Podcast 533: The Art of Doing with Camille Sweeney & Josh Gosfield

I recently had the pleasure of interviewing Camille Sweeney and Josh Gosfield the authors of a new book entitled “The Art of Doing-How Superachievers Do What They Do and How They Do It So Well“.  In my interview with the authors we explore some of the thirty-six superachievers they profiled in the book.  We also explore the characteristics that superachievers have in common, and the reasons for their success.

I asked questions about actress Laura Linney, Cesar Millan and Tony Hsien the founder of Zappos.  All of them has shared core principles and practices.  While all of their stories are different, the principles and practices are very similar.

I am going to list the practices/principles articulated by the authors,  for I believe this is paramount to understanding what makes each of them tic.  First, they all have extreme dedication to what they profession.  Second, they have what the authors refer to as intelligent persistence. Third, they rely on a community of support.  Fourth, they possess great listening skills.  Fifth, they are all great storytellers.  Sixth, they have a keen ability to test their ideas to determine if they are viable.  Seventh, they know how to manage their emotions.  Eight, they are always evolving their skills and abilities.  Ninth, they are patient and last they have an attitude of happiness.

The authors have articulated the takeaways from each of the thirty-six superachievers, “The Art of Doing” is a great book with wonderful stories and insights into how the super achievers think and act. If you want to learn the principles and practices of these individuals I highly recommend reading their book and listening to our podcast.  You can also check out the book website by clicking here, or visit the Facebook page by clicking here, or Twitter Feed by clicking here.

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