I recently interviewed Pamela Slim the author of “Escape From Cubical Nation”.  If you have been thinking about breaking away from the corporate life and doing your own thing, then you will certainly want to read and learn from someone who has coached many in making the shift.  Pamela knows from personal experience for she made the shift, and knows first hand the mental and emotional shifts that one has to go through to make the to move to being an entrepreneur.

Pam cites many reasons for people moving to becoming solo entrepreneurs and here are just a few: 1) corporations have had lots of changes over the last 20 years and many have become fundamentally difficult places to work. 2) Some people are just not cut out to work in large corporations.  No matter what the reason if you are considering the move, then it would be highly recommended that you read Pam’s book “Escape from Cubical Nation”.  If you have any fears or trepidations which would be natural, one thing would be remember what is you happiness worth?

Pam help you navigate your fears, thoughts and mental challenges as you face the transition and her advice comes from years of coaching people through the process successfully.

If you would like to learn more about “Escape from Cubical Nation.” Please watch the interview below that Pam did on a local television station.  Our click here for a link to her Facebook page, or here to be directed to her website.

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