Mingtong Gu

I recently had the wonderful opportunity to be introduced to Mingtong Gu, a Qigong master from the San Fransisco Bay area, who has has his training directly from the Grandmasters in China.  Mingtong is a very humble man, my intuition told me as we delved deeper into the interview, that he is extremely balanced, and has a very deep spiritual connection.  It is articulated through his voice and in the  deliberateness of the language he uses in explaining the concepts of Qigong.

Some of you might be aware of what Qigong is, but when you hear the amazing stories that Mingtong tells me about healing, as well as watch the video testimonials at his website,  it is a real testament to the practice of Qigong, this ancient form of connecting to the energies of the Universe.

Mingtong explains that as we go through the movements of Qigong and align our energy with that of the Universal source, we will experience personal healing at all levels.  Qigong can be used as a practice to balance our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual energies for improved levels of  healing.

Qi (Chi) means “life energy” and gong means “cultivation and its benefits.” Qigong, an ancient technology and revitalized science of energy healing, has developed through more than 5000 years of Chinese history. Through gentle movement, visualization, sound, breathing and conscious intention, the ancient practice of Qigong energy healing dynamically restores the life energy and creative power within oneself. As the underlying causes of life’s challenges are released, you reconnect with the universal source and bring new and vital energy streams into the flow of life. With this practice, you amplify a web of positive changes for you, your loved ones, and planet Earth.

If like most people in our fast paced world of today, you are looking for a way to reconnect, slow down and revitalize your body, mind, and spirit, then utilizing the practice of Qigong would be a wonderful way to get started.

I recommend that you listen to and visit Mingtong’s website “The Chi Center“.  His website is loaded with video’s and will provide you with a deeper insight into the many benefits of Qigong.  Enjoy this wonderful interview with Mingtong Gu.

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0 comments on “Podcast 226: Sound Healing Technologies with Mingtong Gu

  1. Dragon Rinpoche Oct 14, 2010

    Still awaiting moderation??? or is this censorship?? or what?

    • Dear Dragon Rinpoche,
      I appreciate your comments, and believe it might be best if you send an email directly to Mingtong Gu. His email address is chicenter@gmail.com. He and I spoke about your concerns, and he would like to hear from you direct. I hope that you will contact him for maybe you can iron out some of your differences. I welcome being the conduit in this matter, and please feel free to email me direct at greg@insidepersonalgrowth.com
      In Spirit,

    • Dragon Rinpoche, I hope that you will reach out to Mingtong Gu direct. His email address is chicenter@gmail.com. He and I spoke yesterday and he welcomes your email, and will reply.
      In Spirit,

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