
Tobin BlakeI recently had the pleasure of conducting an interview with author Tobin Blake.  His new book entitled “Everyday Meditation-100 Daily Meditations” is a wonderful book providing the reader with great techniques to “drop in” to a meditative state.

One of the issue we discussed during our interview, and is probably on the mind of many of my listeners is the concept of “the waterfall of thoughts”  I know that personally when I go to meditate that “the waterfall of thoughts” are frequently there.  You know the to-dos, and why am I taking this time to meditate, I have more important things to attend to. Tobin’s advice is really simple, and one that most meditation teacher recommend, let the thoughts flow–just be with them they are a natural part of who we are. Once we let them go they finally evaporate, and we can quickly find ourselves in a blissful state of connection with the Universal Energy-Aha!!!!

Tobin states in his book “Everyday Meditation” that meditation is a conscious act of turning around and facing inward.  I personally love this analogy about meditation, it certainly is a method to help us turn within, be with our breath and take a deep journey into a relaxed state leading to calm, radiance and love.

Tobin refers to taking this journey as making the connection to our core self. He says that our core self does not ask for much, in fact it requires only one ting, which is absolutely essential.  It asks that you love it and want to experience it above anything else–at least for one perfect instant.  Your own sincere desire, in your command alone, is the only force that can rejoin your awareness with your core, because desire is the active agent of the single most powerful thing in the physical univers–your will.

Tobin’s new book “Everyday Meditation” has lots of food for thought, and exercises to improve our meditation practice.  You can open his book up almost anywhere and receive the wisdom you need for the day.  It has 100 insightful meditations for your health, stress relief and everyday joy.


I hope you enjoy my interview with author Tobin Blake and if you want more information about Tobin please click here to be directed to his website.

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