Podcast 61: Why Good Things Happen to Good People with Stephen Post, Ph.D

Stephen Post Ph.DMy interview with Stephen Post Ph.D is fascinating, and the book he has co-authored with Jill Neimark, “Why Good Things Happen to Good People: How to Live a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life by the Simple Act of Giving“, is a must read.  If you are at all interested in how to live a longer, healthier, happier life, then this book should be included at the top of your reading list.

The focus of, “Why Good Things Happen to Good People: How to Live a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life by the Simple Act of Giving“, is a simple concept, but one that I believe is so misunderstood in our society.   The simple concept is that: Giving is more powerful that receiving and it has an incredible power to heal. This book does a wonderful job of weaving beautiful stories and examples from individuals who practice “giving” and the amazingly positive benefits they are receiving through the act of giving.

Stephen Post Ph.D has been making headlines by funding studies at the nation’s top universities to prove once and for all the life-enhancing benefits of giving behavior. This exciting new research shows that when we give of ourselves, especially if we start young, everything from life-satisfaction to self-realization and physical health is significantly affected. Mortality is delayed. Depression is reduced. Well-being and good fortune are increased. In their life-changing new book, Why Good Things Happen to Good People, Dr. Post and journalist Jill Neimark weave the growing new science of love and giving with profoundly moving real-life stories to show exactly how giving unlocks the doors to health, happiness, and a longer life.

The inspiring new research includes a fifty-year study showing that people who are giving during their high school years have better physical and mental health throughout their lives. Other studies show that older people who give live longer than those who don’t. Helping others has been shown to bring health benefits to those with chronic illness, including HIV, multiple sclerosis, and heart problems. And studies show that people of all ages who help others on a regular basis, even in small ways, feel happiest.

Why Good Things Happen to Good People: How to Live a Longer, Healthier, Happier Life by the Simple Act of Giving, offers ten ways to give of yourself, in four areas of life, all shown by science to improve your health and even add to your life expectancy. (And not one act requires you to write a check.) The one-of-a-kind “Love and Longevity Scale” scores you on all ten ways, from volunteering to listening, loyalty to forgiveness, celebration to standing up for what you believe in. Using the lessons and guidelines in each chapter, you can create a personalized plan for a more generous life, finding the style of giving that suits you best.

The astonishing connection between generosity and health is so convincing that it will inspire you to change your lives in ways big and small. If you want to know more about Stephen Post and this book, please click here for more information.

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