Podcast 516: The Dolphin’s Dance with Micheline Nader

Micheline Nader is an author on a mission, in her new book entitled ” The Dolphin’s Dance” she explains the importance of the power of conscious awareness.  Now while you might be saying to yourself, what is new about that–it is one thing to talk about and another to really be consciously aware and in the now every moment.  This might seem unattainable to many, Micheline offers a five step journey into becoming more self aware and make the big principles accessible.

Throughout the “The Dolphin’s Dance” Micheline weaves in her personal story and experiences, which are quite compelling.  The exercises in the book help the reader explore their inner world and expand their understanding of their emotions, beliefs and patterns that govern their behaviors and shape your identity. This is a book of practice and self -inquiry designed to transform your thoughts, beliefs that are shaping your current perception and reality of your world.  Learn about what Micheline refers to as your “Identity Signature” which obscures your true self, and through bringing it into conscious awareness, you will be able to rediscover who you really are and allow your light to shine into the world, unobstructed.

I hope you enjoy my interview with Madeline Nader about her new book ” The Dolphin’s Dance“.  If you want to learn more about her please click here to go to the book landing page, you can also connect with her via Facebook by clicking here.

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