Andreas MoritzI recently conducted an interview with Andreas Moritz about his book entitled “Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation, and was so impressed with his other books, and we decided to do another podcast.

In my interview with Andreas we discuss his new book entitled ” Lifting the Veil of Duality“. This topic is certainly something that will be debated, and probably misunderstood but Andreas sheds light on this subject and makes it very easy for us to understand.

As Andreas states in the books “We are all on the same journey of discovery, searching for that special place, the Divine Moment (known as the state of grace) where judgment has no value or meaning, where we are free of fear and resistance, beyond desire and its fulfillment. It is a quiet place: a unified state of silence where opposites meet and merge their differences. Untouched by the turbulence of thoughts and activity, it is here that you can truly be who you are, and be Love. The Divine Moment, which is a field of all possibilities, is not held back by the past and it is not plotted into the future. It is free and ever-present, at each segment of time. In this sacred place, you are at peace with yourself and at peace with your world. The very moment you enter the state of grace, (a state of non-separation) you are complete.

In my interview with Andreas we discuss this concept of separation, and how important understand the role it plays in making our world so disjointed.  It is the concept of separation that leads us to judgment which in turn leads to feeling so anger, resentment and hostility.  All of these emotions leading to a never ending state of dis-ease, which leads to disharmony and illness.

In your truest essence, you are beyond all the images and beliefs of the mind. Now the time has come to honor, respect, and accept the opposing aspects of life, enter a state of willing acceptance and take your first steps into the field of non-judgment where freedom dawns, the freedom to be yourself with all your power and glory.

If you would like to be released from judgement and understand how your mind assists you in creating this endless separation and the duality that we live in, then please read Andreas Moritz new book ” Lifting the Veil of Duality“.  It is possible to live in a state of bliss, happiness, joy and acceptance.  Andreas will assist you in learning how to let go, and become one with all living beings.  For more information please visit Andrea’s website by clicking here.
Enjoy this great interview with a wonderfully wise author and counselor–Andreas Moritz.

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