Podcast 36: The Big Book of Small Business with Tom Gegax

Tom GegaxI first met Tom Gegax at a Spirit in Business Conference in Santa Fe, New Mexico about 9 years ago. He was one of the featured speakers at the event and I thoroughly enjoyed his subject and content of his talk. I have followed Tom off and on over the last nine years and contacted his office recently to do this podcast about his new book, “The Big Book of Small Business: You Don’t Have to Run Your Business by the Seat of Your Pants.”
Tom has quite a history as a entrepreneur having started one of the largest retail automotive tire businesses called, Tires Plus. By the time Tom sold Tires Plus to a multinational firm in 2000, it had mushroomed from a sketch on a restaurant napkin to a Midwest market leader with over 150 locations.

If you are an entrepreneur running a business of any size you are going to enjoy this podcast with Tom, because Tom knows what it’s like to run a business with over 1500 employees. Tom has learned how to get the most out of his people and run a world class organization. But more importantly, he learned through his near death experience with cancer how to put his life in perspective and focus on what is important, his own personal growth. Resolved to turn things around, he improved his mental clarity, health and relationships. He noticed that the more he profited on a personal level, the more his company profited. His big lesson from cancer was the challenge as to how he would become more of an “Enlightened Leader”. What he learned was that the more he focused on the well-being of his employees and customers,(as well as his own well being), than naturally his own success followed.

I would like you to set back, relax and learn from a very wise businessmen. Tom will share his insights into the hard learned lessons as to becoming an enlightened and effective leader and on how to do the small things right so the big decisions work.

If you are interested in learning more about Tom and his seminars, workshops, books and CD’s please visit his web site Gegax Management Systems by clicking here.

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