David M. CorbinWhat a kick it was to interview my good friend David Corbin. David is an amazing man who has been a mentor of mine for many years. I first met David in the offices of Brian Tracy in Solana Beach, CA. David was the marketing manager for Brian Tracy, and he exuded charisma, vivaciousness and a wonderful energy that you just wanted to be around. I immediately resonated with David and from that day some 10 years ago we have been good friends. Like many good friends, you don’t have to speak often, and it seems that when you pick up your conversations with one another that it was as if you had never missed a beat.

I choose to to do this podcast with David because he was the Executive Producer of a recently released, great inspirational film called,” Pass it On“. This wonderfully researched film features over 60 legends in the personal growth industry such as, Brian Tracy, Les Brown, Charlie Tremendous Jones, Mark Victor Hansen, Dennis Waitley and many others. These modern day masters share their inspirational stories which are designed to get you thinking about how you can transform your life in a positive way. As is stated at the Pass it On web site, it is the action behind the attraction that helps you make your dreams come true. I could not have said it any better than that! It is the action that you put behind your intentions that will create the manifestation of your dreams.

The master minds behind “Pass it On” state that it is more than a movie, it is a movement. The viewers that are inspired by the legends in this movie can join communities of support, along with others who are working on personal mastery and share their dreams and passions. I think that David and all the others who had a hand in the creation and production of this movie deserve a round of applause! We need more inspiring and educational movies like this one.

In the podcast with David, I get to ask him many questions about why they made this movie and what the intentions were behind it. I think you will enjoy our dialogue for it will provide you with amazing insights into the movie, movement and the people behind, Pass It On.

I encourage you to visit the Pass it On web site and check out the trailer as well as David Corbin’s web site, I think you will be pleased that you did.

Just click on the links above to access their respective sites and to download the free eight (8) minute trailer of “Pass It On.”

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