Brian AlmanI was introduced to Brian Alman through a very good friend just about a month ago.  She recommended that I do an interview with Brian about his new book entitled ” The Voice: Overcome Negative Self-Talk and Discover Your Inner Wisdom.”   I was very impressed with Brian, and the message that he delivers through his book.

What you will find out about Brian during our interview is that the techniques he teaches to reach deep within and find your true authentic voice are truly amazing.  Brian was trained by one of the leading experts in the business Dr. Milton Erickson, and what Brain learned while under the tutelage  of Dr. Erickson truly transformed his life both emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Brian is now teaching what he learned from Dr. Erickson to thousands of patients, and obtaining amazing relief from pain and suffering in all areas of their lives.  What Brian knows is that it is not the difficulties themselves but our repression of our feelings that elevates our stress to dangerous levels.  As Brian states stress is the leading cause of 60-80% of all doctors office visits.  Also “chronic stress” caused by ” adverse childhood experiences” in the family is far more prevalent than most medical doctores believe, and is highly correlated with a whole host of physical and emotional problems later in life

Brian teaches the ” Find Your Voice” process that is based on a three step .   First, he says stop trying to get rid of your challenge.  That never works and is even counter-productive–the harder you try to fix yourself, the stronger your challenge becomes.

Second, you need to learn how to constructively deal with your Inner Judge, that self-critical voice in your head that’s quick to blame you and punish you for your mistakes and imperfections.  Third, as you experience and engage positively with all your pain and negativity–as you embrace all of the thoughts, feelings, and self-criticisms that are driving your challenge–you find yourself spontaneously developing a new and more loving relationship with yourself.

Brian’s book “The Voice” is simple yet provides the reader with a process that will allow you to get rid of the “negative self-talk” while getting you in touch with your authentic inner voice.  I know that reaching that place where we can hear, listen and actually utilize the guidance of this voice is where we make decisions in our life that change us forever.  I know you are going to enjoy my interview with Brian Alman about his new book ” The Voice“.


If you would like more information you can go to Brian’s website by clicking here, or watch a YouTube video on ” The Voice” by clicking here.  Enjoy listening to author Brian Alman.

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