fix it. face the fact that you have a brand and a brand reputation, whether it's on purpose or not. You have a brand and you have brand descriptors, wake the f up, face those brand descriptors, then follow them. Are they a good witch or a bad witch and follow them as to why they're good. And follow them as to why they're sub optimal. And then set the SBI as a strategic brand initiatives, close the gaps and fix it. Wake the f up.

Greg Voisen 46:19
Great advice. So you all in that you've got three points of advice in there, which was perfect. And I didn't set that question up but you answered it fantastically. Well David, thanks for being on insight, personal growth, sharing some of your wisdom and insights about an illuminated brand slaughter the ABI and the face it and then follow it and then fix it, you know, so kudos not mistake to you. Thanks for your time this morning. I appreciate it. Thanks, Greg.

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