Daniel G. Amen M.D.I have had the personal pleasure of having met Dr. Daniel Amen on several occasions, and I am here to say that he is the real thing.  What I mean is that he practices what he preaches.

In his new book entitled, “Change Your Brain, Change Your Body”, he explains why your brain is the most important instrument to master if you are going to control your weight. I know that this all sounds simple, and you might be saying to yourself I don’t need to read a book to tell me that I need to learn how to control my impulses to control my weight, but believe it is more than just learning how to control your impulses.

In my interview with Dr. Amen we discuss what causes cravings, and improves energy and sustains your ability to loose weight and keep it off.  As Dr. Amen states your brain is involved in everything you do, and when your brain works right your body looks and feels better.  You literally are what you eat. Throughout your lifetime, your body is continually making and renewing its cells, even brain cells. Your skin cells make themselves new every thirty days. Food fuels cell growth and regeneration.  What you consume on a daily basis directly affects the health of your brain and body, and proper nutrition is the key.  Dr. Amen states that if you have a fast-food diet, you will have a fast-food brain, and an overweight body.

Here are the (11) Rules for Brain-Body Healthy Nutrition:

1) Drink plenty of water, some green tea and not too many calories.

2) Watch your calories.

3) Increase good fats and decrease bad fats.

4) Increase good carbs and decrease bad carbs.

5) Dump artificial sweeteners and replace them with small amounts of natural sweeteners.

6) Limit caffeine intake.

7) Eat great brain foods.

8)  Reduce salt intake and increase potassium intake.

9) Plan snacks.

10) Take a daily multivitamin/mineral supplement and fish oil.

11) Recognize if you or someone you care about has hidden food allergies.

I highly encourage my listeners to obtain a copy of Dr. Amen’s new book, “Change Your Brain, Change Your Body“.   This book truly can change your life if you choose to implement the strategies that Dr. Amen so articulately lays out for the reader.

For more information please visit the Amen Clinic website by clicking here.  Enjoy this interview with a truly knowledgeable author on how your brain effects your body and what you choose to put in it.

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