Gayle ZindaI had the pleasure of making a connection with Gayle Zinda through one of our supporting charity affiliates called Lung Cancer Alliance.  Gayle has a fascinating story of triumph over adversity for she is a survivor of lung cancer herself, and she beat the odds.

Gayle’s journey in the cancer community started long before she received her diagnosis of lung cancer. You see Gayle was an OBGYN nurse, and through a chance encounter met a woman who came into her office providing her with information about prosthetic devices for women who had undergone mastectomies.  This encounter lead to the woman giving her information about a lady by the name of Rita in Cincinnati, Ohio who owned a shop called “The Lemonade Stand-A Place to Come and Be Refreshed” which catered to women who were undergoing cancer treatments and need to get wigs, prosthetic devices, and just come to a safe place for renewal.

When Gayle met Rita, she knew something was wrong. This beautiful woman who was not to old, was walking with a cane and did not look to be in good health.  As a matter of fact when Gayle entered the door Rita said” I’ve been waiting for you. God said that if I held on long enough that my replacement would show up, and here you are.”  Well Gayle kind of thought that Rita was a little crazy.  But this encounter ended up changing Gayle’s life forever.

Gayle is now a two year survivor of the deadliest cancer! She began to travel and talk about her experiences, realizing that she had a lot to offer those whose lives have been touched by cancer. In November 2007 Gayle was asked by the Lung Cancer Alliance out of Washington D.C. to redesign her RV and do a 10 city tour on their behalf. Gayle travelled the country with her son Adam telling her story as a means of inspiring cancer patients everywhere. Gayle and Adam traveled over 5,000 miles in 30 days to bring awareness to Lung Cancer.

Today Gayle travels the country with her oldest son Adam in a 31′ Pink RV called the “Motorvator”, raising cancer awareness and “refreshing” groups around the country.

In 2008 Gayle received the Professional Business Woman of the Year Award in Madison, WI.

When she is not traveling Gayle, lives on a sparkling lake in Wisconsin with her husband, Dr. Michael Zinda, who is a Radiation Oncologist and the Medical Director of a cancer center. Dr. Zinda provides yet another perspective to add to Gayle’s arsenal on cancer.

I invite you to listen to my interview with Gayle and learn of the spiritual journey she has taken, and the adversity she has overcome.  She is funny, witty and truly a joyful person who has an inspiring story.

I hope you enjoy my interview with Gayle, and if you want to find out more about her appearances or purchase her book please click here. Gayle Zinda Home Page

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