It is very serendipitous that the publisher sent me a book titled “Skinny Liver“.  I was recently diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease also referred to as (NAFLD).  I obviously was really interested in the topic and what author Kristin Kirkpatrick had to say about the symptoms, treatment and nutrition programs to combat the disease.

What is ironic is that NAFLD’s symptoms are not something that you usually feel.  As Kristin stated the disease is the silent epidemic.  Over 30% of the American population have the disease and many probably don’t even know they have NAFLD.   It can be detected through a liver blood panel where they measure AST/ALT.  Both of these are great indicators of types of liver disease or damage.

Here are just a few factoids about your liver: 1) 96% water. 2) It is the one of the largest organs. 3) It produces bile for digestion 4) It helps you resist infections. 5) It stores and releases glucose. 5) It produces cholesterol. 6) It is responsible for regular blood clotting. 7) It clears the blood of drugs.  Needless to say it is one of the most important organs in our body.

In my interview with Kristin we discuss in depth the NAFLD disease, what causes it and how to change your diet and exercise program to help in reversing the disease.  NAFLD has connections to other diseases as well such as Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, inflammatory bowel disease and many others.  I highly recommend that you listen to our interview and listen to Kristin about how to treat and hopefully reverse the disease.

If you want to learn more about Kristin and her book “Skinny Liver” please click here to be directed to her website.  You can also visit the Facebook website by clicking here. I hope you enjoy this great interview with author Kristin Kirkpatrick.


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