This is my second interview with author and entrepreneur Michael Alden.   What I love about Michael is his passion for his work and life, he truly is a trailblazer.

His new book entitled ” Blueprint to Business-An Entrepreneur’s Guide To Taking Action, Committing To the Grind, And Doing The Things That Most People Won’t” is a must-read for any entrepreneur.  Michael has had his share of ups and downs like many entrepreneurs, but he has learned from his lessons and applies the learning to make the next venture he gets engaged with just that much more successful.

Michael’s book is the ultimate guide with practical advice from a master entrepreneur who can really teach new entrepreneurs invaluable lessons.  I can really appreciate his chapter on “Doing What You Say”.  “In business and in life, always do what you say you’re going to do. Keep your word. When you tell yourself that you are going to do something, and you don’t do it, you’re doing yourself a disservice, and you’re setting yourself back. Not following through on something you said you were going to do is an absolute travesty.”

This sound advice runs throughout “Blueprint to Business” In my interview with Michael we speak about his personal life and business ventures, as well as he imparts practical and sound advice about becoming an entrepreneur.  I know you will love this lively and engaging interview with the author, entrepreneur Michael Alden.

If you want to learn more about the book click here.   You can also click here to be directed to Michael’s Facebook page. Enjoy the podcast.

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