Podcast 532: Get Clutter Free for Life (The Weekend) Cary David Richards

I don’t know of a soul living that has not had an issue with clutter in their life.  This could be physical or mental clutter, and we are all looking for ways to organize and reduce the amount of stuff and or thoughts that are preventing us from living a life of freedom.  I know “Getting Clutter Free for Life (The Weekend)” has particular importance for me because I am needing to do a cleanse of my home for soon I will be making a move.

In my interview with author Cary David Richards about his new book “Get Clutter Free for Life (The Weekend) we discuss the psychological issues associated to attachment to our stuff, and ways to systematically release our stuff.  As Cary states the basis of this book is about learning how to live in the moment and being present, and it is challenging to accomplish this free state of being when the energy around you is stifling our creativity and freedom of expression.

Cary has a great way to approach getting rid of our clutter and stuff, he recommends categorizing (ie: clothes, electronics, furniture, pictures etc.)  and dealing with one item at a time.  Cary suggests that you take all the clothes out of your closet not just deal with one closet at a time, this approach allows you to inventory the items, and put them into the discard, give away, or keep pile.   He recommends doing this for all the categories of items you own, for this allows for an entire house cleaning, and it will accomplish it quickly.  Cary also states to do this process quickly, not drag it on for months and months–prolonging this de-cluttering process give you opportunities for excuses to keep stuff you should eliminate.  Cary does not like to refer to himself as a minimalist, but it certainly sounds like he leads a life of freedom from clutter and stuff which is the minimalist way.

If you are in the process of thinking about de-cluttering, or cleaning house I would recommend that you listen to my interview with Cary David Richard about his book “Get Clutter Free for Life (The Weekend). If you want more information about Cary David Richards you can visit his website by clicking here or go to his Facebook page just click here.  I hope you enjoy my interview with author Cary David Richards.

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